Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2467 Stand up for you

Chapter 2467 Stand up for you
  "He is handsome, but... I don't feel a strong aura on him. His strength doesn't seem to be that great."

"Haha. Maybe he is just a pretty boy."

"Yeah, he's too young. What kind of strength can he have at such a young age? It's not bad to have the strength of a god of war."

"If this man is really Ice Girl's husband, then he is in trouble. Ice Girl has provoked Holden, and there is no way Holden will let this man go."

"Yes. He is in a bad situation now. Just now, Miss Bing said that she would help him compete in martial arts to find a bride. If Holden knew about this, he would not let him go."

"Hey, I don't know why this person came on stage at this time. Isn't he seeking death by coming on stage at this time?"

"Yeah, coming on stage at this time, doesn't this make Holden vent his anger? The ice girl has been provoking Holden just now, leaving Holden with nowhere to vent his anger. Now, her husband is on stage. Holden will definitely Take your anger out on her husband."



Seeing the close appearance of Tang Yi and Bing Lian, everyone guessed Tang Yi's identity in an instant.

However, since Tang Yi hid all his aura,

When everyone looked at Tang Yi, they didn't know that he was a very powerful and powerful person.

I will only think that Tang Yi is ordinary.

After all, the martial arts aura flowing out of Tang Yi now is too weak and humble.

The whole person's temperament is also ordinary.

See such a person?

Who would think he is a powerful person? great people?

Plus Tang Yi is so young...

Then it is even less likely that he will be a powerful warrior.

Of course, the reason why everyone saw Tang Yi like this was because Tang Yi turned off the special effects of Gypsophila and hid all the aura.

Otherwise, if Tang Yi turns on the special effect of Gypsophila,
  Under Tang Yina's majestic temperament, he towered over the world and looked down on everyone.

Everyone present was probably going to kneel down and kowtow to Tang Yi.

In addition to guessing that Tang Yi is Binglian's husband.

Everyone couldn't help but worry about Tang Yi at this moment.

After all, Binglian provoked Holden, and Holden was a very stingy person.

He might not lay a hand on a woman.

But he would not be polite to men.

Therefore, when everyone thinks about it, if Tang Yi appears at this time, he will definitely receive severe revenge from Holden.

Everyone felt that Tang Yi was going to suffer.

And on the stage,

An Huanlan looked at Tang Yi curiously.

She is a smart woman.

As a smart woman, she could immediately guess from Binglian's attitude that the man standing upright in front of her should be Binglian's husband.

An Huanlan was very curious about Tang Yi.

After all, Binglian had been bragging about Tang Yi before, always talking about how good Tang Yi was.
  Now that Tang Yi appeared, she naturally wanted to take a good look at how good the man Bing Lian had been bragging about was, and what was so good about him.

However, she looked at Tang Yi carefully for a long time, looking left and right, up and down.

But I can’t see what’s so good about the man in front of me.

The breath is not strong either.

Appearance, so-so, right?
  Not ugly, but not too good-looking either?
  temperament? Is it okay to have no temperament at all?

An Huanlan couldn't see what was so powerful about this kind of man.

"When the ice girl boasted about her husband, I was vaguely expecting it, but I didn't expect it to be so ordinary."

After taking a small look at Tang Yi, An Huanlan was immediately disappointed.

Of course.

Being a woman.

And she's a beautiful woman.

Who doesn’t want to find a strong man as a backer?

Even if he's not powerful, at least he has a good temperament, right?

If you don’t have the temperament, at least your appearance should be passable, right?

However, the man in front of me has an average appearance, extremely poor strength, and no temperament at all.

How could An Huanlan like such a man?
  The man who saw Binglian looked like this.

How could An Huanlan not be disappointed?

the other side.

The head of the An family was also looking at Tang Yi carefully.

When Bing Lian said that she wanted An Huanlan to marry Tang Yi, the head of the An family, An Qingsheng, had various ideas!
  He wants to save his daughter!

He wants to get rid of the Huo family!
  He really hopes to have a warrior with a strong background to marry his daughter!

In this way, he can save his daughter and get rid of the shameless existence of the Huo family.

I saw the mysterious Binglian before and heard Binglian say that she wanted to marry An Huanlan to her husband.
  An Qingsheng, the head of the An family, is full of fantasies. He imagines that Binglian's husband is such an existence, with a great background or strong strength.

However, when he saw Tang Yi and felt Tang Yi's aura, all the illusions in An Qingsheng, the head of the An family, were instantly shattered.

Instead, there was disappointment and frustration.

"Hey, it seems that fate has not favored our Anjia, nor has it sent a savior to save our Anjia and Lan'er."

An Qingsheng, the head of the An family, sighed in his heart.

Although his expression didn't change at this moment, his heart was as desperate as he wanted.

The other side of the ring.

Holden was also looking at Tang Yi.

However, when he saw that Tang Yi was so ordinary and his martial arts aura was so low, he immediately smiled disdainfully and said, "Girl, is this boy in front of you your support? Could he be the husband you mentioned before? Right? Hahahaha! How powerful I am, I didn’t expect it to be this much. I thought you were so powerful due to your background, and I thought your husband was so strong, but I didn’t expect you didn’t even reach the Saint level, so... How dare you brag about his strength? Hahahahaha, it’s really ridiculous.”

Holden laughed.

However, after hearing Holden's words, Binglian was not angry at all.
  He even ignored Holden.

I saw Binglian saying to Tang Yi: "Brother Tang Yi, you have to help me, this person is really annoying."

"Okay, okay. I will stand up for you and stand up for you."

Tang Yi said dotingly towards Binglian.

"Hehe, I knew brother Tang Yi that you were the best."

Binglian said happily.

The two of them showed off their love for themselves, completely ignoring no one else.

Seeing this scene, Holden frowned slightly, and an impatience rose from the bottom of his heart again, and said: "Are you done? Are you still going to show off? Just because of this kid?? Come on! You two should stop bluffing. , no matter how you pretend, if you don’t have strength, you don’t have strength. You can’t just pretend to be confident, but this kid is here to stand up for you? It’s so funny! When I heard about the Bing family before, because I didn’t know what it was I was slightly afraid of this family, but now that I think about it, it’s really stupid. What kind of Bing family is this? It’s not a big family, it’s just a little-known family!”

(End of this chapter)

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