Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2468 Binglian possesses the beauty of the prosperous age

Chapter 2468 Binglian possesses the beauty of the prosperous age

"Yeah, it's really hilarious. This girl also said she came from some kind of Bing family. I thought she was so awesome. I didn't expect it to be nothing more than this. Even her husband is as weak as a chicken. What kind of Bing family is this? How powerful can it be?”

"They are just pretending. First they dress themselves up to be mysterious and then use this trick to scare people!"

"This kind of thing can scare others, but it can't scare us! Do you want to know who we are? We are the Huo family caravan!"

"I have to say that the eldest young master is really powerful. He can see through their lies right away."


Holden’s men also said.

"Yes, yes, I'm pretending, I'm bluffing, okay? Then what? What can you do to me?"

As Bing Lian spoke, she took off her hat and veil, revealing her peerless appearance.

After she took off her hat and veil, she said provocatively: "Didn't you want to see what I look like just now? Now that you see it, what next?"

At this moment, Binglian raised his head, like a proud little peacock.

Seeing Bing Lian's appearance, everyone present widened their eyes with disbelief.

Everyone was shocked by Binglian's appearance.

"Oh my God! Miss Bing is so beautiful! She seems even more beautiful than Miss An!"

"Ice Girl is a fairy! How can there be such a beautiful woman in the world?"

"I knew that Ice Girl was a beauty before she took off her hat and veil, but I didn't expect that she is so beautiful as a fairy. She is much more beautiful than I expected!"

"Before this, I thought Miss An was the most beautiful woman in the world, and no one could match her beauty. It wasn't until I saw Miss Bing that I realized that my knowledge was too shallow. This world is not There is no woman more beautiful than Miss An, it’s just that I haven’t seen Miss Bing before!”

"Although Miss An is also very beautiful, Miss Bing seems to be even better!"

"Hiss! This temperament, this appearance, this figure! So beautiful!!"

"Such a beautiful ice girl, I didn't expect that she is already married, and his husband, so ordinary, can actually marry an ice girl."

"I really envy Miss Bing's husband. What kind of virtue did he have to accumulate in his previous life to marry a fairy like Miss Bing?"


Everyone present was talking and shocked.

When they saw Binglian's figure, they had already guessed that Binglian should be very beautiful.

However, they didn't expect that Binglian was so beautiful!

If the perfect score is ten points, An Huanlan's beauty score can be given eleven points.

One point more than a perfect score!
  And Binglian's beauty score can reach at least 12 points, 13 points, or even 15 points!

Much more than a perfect score!

Because she is so beautiful, so good-looking!
  Regardless of appearance, figure, or temperament,

All perfect!

At this moment, relying solely on language,

It's impossible to describe how beautiful it is.

It can only be said that Bing Lian is the type that you will never forget after just one glance.

Beautiful and indescribable. To describe it in one sentence, this woman can only be heard of in heaven and on earth a few times.

The beauty of Binglian immediately impressed everyone onlookers.

Even Holden in the ring was dumbfounded.

I was shocked by Binglian's beauty.

He had never thought that a woman could be so beautiful!
  Not only his appearance and figure are extraordinary, but his temperament is also unparalleled, making people linger and forget to leave.

Before that, Holden thought An Huanlan was the most beautiful woman in the world.
  However, after seeing Binglian,
  His mind changed.

I think Binglian is the most beautiful woman in the world!

Although An Huanlan is also beautiful, Binglian and An Huanlan are even better.

While he was surprised, a strong possessive desire arose in Holden's heart!
  He wanted to take this beautiful woman in front of him as his own!
  I want to hold her firmly in my hand!
  And this possessive desire filled his mind in an instant, making him excited, exciting, and trembling physically and mentally.

The other side of the ring.

An Huanlan looked at Binglian in surprise, her eyes full of shock.

She had no idea that this mysterious woman who kept saying she wanted to marry her would be so beautiful!
  Women are creatures of comparison.

The moment Binglian took off her hat and veil, revealing her appearance, An Huanlan instantly compared herself with Binglian.

However, no matter how she compares, she feels ashamed and feels that she is not as good as Binglian in every aspect!

In terms of appearance, An Huanlan believes that she has not lost half a point.
  But in terms of figure and temperament, she was completely defeated!

The Binglian in front of her is not only beautiful in appearance, but also has a perfect figure.

His temperament is even more astonishing, like a fairy.

With such a figure and such temperament, who can compare?

While surprised, An Huanlan was also very puzzled: "Miss Bing is so beautiful, but her husband is so ordinary? Isn't this too strange? With Miss Bing's appearance and talent, what kind of person are you looking for? Don’t you have a man? However, you found such a man... Isn’t this too strange? Before, Miss Bing had been praising her husband for how excellent he was and how powerful he was. Could it be that... could it be said that this was all true? Her This husband? Is he really excellent? "

Thinking of this, An Huanlan couldn't help but turn her head and look at Tang Yi again.

However, no matter how she looked at it, she couldn't see anything extraordinary about Tang Yi.

This can't help but make An Huanlan puzzled, and she doesn't understand what is so good about Tang Yi.

What's more, I don't understand what Bing Lian, who has extraordinary beauty, likes Tang Yi.

Seeing Binglian take off her hat and veil, it caused a shock in the whole audience, and also aroused the covetousness of Holden, a young boy. Tang Yi suddenly sighed helplessly and thought to himself: "Lian'er, Lian'er, You will attract hatred to me too much."

Of course, Tang Yi just complained about this in his heart.

In fact, he doesn't care about hatred at all, let alone people like Holden.

After all, in Tang Yi's eyes, these people are just ants.

The ants are here to scream, it doesn't matter, if they don't like it, they will be trampled to death.

And as Tang Yi expected, after seeing Binglian's appearance, Holden's eyes straightened and his eyes were full of possessiveness. He said to Binglian: "Of course I won't do anything to you, girl. After all, I He is a caring person, and it would be too beastly to do anything to someone as beautiful as the girl, but this guy next to the girl, haha, then maybe."

After a pause, Holden said again: "But... I, Sir, can spare him. As long as you come back with me, girl, and make a proper apology to me, then I will bypass what you did today. Also spare the brat next to you."

(End of this chapter)

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