Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2460 Get ready to be my wife

Chapter 2460 Get ready to be my wife

"It seems that I still underestimated you. You are very good, but if you want to defeat me, your strength is far from enough."

An Huanlan said towards Binglian.

"Really? Then let's try and see if I'm good enough."

Binglian responded with a smile,

Although her entire appearance is hidden in the bamboo hat,

You can't see her smile at all.


Through the strong confidence in these words, you can completely feel that she is smiling.

"Very good, now let me see if you can take my last move!"

An Huanlan said, attacking Binglian for the third time.

It’s the same palm.

But the power

But it was turned upside down,

Improved more than dozens of times!
  This time, An Huanlan used all her strength to attack Binglian.

It has to be said that at the God of War level, An Huanlan is indeed extremely powerful.

The power of his full-strength attack was terrifying, comparable to that of a powerful person at the Holy Spirit level.

Even if he encounters a strong man at the level of a Saint King, he will probably have to take him seriously.

Otherwise, you will suffer a lot of harm.

A mere God of War, but capable of performing attacks comparable to the level of the Holy Spirit.
  It can be seen how terrifying An Huanlan's strength is.

that's it,
  An Huanlan went all out,
  Executing a powerful attack comparable to that of a Holy Spirit level powerhouse,

A palm struck Binglian.

this moment.

An Huanlan didn't believe Binglian and dared to look down upon her.

She didn't believe that Binglian dared to resist with just one palm.

However, what An Huanlan didn't believe was what happened.

Unexpectedly, when An Huanlan attacked with all his strength, Binglian in front of him actually stretched out a palm.

His expression remained calm.

Full of contempt.

It seemed that An Huanlan's all-out blow was not taken seriously at all.

So arrogant?

Seeing this scene, An Huanlan was furious. She gritted her teeth and tightened the strength in her hands.

The whole person also burst out with a powerful momentum.

After feeling Binglian's contempt, An Huanlan suddenly increased her power again!

An Huanlan's furious attack hit the target accurately.

It caused a huge noise.


All the might, all the power,

But it was blocked by a small hand.

The little hand is slender and white,

Smooth and tender.

It was such a small hand that blocked An Huanlan's powerful blow.

He easily blocked her palm.

As before.

Binglian not only blocked An Huanlan's attack,
  And it's extremely easy.

The clouds are calm and the wind is gentle,


The whole person's posture is elegant and indifferent.

"So strong!"

Seeing this scene, everyone present was in an uproar again.

Everyone was shocked by Binglian's power.

There are many warriors with a higher level than Binglian present.

There are also many talented people.


A warrior who can exert such powerful combat power at the level of God of War,
  But there is none!

You know An Huanlan's strength at the God of War level, which is very powerful.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for a Saint Emperor level powerhouse to challenge her. However, such a powerful existence.

The attack he unleashed with all his strength was resisted by Bing Lian Feng Qing Yun Dan.

This shows how powerful Binglian is.

Everyone originally thought that An Huanlan was invincible.

No one can compete with An Huanlan.

But after seeing Binglian,
  Everyone suddenly felt that... An Huanlan was not that strong.

The woman in front of her named Bing Lian seemed to have a high chance of defeating An Huanlan.

"I caught three moves. Does that mean I am now qualified to compete with you?"

After resisting An Huanlan's attack, Binglian said with a smile.


An Huanlan glanced at Binglian slightly, her expression solemn as never before.
  Of course, although she was already a little wary in her heart, An Huanlan still said stubbornly: "Don't think that you can defeat me if you can catch me in three moves. At the level of God of War, I have no opponent. You can catch me in three moves." Recruitment is just a matter of gaining the qualification to fight me."

"Really? No opponent?"

Binglian couldn't deny it and said with a smile: "Whether I can beat you or not, we have to fight to know. But I think you should be my wife obediently. In this way, maybe you can avoid the physical pain."

Hearing this, An Huanlan frowned, feeling extremely unhappy.

After all, the other party is too arrogant.

An Huanlan has never encountered such an arrogant woman.

Before that, she was the most arrogant woman here.

Any woman can only grovel and feel ashamed in front of her.

But at this moment.

There was actually a woman who was more arrogant than her.

How could she endure this?
  For a moment, An Huanlan's competitive spirit also rose, and she said coldly: "You go ahead! If you can beat me, then it doesn't matter if I am your wife!"

Binglian's eyes brightened slightly and said, "This is what you said!"

"Of course I said it. Once a word is made, it is hard to keep it back. I, An Huanlan, will never break my promise." An Huanlan said boldly.

"Okay, then I'm going to take action? Are you ready?"

Binglian asked.

Before, An Huanlan had always asked others if they were ready.

That tone,

That kind of demeanor.

Higher and higher.

It's like asking a pig,

Are you ready to be slaughtered?

She has always been standing on top,

Gain the upper hand.

But now.

The situation suddenly reversed,
  Binglian on the stage became even more powerful,
  Also more proactive,

He immediately gained an advantage in momentum.

All of a sudden, the question came out with such pretentious and condescending words.

Hearing others say what she just said, An Huanlan felt very aggrieved and unhappy.

In my heart, I felt very unhappy and dissatisfied.

  Why should the woman in front of me learn to speak for herself?

Why do you say this to yourself?

An Huanlan doesn't think anyone at the God of War level can be her opponent!

I don’t even think that this mysterious woman named ‘Binglian’ is in front of me.

You can beat yourself!
  Hearing Binglian's words, An Huanlan was very angry, and a desire to win filled her mind.

He kept telling her that he must teach the woman in front of him a lesson and let her know who is the overlord of Red City's God of War.

Let her know who is the most beautiful and powerful being here.

"Come on! I'm ready."

An Huanlan gritted her silver teeth and said.

His eyes were full of seriousness and earnestness.

Due to the desire to win or lose, An Huanlan was more serious at this moment than before.

And once An Huanlan gets serious, she is also extremely terrifying at the God of War level!

But seeing An Huanlan becoming serious, Binglian smiled slightly and said, "Then I'll take action. This sister An, get ready to be my wife!"

As he said that, Bing Lian's petite body moved, and his shadow was like a frightening lightning, shooting straight at An Huanlan.

(End of this chapter)

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