Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2459 Meeting an opponent

Chapter 2459 Meeting an opponent

"Catch...catch! That ice girl actually caught Miss An's palm easily!"

"Even the powerful Saint Emperor who suppressed his level to the level of God of War was unable to catch Miss An's palm. Unexpectedly, the ice girl in front of me actually caught it!
  "It's not the most important thing that she caught it. The most important thing is that she caught it so easily. She just stretched out a palm and caught Miss An's attack without going all out. This is simply incredible."

"This ice girl is so strong, no wonder she dares to come on stage to challenge!"

"I saw this girl stretching out a hand to resist Miss An's attack before. I thought she was going to be in trouble, but I didn't expect that the next second she hit me hard in the face."

"Seeing how easily this ice girl resisted, it seems like she has a chance to challenge Miss An."

"Yes! With this strength, maybe we can see a big battle later."



Seeing Binglian easily resisting An Huanlan's attack, everyone present was surprised and started talking.

the other side,
  Tang Yi was also slightly stunned when he saw this scene.

Then he curled up his lips and thought to himself: "No wonder Lian'er dares to challenge on stage. It turns out that her talent is so powerful."

Isn't it?

When Tang Yi and Bing Lian separated, what strength did Bing Lian have?
  I'm afraid I have just started practicing and reached the level of a combat master.

However, we haven’t seen each other in just over a year,
  Today, Binglian has been promoted to the level of God of War.

Moreover, he also possesses super-top strength at the God of War level!
  This kind of talent is unique.

If Tang Yi didn't have a system,
  I'm afraid it can't even compare to one of Binglian's fingers.

"It seems like Lian'er really has a chance of defeating that An Huanlan."

Before I knew Binglian’s strength,
  Tang Yi was still worried about Binglian,

Afraid of her getting hurt.

However, after knowing Binglian's strength, Tang Yi was still worried.

But the difference is,

After knowing Binglian's strength,

He was a little worried that Binglian would win.

If Binglian wins,
  Then the situation is complicated.

What should An Huanlan do?
  You can't really marry Binglian, right?

In the arena.

An Huanlan was also very surprised that Binglian caught her attack.

An Huanlan didn't expect it at all.

The woman in front of her wearing a hat and veil actually has such strength.

At the God of War level, he is actually so powerful.

Even more powerful than the previous Saint Emperor.

This is something An Huanlan didn't expect at all.

After being promoted to the God of War, among the same level,
  An Huanlan has never met any opponent!
  As long as they are of the same level, she can easily defeat them.

Even if she is a saint-level powerhouse, as long as she suppresses her strength to the level of God of War, she can easily level up!
  Although she is still at the level of God of War,
  But in terms of strength,

Has completely reached the holy level,
  It even surpasses the saints and saint masters, and is comparable to the level of the great saint master!
  Jumped through several stages!

An ordinary great sage,
  With her current strength,

It can also be defeated easily!
  Her strength has spanned so many stages. With such strength, who is her opponent at the same level?

But what I didn't expect was.

Now, an equally powerful God of War has appeared.

And this opponent of the God of War at the same level,
  He was able to easily resist her palm.
  This was something she never expected.

Looking at Binglian in surprise, An Huanlan said: "It seems that I underestimated you. I thought you would be knocked out of the ring by my palm, but I didn't expect that you resisted it, and you resisted so well. It's easy. But don't be too happy. I only used 30% of my power just now. In the next two attacks, I will gradually increase my power. I'm afraid it won't be so easy for you to deal with it!"

"You just take action!"

Binglian said lightly.

He seemed very calm and confident.

"Okay! Then you have to pay attention!"

An Huanlan said and took action again.

In her previous attack, she only used 30% of her power. This time, An Huanlan increased her power again, using at least 80% of her power.

Eighty percent of An Huanlan's strength was more than enough to defeat the mysterious woman in front of him.

But what she didn't expect was!
  Faced with this blow, the mysterious woman opposite actually didn't take it seriously at all!
  Still didn't go all out.

She still casually stretched out a palm,
  Want to block with one palm?
  This is too disrespectful!

Seeing this scene, An Huanlan's face turned cold, and the strength in her hands increased by one point!
  Waves of terrifying power gathered in her hands.

Originally, An Huanlan only used 80% of her power.

But after seeing Binglian’s reaction,
  An Huanlan suddenly increased her strength by another 10%.

That is to say!

The power used in this strike reached 90%!
  An Huanlan's 90% power is very terrifying.

Warriors at the level of God of War cannot resist it at all.


An Huanlan blasted out with a palm, the arena shook, the sound was violent, and power surged.

This applause was appalling,
  Such a terrifying and terrifying palm hit Binglian, but was firmly caught by Binglian again.

It’s still the same palm,
  Still as stable as Mount Tai,

Still an easy gesture.

Binglian easily received An Huanlan's powerful palm.
  Even if An Huanlan increases her strength,
  Even though An Huanlan's expression had become extremely serious at this moment.

Still to no avail.

Although Binglian's face is hidden under the bamboo hat and veil,

But she could still feel the ease with which she received the palm.

Feel her calmness.

"One more trick."

After receiving An Huanlan's palm, Binglian said calmly.


Seeing this scene,
  An Huanlan finally showed a look of shock and disbelief this time.

After all, she used 90% of her power in this palm.

Ninety percent of the power was actually easily resisted by the opponent.
  How could she not be shocked by this?
  How to believe it.

An Huanlan was not surprised that the opponent was able to receive the previous palm.

After all, she had only used 30% of her power before.

Taking a palm with 30% of her strength,
  This proves nothing.

It also doesn’t explain how strong the opponent is.

But now 90% of the power is easily taken over by the opponent.

This is very telling.

This can also be seen,
  How powerful is the opponent's strength.

After seeing that the opponent could even resist a punch with 90% of his strength,
  this moment,
  An Huanlan became more serious than ever.

His expression was also full of unprecedented solemnity.

This time, she met her match.

She has never met an opponent since she was a child.

In other words, he has never encountered an opponent at the same level.

Others may be of higher rank than her,
  Maybe it's longer than the years she has been practicing.

But it's not better than her!

At least at the same level, no one is better than her.

As long as she advances to a level, she will be invincible within this level.
  He is the king,
  Just unrivaled.

But it's different now.

Now at the same level, she encountered a very terrifying opponent.

A bottomless and terrifying opponent.

(End of this chapter)

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