Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2462 I’m here to take part in the competition to recruit a bride on my husband’s behalf.

Chapter 2462 I’m here to take part in the competition to recruit a bride on my husband’s behalf.

After this group of people landed on the ring,
  I saw one of them, a middle-aged man wearing gray clothes and a white beard.
  Constantly looking at the arena and the situation around it,

After seeing Binglian on the stage,

The middle-aged man frowned slightly.

And if you look carefully, this middle-aged man in gray clothes and brocade robes have some similarities with An Huanlan.

Is it a relative or relative of An Huanlan?
  When they saw this middle-aged man in gray clothes and brocade robes, there was a lot of discussion in the arena.

"I went, and even An Qingsheng, the head of the An family, came. It seems that the head of the An family also heard about what happened here in the arena, so he came in a hurry."

"Master An probably never imagined that Miss An would lose to another woman! Haha!"

"I'm curious, does Master An know that Miss An lost the competition?"

"You should know it! Otherwise, he wouldn't have such a gloomy expression."

"Hahaha, that's right. Now Master An's brows are squeezed to the middle, and his face is as pale as ink. I must have figured it out."

"Tell me, how will the head of the An family react when he finds out that his daughter lost to another woman and is going to be another woman's wife? Will he cheat? Or will he fulfill his promise?"

"I think he's cheating."

"I think we should fulfill our promise. After all, the An family is also a well-known business family, and their integrity is very good."

"How could he fulfill his promise? If he wanted to fulfill his promise, why would he come here?"

"That's right. If he wants to fulfill his promise, there is no need to come here at all."

"In other words, the head of the An family came to preside over the overall situation because he wanted to cheat? Is this a competition to recruit a bride?"


Seeing An Qingsheng, the head of the An family, arrive at the scene, everyone started talking.

Many people speculated that the head of the An family was here to preside over the overall situation and then put down the marriage.

On the other side, seeing An Qingsheng, the head of the An family, An Huanlan jumped onto the ring with a slight jump.
  He slightly arched his hands toward An Qingsheng and saluted, "Lan'er has met her father."


An Qingsheng did not go to see An Huanlan. He looked very indifferent, and there was even a little dissatisfaction in his eyes.

It seemed that An Huanlan was dissatisfied with losing the competition to recruit a bride.


Although An Qingsheng was very dissatisfied, he did not blame An Huanlan for anything.
  Instead, he turned his head and looked at Binglian, glanced at Binglian up and down, and asked, "Are you the one who defeated Lan'er?"


Binglian replied calmly. Neither humble nor arrogant.

Hearing this, An Qingsheng said to Binglian: "I, An Qingsheng, have never broken a promise in my life. As long as I say something from my mouth, I will keep my promise. Although this arena was set up by Lan'er, the rules of competition for marriage are Although it was also decided by Lan'er. But Lan'er is my daughter after all, and what Lan'er does represents my will. Since you have defeated Lan'er, then I will make someone willing to admit defeat. From today on I will betroth Lan'er to you. No matter you are a boy or a girl, Lan'er will be yours from now on."

Everyone thought that An Qingsheng would cheat and turn off the marriage.

However, I never expected that,
  An Qingsheng didn't do that.

Instead, he accepted the results openly.

Acting extremely free and easy!

Seeing this scene, everyone present was very surprised.
  Even An Huanlan was very surprised.

After all, you have to know that when she set out on this stage and talked about competing for a bride,
  Her father strongly opposed it!

For this reason, the father and daughter had a big fight.

Let’s not talk about the reason for the martial arts competition for the moment.

In short, An Huanlan also put in a lot of hard work, made various promises, and offered various conditions before setting up this stage of competition to recruit a bride.

However, what I did not expect is,

Now her father actually comes here in person,
  And accepted the result on her behalf!
  It's not that I didn't admit the result, but I admitted it openly. At the same time, he also took charge of the overall situation and announced the results!

This is incredible.

Of course,
  Just a little surprised,
  An Huanlan suddenly came to her senses.
  Understand that this is the inevitable result.

After all, others didn't know her father's character, but she knew it very well.

Her father was a businessman.
  Businessmen value integrity most.
  He is the kind of person who once he says something, it is hard to follow him.

Now that she has set up the arena and lost the competition,

Then her father will never break his promise, and he will never deny the result of this contest to recruit a bride.

Therefore, An Huanlan was only slightly surprised and then recovered.

Although An Huanlan was not very satisfied with the result of the martial arts competition,

But at least...

At least you don't have to marry a loser!
  An Huanlan would rather marry a woman who is stronger than herself than that ignorant playboy!
  Therefore, although An Huanlan was not too satisfied with the result of the competition, she could still accept it.

And as the head of the An family, An Qingsheng, stepped forward to accept the outcome of this contest,
  Everyone present felt that,

An Huanlan is going to marry Binglian,

This is already a done deal,
  Nothing will change again.

  Just when everyone thought that An Huanlan's marriage would not change,
  But I saw Binglian standing on the ring, wearing a bamboo hat and a veil, and said softly: "Master An, I think you misunderstood. It's true that I defeated Miss An, but I didn't mean to If I want to marry her, I, a mere prostitute, cannot marry her. And the reason why I stepped into the ring to challenge is actually not for myself, but for my husband. I came up to participate in the competition for my husband to find a bride. .”



Hearing Binglian's words, An Huanlan was slightly stunned, looking very surprised.

An Qingsheng on the side frowned, a little unhappy on his face.

It seems that Binglian is too childish.

After all, competition to recruit a bride is a big deal for them to settle down.

It is related to An Huanlan's life and her future.

How can you do it casually?

How can you take the stage for someone else?

This is nonsense.

Therefore, after An Qingsheng, the head of the An family, heard Binglian's words, his expression was extremely dissatisfied, and even a trace of anger arose in his heart.

On the side, the people watching by the ring started talking again and were in an uproar after hearing Binglian's words.

"I'll go! Why is a female prostitute here to compete in martial arts to find a bride? It turns out she's here for her husband!"

"It turns out that this Miss Bing Lian Bing already has a husband!"

"Looking at her figure, this Miss Bing is undoubtedly a beautiful woman. I don't know who was so lucky to marry this Miss Bing."

"I thought I could see two beauties joining forces, but I didn't expect that Miss Bing would compete on behalf of her husband."

"This is too ridiculous. How can I participate on behalf of others? If I can, I will find someone to participate on my behalf."

"Haha, you are still looking for someone to take your place. Just go and find someone. Can you find a genius like Miss Bing?"

"This is a good show. I wonder how Master An will react when he finds out about this?"

"Miss Bing's husband is so lucky! If the head of the An family recognizes this result and approves that Miss Bing will take part in the contest to recruit a bride on her husband's behalf, then wouldn't Miss Bing's husband be able to have two beauties?"


(End of this chapter)

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