Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2469 Soft-footed shrimp?

Chapter 2469 Soft-footed shrimp?
  Holden actually threatened Binglian with Tang Yi, hoping to make Binglian submit.

This is ridiculous.

Hearing Holden's words, Binglian felt like laughing in her heart.

And will Binglian worry about Tang Yi?
  The one she's least worried about is Tang Yi!
  After all, who is Tang Yi?

That's Meng Yue's representative.

But even those who have passed the 100th floor of Kaio Tower,
  But he defeated the representatives of the three top divine races in a row.

But even the king of the realm has to call this person 'Tang Zun'.

Why should she worry about such a person?

If you meet a supreme being, it is a powerful force outside the realm of the God of Worlds.

Maybe she would still be worried about Tang Yi, and maybe she would give in.

But who are we facing now?

It's just a small caravan in a small town.

Faced with such an ant, Tang Yi could easily handle it.

So why is Bing Lian worried about Tang Yi?

Are you still threatening yourself with Tang Yi?
  This is ridiculous.

"Oh? Really? Are you going to harm my brother Tang Yi? Then you can try it."

Binglian said indifferently.

Appears not to care.

Seeing Binglian's indifferent expression, Holden frowned and felt a little unhappy.

He turned his head slightly, without hesitation, and ordered directly to his men: "Go and catch that kid. I want to see how confident these two people are."

Hearing this, Holden’s men surrounded him again,

They were already surrounding Binglian,
  At this moment, I got Binglian, and just moved forward slightly, and immediately surrounded Binglian and Tang Yi.

After Holden's men surrounded Binglian and Tang Yi, they immediately approached step by step and were about to get close to Binglian and Tang Yi.

As he watched, he was about to take action and capture the two of them.

Seeing this scene, Master An sighed helplessly, and the disappointment in his expression became a little stronger again.

An Huanlan, on the other hand, felt nervous and hurriedly said to Holden: "Holden, stop it! This incident happened because of me, so be it, I promise to marry you, and you let this girl go."

"Are you saying this now? Don't you think it's too late? If you had promised me earlier, would these things still happen? Now do you know that you regret it? Do you know that you have compromised? Do you know how powerful I am? Haha! But it's too late, unfortunately. Even if you agree to marry me, I will not let go of the girl in front of you. This time, in addition to marrying you, I also want to marry the girl in front of you. This girl will be the big one, and you can only be the Young one, you two come together to serve me, and let me enjoy the blessing of being together. Hahahahaha!"

Holden laughed.

"Congratulations, Master. Congratulations, Master."

"They are lucky that the young master can like them."

"If I had known this, why bother at the beginning? Now you know how powerful the young master is?"

"Whether you compromise or not, under the majesty of the young master, the result will not change. Compromising now is just to avoid the physical pain."


Holden’s men who didn’t take action all said.

Hearing the words of Holden and his men, An Huanlan looked extremely ugly, but in order to save Binglian, she still bit the bullet and said to Holden: "Horton, how can you let them go? As long as you Let them go, I will do whatever you want me to do!"

"Lan'er, no!"

Upon hearing this, the head of the An family quickly stopped him.

But unfortunately, Holden had already heard this, and his efforts to stop him had no effect.

"Oh, really?"

Holden was immediately moved when he heard An Huanlan's words.

But at this time, Binglian said: "No! Sister An, you are mine. You can't make any promises without my permission!" "But, I am here to protect you."

An Huanlan explained.

"We don't need you to protect us at all!"

Binglian replied.


An Huanlan wants to say something else,
  But before he could say anything, he was interrupted by Binglian.

"Sister An, there's no need to give in. You listen to me. We don't need you to protect us. Just stand aside obediently. Brother Tang Yi is here. Let Brother Tang Yi make the decision." Binglian said.

Tang Yi also rarely spoke at this moment: "Let me solve it."

Hearing what Binglian and Tang Yi said, An Huanlan could only nod helplessly and said, "Okay."


"It's really overestimating one's abilities!"

Seeing that Binglian was still showing off, Holden sneered and said to his men again: "Why are you all standing there in a daze? Why don't you catch that kid quickly!"


Hearing this, the subordinates who had hesitated for a moment immediately rushed forward one after another.

Rushed towards Tang Yi.

There were seven people in total who took action.

All seven of them are at the Holy Emperor level!
  This kind of strength is already extremely powerful among ordinary people, and can already crush most warriors.

However, in Tang Yi's eyes, it was completely inadequate.

Seeing the seven Holy Emperors coming, Tang Yi remained unmoved and stood there as if frightened.

But the people watching did not know Tang Yi's true strength.
  Seeing that Tang Yi remained motionless when faced with seven Saint Emperor-level experts,

It didn't even seem like he had any intention of taking action.

Suddenly everyone shook their heads.

"Hey! It seems that Ice Girl's husband is going to suffer. Holden is really going to attack him."

“I’m afraid Holden is the husband who wants to beat Ice Girl to death so that he can take over Ice Girl!”

"The euphemistic name is pity for the fragrance and cherish the jade, but in fact it is just coveting the beauty of the ice girl!"

"Shh, everyone, please keep your voice down. If Holden hears it, everyone won't have to hang out in Red City."

"What are you afraid of? If you hear it, just hear it. At worst, leave Red City. It's okay not to stay in such a dark place."

"That's right! It's too dark here. A person like Mr. Huo who bullies men and women and does all kinds of evil, yet no one stood up to accuse or stop him!"

"After all, the Huo family dominates Red City. Who dares to accuse? Who dares to stop it?"

"If no one in Red City can stand up for justice, I think it's not far from decline."

"Hey, it's over, everything is over. Not only Miss An is about to fall into the tiger's mouth, but even Miss Bing is doomed."

"I really hope that a powerful person with powerful hands and eyes can come out and rescue these two girls at this moment."



On the ring, seeing Tang Yi motionless in the face of the approaching seven Holy Emperors, as if he was scared to death, Holden sneered in his heart and said: "I'm so amazing. I didn't expect him to be a weak-footed shrimp." , I usually put on airs and am so happy, but when I meet someone tough, I am so frightened that I can’t move. Haha, what a waste.”

However, the next moment Holden said these words, seven Holy Emperors finally came to Tang Yi,

I saw seven people reaching out and grabbing Tang Yi.

(End of this chapter)

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