Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2476 Execution in person

Chapter 2476 Execution in person
  "Oh my God, this incident has become even more serious. I didn't expect that even the Lord of the City would be alarmed."

"Not only everyone from the City Lord's Mansion has mobilized, but even the City Lord has personally mobilized."

"This is a rare scene in a hundred years. The City Lord usually doesn't leave the City Lord's Mansion unless there is something important. However, I didn't expect that he would come out this time!"

"It seems that the city lord also attaches great importance to this matter, so he took action personally!"

"Things are getting more complicated!"

"It's not complicated! But it's getting clearer! Lady Bing's husband is going to die. You must know that the Huo family has an extremely close relationship with the City Lord's Mansion. Now that Lady Bing's husband has disabled Holden, the City Lord will definitely fight for Huo. Dun will seek justice! In other words, Lady Bing’s husband is dead.”

"You are already dead when facing a Huo family, and now you have to face the City Lord's Mansion again. It seems that Miss Bing's husband is destined to die today."


  On the stage,
  Seeing the people from the City Lord's Mansion present in person, An Qingsheng, the head of the An family, was also very desperate.

In his opinion, if Tang Yi faced only one Huo family, there might be hope of winning.

Maybe we can also get rid of the Huo family.

But facing the Huo family and the City Lord's Mansion at the same time, there is no hope.

After all, the City Lord's Mansion is much more powerful than the Huo family.

The Huo family is so arrogant and domineering because of the support of the City Lord's Mansion.

The lord of Red City is named Jian Taihong.

After arriving at the scene, he scanned the entire place.

When he saw Holden's miserable appearance, he frowned and his face became very ugly.

He looked at Tang Yi and Bing Lian, then at the An family's father and daughter, and then checked his presence slightly to see if there were any masters hiding around them.

After confirming that there were no masters hiding, he asked Huo Qiling, the head of the Huo family, "Did they do it?"


Huo Qiling nodded and said, "Yes, to be precise, it was that boy who did it. He maimed my Dun'er's hands, feet and tongue."

"Then why don't you take action, Lao Huo? With your character, if the other party treats Dun'er like this, you should have been furious and taken action long ago."

Jian Taihong said.

"Isn't this about to take action? Then you came."

Huo Qiling replied.

"Then do it. Dun'er is the only child of your Huo family, and there is no room for any mistakes. However, these people actually beat Dun'er like this. They really deserve to die."

Jian Taihong said. He looked very indifferent,

It seems that killing someone is not a big deal to him, but just a trivial matter.

I am afraid that Holden is so unscrupulous just because of the protection of these people!
  "He really deserves to die! With Dun'er's condition like this, he probably won't be able to recover in a few years! He may even become disabled!"

Huo Qiling said angrily.

"It doesn't matter. As long as you don't die, you can always recover slowly."

City Lord Jian Taihong said.


Huo Qiling nodded and said, "As long as everything is fine."

The reason why he didn't go crazy and remained calm was because Holden wasn't dead.

If Holden had died, Huo Qiling would have lost his mind long ago. After all, Holden is the only child of the Huo family.

If Holden dies, then the Huo family will be extinct.

Once the Huo family is extinct, will the Huo family be finished?
  So Huo Qiling was very glad that the other party didn't kill Holden!
  However, after hearing the words of the city lord Jian Taihong, Tang Yi smiled slightly and said, "Oh? Just not dead? Can he be rescued? What about this?"

Tang Yi said and waved his hand gently.

"not good!"

Hearing Tang Yi's words and seeing Tang Yi's actions, Huo Qiling, the head of the Huo family, seemed to have guessed something. He raised his eyebrows slightly and shouted anxiously: "You little thief, how dare you! If you dare to take action, I will punish you." die!"

As he spoke, he rushed towards Holden in a hurry, trying to save Holden.

At the same time, he took out a small token with his right hand and threw the token towards Holden.

The small token turned into a white light and enveloped Holden's body, forming a protective shield.

City Lord Jian Taihong, after being slightly surprised, also reacted and said angrily: "You dare to kill someone in front of me, are you tired of living?"

Jian Taihong never expected that the other party would dare to take action in his presence!

How arrogant!
  While speaking, City Lord Jian Taihong also waved his right hand, took out a talisman, and threw the talisman towards Holden.

The talisman clattered in front of Holden, ignited spontaneously, and turned into a wisp of smoke.
  Immediately afterwards, a mysterious magic circle appeared around Holden.

The magic circle is sparkling, full of power, very mysterious, and presumably a powerful defensive method.

While throwing out the spell, the city lord Jian Taihong rushed directly towards Tang Yi, wanting to capture Tang Yi instantly.

After all, Tang Yi dared to take action in front of him, and he really deserved death.

How could he bear to treat him, the city lord, like nothing?
  If you don't teach me a lesson, if you don't show off your power and let the other party know how powerful you are,

Then how can he be the city lord in the future?
  How else to convince everyone?

Therefore, after using a method to protect Holden, Jian Taihong rushed directly to Tang Yi!
  In this way, after Tang Yi used his methods, Huo Qiling, the head of the Huo family, and Jian Taihong, the leader of Red City, used their methods to protect Holden.

I have to say, their response was very fast!

He reacted in an instant and took various measures in an instant.

Of course!
  The reason why they were able to react was because Tang Yi deliberately let go.

If they didn't deliberately let things slip, how could Huo Qiling and Jian Taihong react with Tang Yi's strength?
  The Supreme with a million combat power is no joke.

But now that we react, what can we do?

Can they block Tang Yi's attack?
  Even if Tang Yi didn't use any means, he just waved lightly, and the wind he waved was extremely terrifying.
  Can kill people invisible.

With such strength, how could the mere head of the Huo family and the mere lord of Red City resist?

Therefore, Tang Yi's gentle wave was completely irresistible.

Tang Yi's wave of strong wind quickly hit Holden.

This energy is not very fast, but its breath is very terrifying.
  It's like a flood of beasts, and it's like Mount Tai weighing it down.

Pressing on Holden, the pressure was heavy.

Faced with such an attack, Holden was terrified, and howled "wuwuwuwu" on his mouth, seemingly calling for help.

However, how could the head of the Huo family and the lord of Red City save him.

Yes, the head of the Huo family and the lord of Red City used defensive methods against Holden.

But how could these two defensive methods withstand Tang Yi's attack?
  (End of this chapter)

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