Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2474 Huo family’s support arrives

Chapter 2474 Huo family’s support arrives

Seeing this scene, everyone below the ring was stunned.

No one expected that Tang Yi would dare to attack Holden.

You know, Holden is the eldest son of the Huo family!

And he is the only child of the Huo family.

If you attack Holden, the Huo family will go crazy!

Killing Holden's men doesn't matter.
  The Huo family has many warriors at the Holy Emperor level.
  The Huo family would do nothing to kill a warrior of this level.

But taking action against Holden,
  Then it's not all the same.

Holden is the only child of the Huo family, and he will inherit the entire Huo family in the future.
  Doesn't killing Holden mean destroying the Huo family's inheritance?
  As a result, the Huo family will go crazy.

After all, the inheritance has been cut off, how can they not go crazy?

Therefore, everyone was surprised and unbelievable when they saw this scene.

On the stage, the head of the An family was also stunned.

Seeing this scene, he immediately said worriedly to Tang Yi: "Master, please leave here quickly. This Holden is the only child of the Huo family. If you treat him like this, the Huo family will never let it go. Moreover, just now Holden also crushed the jade pendant and sent a signal to the Huo family for help. The strong men who want to come to the Huo family will arrive soon. By then it will be too late for you to leave."

An Huanlan also stood up at this moment and said: "Yes, young master, the Huo family is very powerful in Red City and is also related to the city lord's palace. They are not easy to provoke. Once their people come, if you want to leave at that time, just It will be very difficult. If you can, leave now before their people come."

An Huanlan never expected that Tang Yi would cause such a big fuss.

He actually dared to maim Holden.

Although Holden has not been killed yet,
  But Holden was not far from death.

With such a serious injury, the Huo family would never give up.

This matter is too big and cannot be ended!

At this moment, An Huanlan was really worried for Tang Yi and Binglian.

However, after hearing the words of An Qingsheng and An Huanlan, the heads of the An family, before Tang Yi spoke, Binglian said indifferently: "It's okay, sister An, head An, you don't have to worry, just let them come if they come." Well, my brother Tang Yi is here. As long as my brother Tang Yi is here, no matter how many people from the Huo family come, it won't help, so don't worry."

"But...the Huo family is really not a good person. Their family is really very powerful! is said that there are saint-level warriors in their family. I think you should leave."

An Huanlan persuaded.

"Sister An, just believe me and brother Tang Yi. We said it's okay and it's okay." Bing Lian said again.


An Huanlan also wanted to say something.

But I haven't said it yet...

"Want to go now? It's too late!"

A voice full of majesty and anger came from a distance.

At the same time, there were bursts of sounds in the air, and dozens of figures came through the air.

In an instant, he landed on the stage.

The originally empty arena became crowded again, packed with people.


As soon as the group of people landed, the middle-aged man at the head rushed towards Holden,

His face was full of heartache and pity.

Weiwei checked Holden once or twice,
  The middle-aged man immediately stuffed a pill into Holden's mouth.
  "woo woo woo woo!"

After swallowing the pill, Holden's spirit finally improved a lot. He no longer lay on the ground like a dead dog like before. Instead, after seeing the middle-aged man, his body kept twisting and his mouth kept opening. Closed, it seems to be speaking.

But because his tongue was ripped out, he couldn't speak at all and could only scream.

Of course, even though he couldn't speak, everything Holden wanted to express was reflected on his face. I saw a very wonderful expression on his face at this moment.

When he looked at the middle-aged man, his face was full of grievances.

When he looked at Tang Yi and Binglian, his face was filled with resentment and resentment.

When he looked at An Qingsheng and An Huanlan, his face showed dissatisfaction.

In short, various performances.

Although Holden whined and didn't say a word, all the meaning he wanted to express was expressed on his face.

And the middle-aged man understood what Holden meant even if he didn't hear a word from Holden.

"Dun'er, I understand what you said as a father. I also know who the person who harmed you is. Don't worry."

After hearing Holden whine, the middle-aged man said immediately.

"woo woo woo woo!"

Holden was so moved that he whined again, as if to say, Father, you must avenge me.

Hearing Holden's whining, the middle-aged man quickly comforted him: "Don't worry, Dun'er, as a father, I will never let go of the person who bullied you and hurt you today! Just take good care of yourself first and leave everything to me. !”


Holden was moved again, and then turned his eyes to Tang Yi and Bing Lian, his eyes full of provocation.

It seems to be saying, ‘My people are here, let’s see how you die this time! ’

After the middle-aged man finished speaking to Holden, he immediately turned his head and glanced at everyone on the ring in turn.

His eyes were filled with indescribable anger and a terrifying force of intimidation.

It was like a volcano about to erupt, with flames soaring into the sky.

He seemed like an emperor, suppressing the whole audience.

Feeling the terrifying aura of this middle-aged man, many people present shrank their necks, their faces full of fear.

And in the arena.

"Huo Qiling, the head of the Huo family!"

Seeing the appearance of this middle-aged man who was exuding power, the head of the An family, An Qingsheng, was slightly startled, and then his face instantly turned pale.

An Qingsheng was still a little afraid of Huo Qiling, the head of the Huo family.
  After all, the head of the Huo family is much higher than him and much more powerful than him.

At the same time, the head of the Huo family is the helmsman of the first caravan in Red City, and he is filled with a powerful aura that makes him the best in the world.

This momentum is not comparable to An Qingsheng's.

The status cannot be compared, and the momentum cannot be compared.

An Qingsheng was naturally shorter than Huo Qiling.

Of course, the reason why An Qingsheng turned pale was not because he was afraid of Huo Qiling.
  But because, with the appearance of Huo Qiling, the Huo family will carry out comprehensive revenge.

Not only the two young men and women in front of him, but also he and Lan'er, and even the entire An family, might suffer revenge from the Huo family.

The An family is not ready yet. If they are retaliated by the Huo family at this time, they may suffer huge losses, and may even be exterminated!

Thinking of these possibilities, how could An Qingsheng not turn pale?
  The matter is too big!

Now he can only pray, pray that the two mysterious men and women will have good strength to resist the Huo family.

Or pray that the man and woman will have good status and be protected by powerful warriors behind them.

As long as this man and woman can stop the Huo family, then Anjia will be spared.

(End of this chapter)

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