Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2473 Sanctioning Holden

Chapter 2473 Sanctioning Holden
  The people watching had two opinions:

One kind of feeling is that Tang Yi did it.
  And there is a feeling that it was not done by Tang Yi.

But regardless of whether it was Tang Yi’s fault or not,
  Everyone present was extremely shocked.

There was a lot of shock under the ring.

On the stage, everyone was also shocked.

An Qingsheng, the head of the An family, looked at Tang Yi and then at the blood red ground, his face full of disbelief.

With his strength, he couldn't tell what was going on!

You know, he is at the Saint Emperor level!
  In Red City, with his strength, he is no longer weak!

In addition to the Huo family, the City Lord's Mansion, and several top caravans, he can already be said to be at the top of the pyramid in Red City.

However, with his strength, he couldn't understand it at all!
  I have no idea who did it.

I don’t understand at all how these dozen of Holden’s men turned into blood mist!

It was obvious that there was no explosion of power, and it was obvious that no one took action.

However, these dozen of Holden's men turned into blood mist inexplicably!

This is all weird!
  Of course.

Although I didn't understand what was going on.

But An Qingsheng, the head of the An family, knew.

All this must be related to the husband of the ice girl in front of me!

Even if it wasn’t the ice girl’s husband who did it,
  It must be the work of the strong man behind him!
  "Although this person looks ordinary, his background is absolutely extraordinary. Otherwise, there would be no woman like Ice Girl following him! It seems that there is hope for Lan'er to get rid of Holden, and there is hope for our Anjia to rise again! Humph! Being! The Huo family has been suppressed for so long, and our An family finally has its day!"

An Qingsheng, the head of the An family, thought to himself.

The more he thought about it, the brighter his eyes looked at Tang Yi, and the more he looked forward to it.

the other side.

An Huanlan looked at Tang Yi in surprise.

She had no idea that the man in front of her was so strong.

Not only can he subdue more than a dozen Saint Emperor level experts in an instant.

It can even kill them instantly!

This is too powerful.

Isn't this kind of man the man she dreams of?

"Could it be that this man is really as good as Miss Bing said? He has unimaginable strength? It seems that I really underestimated him before!"

As she learned more and more about Tang Yi, An Huanlan became more and more interested in Tang Yi.

Although she was also interested in Tang Yi before.


She was still unwilling to let her marry Tang Yi.

After all, the person she wants to marry is a strong man in this world, a genius in this world, and a top figure in this world.

She would not want to marry an ordinary person!
  Even if the other party has some strength, she is not willing.

But at the moment.

But she changed her mind.

I feel that if Tang Yi has real talents and unrivaled strength, then it is not impossible to marry him as a concubine.

After all, Bing Girl is willing to be with such a beautiful person, what else would she not want to do?
  Somewhere in the arena, Holden took several steps back and looked at Tang Yi in fear.

Tang Yi subdued his men before, but he wasn't that scared.

After all, the other party only subdued his subordinates and did not actually take action. However, at this moment, the other party took action!
  Moreover, the action is so terrifying.

As soon as he took action, a dozen of his men instantly turned into blood mist.

With such horrific methods and such bloody scenes, how could Holden not be frightened?
  In addition, Holden is the only one left in the ring at this moment, and all his men have turned into blood mist.
  Being alone made Holden's fear even worse.

After retreating to a distance that Holden thought was safe, Holden asked Tang Yi in horror and fear: "Did you do it? Did you kill all my men?"

Tang Yi laughed, his smile was extremely bright, like a spring breeze: "This young master Huo, I just said that you are a pig and you still don't admit it. Look, now I have asked such a stupid question again. Apart from me, I can't admit it." In this case, who else is there? Didn’t I just say that we should deal with them quickly? No, we can solve them with just one thought."

"You! You actually dare to attack our Huo family! You actually dare to kill them! You are so brave! Do you know what will happen if you attack our Huo family?" Holden threatened.

"Oh? What's the fate? Being chased by all the warriors in Red City? Can't you survive in Red City?"

Tang Yi asked rhetorically.

"More than that!"

Holden said coldly: "In addition to being chased by all the warriors and unable to survive in Red City, I will also cut off your legs and hands, dig out your tongue, and make you unable to survive or die. This This is what will happen if you provoke our Huo family!"


"I looked at my legs and hands and dug out my tongue. It was so scary and scary!"

He said he was afraid, but Tang Yi didn't show any fear. On the contrary, his face was full of disdain.

The tone was full of sarcasm.

It seemed like he was mocking Holden.


"You do not believe?"

Holden glared angrily.

"I believe it, of course I believe it!"

"But I think before you Huo family chop off my legs and hands and dig out my tongue, I will chop off your legs and hands first, and I will dig out your tongue first."

Tang Yi said calmly.

After speaking, Tang Yi waved his hand.

"Puff puff!"

On the other side of the ring, even though Holden was far away from Tang Yi and thought he had retreated to a safe distance,

But it still seemed like it was cut by a sharp blade. His hands and feet were separated instantly, and blood spurted out.

At the same time, a mysterious force opened Holden's mouth and pulled out his tongue.

Then, with a 'snap', it was torn off.

Holden didn’t react from the beginning to the end!
  When he reacted, he had lost both hands and feet, and even his tongue was severed.

He couldn't even scream, he had already lost his tongue.

Without his tongue, he couldn't make any sound, he could only howl.

At the same time, he was covered in blood, like a bloody man, looking very ferocious and terrifying.

If Holden hadn't been a warrior, and a powerful warrior at that, he would have died long ago if he suffered such injuries.

That is because he is a warrior, so he can barely survive even if he loses his hands, feet, and tongue.

Of course, although he is still alive and conscious, Holden's condition at the moment is as bad as it is, as miserable as it is, and he looks very hideous.

Since Holden's men and Holden himself shed a lot of blood, a very strong and pungent smell of blood appeared at the scene.

The entire arena was also stained red with blood.

(End of this chapter)

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