Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2461 I am not your husband

Chapter 2461 I am not your husband

Binglian's speed was very fast, and beautiful shadows were formed as he moved.


I saw that she also pinched a palm,
  It blasted towards An Huanlan.

An Huanlan used his palm before.

Binglian also uses his palm at this moment!
  The same.

It's as if he wants to repay others with his own methods.

And Binglian's palm,
  It looks ordinary,
  It's not a special method,

It's not a special martial skill.

And just,
  It's just an ordinary palm shot with strength.

However, just such a palm,
  But it exploded with extremely terrifying power.

This palm,
  The momentum exuded is extremely strong,
  The momentum alone is comparable to that of a Saint King level powerhouse.

The power contained above is extremely boundless.

Even a strong person at the Saint King level could feel it.
  That was also terrifying.

Feeling the terrifying aura exuded from Binglian's palm,
  An Huanlan's beautiful eyes froze slightly, and her expression became more solemn than ever before.

She did not dare to underestimate or neglect Bing Lian's attack.

I saw An Huanlan concentrate, gather strength, and deal with it seriously.

She became more serious than ever before.

Treat Binglian as a lifelong enemy.


Facing an unprecedentedly powerful enemy,
  In the case of huge power gap,
  Can you cope with it if you take it seriously?
  Not always.

After all, you have to know who is the opponent in front of An Huanlan?

That's Binglian!

And who is Binglian?
  That was the sixth lady of the Bing family in the World God Realm, and she had obtained the Bing family's true heritage.

At the same time, she is also the direct disciple of Kaiou and has obtained the true inheritance of Kaiou.

With so many strong backgrounds and powerful backers,
  Although she is also at the God of War level, her strength is extremely terrifying.

Level-up challenges are a no-brainer.

Even against warriors above the Saint level,
  Even a strong man at the level of a Saint King,
  As long as these warriors are not powerful heritage warriors,
  There is not a very strong backend,

Binglian can deal with it.

Of course,
  After all, Bing Lian is the sixth lady of the Bing family and the direct disciple of the King of the Realm.
  If you don't have any ability, if you can't crush your peers,
  If you are unable to skip the level challenge,

How else could she be the direct disciple of the King of Kai?

So, how could An Huanlan be her opponent?
  Do you want to block Binglian's attack if you deal with it seriously?
  This is simply a fantasy.

I saw Binglian's palm coming,
  An Huanlan also waved a palm to greet him.
  I want to use force to defeat force.

However, palm to palm, the white and slender palms of both sides collided.


An Huanlan's body was seen flying backwards quickly.

An Huanlan's body flew out of the ring without even taking a breath to block it.

Like a sandbag, it fell to the ground.

The competition only started for a few breaths, and after only one fight, it ended in an instant.

This competition ended very quickly.

From Binglian's attack to An Huanlan's fall into the ring, it only took a few breaths.

The competition ended so quickly, and none of the spectators present reacted.

Until An Huanlan fell into the ring for a moment,
  Until everyone saw Bing Lian standing proudly on the stage, wearing a bamboo hat and veil, looking extremely mysterious.

Only then did they all reflect,

Understand that the competition is over.


"Miss An, are you losing now?"

"This...who is this ice girl? She is too powerful!"

"Originally, I thought An Guangniang was strong enough at the God of War level. I didn't expect that the mysterious ice girl in front of me was even more powerful than Miss An. She defeated Miss An with just one blow."

"Is this true or false? Miss An is already so strong, is there anyone stronger than her?"

"Before, even warriors at the Saint Emperor level were no match for Miss An! We all know how powerful Miss An is, but we didn't expect that she would be defeated by this mysterious ice girl. This is simply unbelievable."

"One blow, just one blow to defeat Miss An. This is too exaggerated." "Being able to beat Miss An is not the point. The point is that she actually won so easily."

"They are both the God of War, how come Ice Girl is so strong?"

"It's not just a day or two since Miss An set up the ring here. I didn't expect that she was defeated today."

"Miss An defeated a strong person at the level of the Saint Emperor. Now that Ice Girl has defeated Miss An, what is the strength of this Ice Girl?"

"Now we have a good show. Miss Bing defeated Miss An. Doesn't that mean..."


Everyone was talking about it,

No one expected that An Huanlan would lose.

I didn't expect Binglian to be so powerful.

Don't say that the audience present didn't expect it,
  Even An Huanlan himself didn’t expect that.
  After falling into the ring, she looked confused and had no idea how she lost.

Obviously his strength is not weak.

Obviously his attack is also very strong.

Obviously he can fight with the opponent.

However, that's the case.

She still lost.

Lost inexplicably,

Losing extremely completely.

This made An Huanlan confused and unwilling.

Especially, the other party is still at the same level as myself!

And this opponent, like her, is still a woman.

Lost to the same level, also lost to the same sex,
  This was the most unbearable thing for her.

Today can be said to be the day when her confidence has been hit the hardest.


So what if I can’t stand it?

So what if you are unwilling?

If you lose, you lose.

If you can't beat it, you can't beat it!

There's not much to say about that either.

There is no excuse.

"I lost. I am willing to admit defeat. No matter you are a man or a woman, no matter who you are, in the future, you will be my husband and I will be your wife."

An Huanlan said to Binglian on the ring.

Although An Huanlan was very unwilling, she was also very frustrated at the moment.

However, the attitude of admitting defeat is still very sincere.

There was absolutely no intention of cheating.

Losing is losing, winning is winning, the whole person is very generous.

However, after hearing An Huanlan's words, Binglian shook her head and said, "No. I am not your future husband, and you are not my wife."


An Huanlan looked at Binglian in confusion, not understanding what Binglian meant.

Didn’t you just say that you wanted to marry yourself home?

Why isn't it happening now?

Are you kidding me?

"Didn't you beat me? Why are you not my husband?" An Huanlan asked in confusion.

"Sister An, it's true that I won you, but winning you doesn't mean that I will be your husband. Moreover, how can I, a female-born person, become your husband?" Binglian said with a smile.

"Huh? Miss Binglian, I don't understand what you mean. You said you wanted to... and you said you wanted to marry me before, and now you have defeated me, why are you not my husband? Are you just making trouble? Just for fun??”

An Huanlan frowned and her face became a little ugly.

Hearing this, Binglian immediately explained: "No, of course I'm not joking. The reason why I said I'm not your husband is because..."


Before Bing Lian could finish his explanation, he saw a group of people coming from mid-air and landing on the ring.

(End of this chapter)

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