Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2463 It’s easy. I’ll let him come on stage and fight you.

Chapter 2463 This is simple, I will let him come on stage to fight with you

There was an uproar below the ring, and there was a lot of discussion, and everyone said whatever they wanted.

And the more you say it, the more outrageous it becomes, and the more you say it, the more ugly it becomes.

Hearing these comments, the head of the An family, An Qingsheng, looked even worse.

The head of the An family, An Qingsheng, looked at Binglian with a cold face and said, "Girl, are you playing tricks on our An family? Or are you treating our An family's martial arts competition as a child's play?"

"Master An is joking, why am I just kidding you, An? I'm serious! I'm really here to recruit a bride for my husband in the competition."

Binglian replied seriously.

"How can you just replace someone else in a martial arts contest? What do you think of a martial arts contest? And what do you think of us settling down?"

An Qingsheng, the head of the An family, looked increasingly uglier and angrier.

He now feels more and more that Binglian is here to play tricks on them.

Or maybe they came to watch their jokes.

Otherwise, why would she do this?
  As long as people are not stupid, they all know that competition for marriage cannot be substituted for playing.

However, she had to play for someone else.

the most important is,

Is the person she replaces her husband?

what is this?
  If he really wants to get married, is it possible to make his daughter a concubine?
  How can this be?

The eldest lady of the dignified An family is going to be someone else’s concubine?

Thinking of these, how could An Qingsheng not be angry?

"The rules of the competition for marriage don't say that you can't substitute for others, right? In addition, I take this competition for marriage very seriously, and I have no intention of teasing you. The reason why I replaced my husband is just because he is too embarrassed to participate. . With my husband’s strength, it is a very simple thing to go on the field and win this competition? So, what does it matter if I take the field instead of my husband? I think Master An and Miss An, you don’t need to worry about this. "

Binglian said lightly.


An Qingsheng sneered and said: "Miss Bing, I admit that you are very talented and have good strength. After all, my Lan'er is a top being at the God of War level, but you can defeat Lan'er, which shows how talented and powerful you are. Strong. However! Although you are very good and very strong, it does not mean that your husband is very strong, let alone that your husband can defeat Lan'er! My Lan'er's strength is not that of a cabbage on the roadside, right? Can just anyone defeat you? You don’t have to speak so highly of your husband! Again, it’s okay for Laner to marry you, but it’s absolutely not okay to marry your husband. This is my An Qing birthday the rules!"

"That's right!"

An Huanlan also stood up and said: "Girl Bing, if I lose to you, I am willing to admit defeat. I can marry you and be your wife, but I am not willing to marry your husband. I won’t be convinced either. You can’t replace me in a martial arts competition. After all, who knows what the strength of the person you replace is? It’s you who beat me, not him!”

"Indeed! If it were me, I wouldn't accept it either."

"How can there be a substitute for a martial arts competition to recruit a bride?"

"If they could be replaced casually, then everyone would find a strong person to fight in their place."

"A martial arts contest to recruit a bride. A martial arts contest to recruit a bride. The ones here are warriors with strong martial arts skills. If you don't fight, who knows whether you are strong or weak?"

"I think Miss Bing is right. After all, the An family didn't say that they can't let others take the place. In addition, Miss Bing is playing for her husband. Since Miss Bing wins, Miss An will be the wife of Miss Bing, so what? It’s the same for Ice Girl’s husband to be his wife, right?”

"How can this be the same?"

"Why are they different? Isn't marrying an Ice Girl the same as marrying an Ice Girl's husband? They are both related to the same family."


Hearing the words of Binglian, An Qingsheng and An Huanlan on the stage, everyone onlookers started talking and discussing. Some people present felt that the contest to recruit a bride could not be performed on behalf of others.

But some people think it's okay.

In short, two voices emerged on the scene.

Binglian also heard everyone's discussion, and immediately said to An Huanlan: "Miss An, aren't you marrying me and marrying my husband the same? You have to serve me, and I have to serve my husband. Everyone should also serve me." Aren't we all a family? Besides, I did not lie to you, my husband is indeed stronger than me."

"It's different. How can this be the same? It's okay for me to marry you anyway, but it's absolutely not okay to marry your husband. No matter how strong your husband is, you are the one who beats me, not him."

An Huanlan insisted.

Hearing An Huanlan's absolute words, Binglian became a little embarrassed.

After thinking for a moment, Binglian asked An Huanlan again: "Miss An, you make me feel very good. I also like you very much and want to be a sister with you. You really don't want to marry." Give me a husband? He is indeed very, very powerful. And...he is an existence you can't imagine. Marrying him is a blessing, are you really not willing to marry him?"

Under the ring, Tang Yi, who was hiding among the crowd, heard Bing Lian describing himself like this, and used himself to persuade An Huanlan,

There was a moment of silence.

I wailed in my heart.

Lian'er, that's not necessary.

I don't want to marry this An Huanlan.

She is beautiful, but not every beautiful woman wants to marry herself.

There is no need for you to describe me as so powerful or to persuade others to marry you.

Of course, although I was speechless, I wanted to explain to the other party.


Tang Yi can't stand up now.

If he stood up, wouldn't everyone know that Binglian was competing on stage for himself?

Don’t you know that you are Binglian’s husband?
  Don’t you know that the person Binglian wants An Huanlan to marry is herself?

This is too embarrassing!
  Although Tang Yi didn't care what others said, he still wanted to be ashamed.

"No matter what you say, I will never marry your husband anyway. If I want to marry, I can only marry you. After all, I am willing to admit defeat and I will never break my promise." An Huanlan said.

"Then how can you marry my husband?" Binglian asked.

"Unless he can beat me!"

An Huanlan said.

After all, An Huanlan is a woman, and asking her to marry another woman is not a problem after all.

Therefore, if the other party’s husband is also so powerful,
  An Huanlan can barely get married.
  Marry even if you don't like it.

After all, no matter how bad you are, you can't be worse than that one, right?

Moreover, to be able to admire this mysterious woman so much, the husband of this mysterious woman must not be too bad, right?
  When Binglian heard An Huanlan's words, she immediately smiled and said, "This is simple, then I will let my husband come on stage to fight with you."

However, just as Binglian finished saying this, another group of people hurried over.

(End of this chapter)

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