Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2477 Scare off the city lord

Chapter 2477 Scare off the city lord
  I saw a strong wind blowing, and first the magic circle used by the city lord Jian Taihong was instantly shattered, like a collapsed house, falling apart.

Just as Jian Taihong's magic circle was shattered, the shield used by Huo Qiling, the head of the Huo family, also made a 'clang' sound in the next second, like glass, falling apart.

The two defensive methods were shattered in the blink of an eye.

He didn't even have time to resist Tang Yi's attack.

And Tang Yi's attack was just a strong wind with a slight wave of his hand!

Even the strong wind that Tang Yi waved his hand could not withstand, let alone the attack that Tang Yi launched seriously.

Of course,
  To kill these people in front of him, Tang Yi didn't need to attack seriously at all.

A gentle wave is enough.

Tang Yi's strong wind with a gentle wave destroyed the two defenses in an instant, and then quickly attacked Holden.

And hit Horton accurately.


The strong wind blew across Holden's neck,
  Holden, who was still whining and squirming, suddenly seemed to be hit by a holding charm, frozen in place and no longer moving.

Eyes widened.

next moment,
  A trace of blood spilled from Holden's neck.

Another breath, and a natural breeze blew in my face.

Holden's head seemed to be like a ball, sliding down from his body... and rolling to the ground.

With his head and body separated, no matter how strong Holden's vitality is, he cannot die at this moment.

Unless he is immortal, it is impossible to survive at this moment.

And no matter how powerful the Huo family and the Red City Lord's Mansion are at this moment, they may not be able to save Holden.


Seeing this scene, the head of the Huo family was devastated. Looking at Holden's body, he looked as if he had lost his soul, with a look of grief on his face.

On the other side, City Lord Jian Taihong had already rushed in front of Tang Yi, and stretched out his hand to grab Tang Yi.

However, facing Jian Taihong's attack, Tang Yi remained unmoved, as if he didn't see it.
  Ignorance to the extreme!

His expression was full of disdain and contempt.

Facing such arrogant Tang Yi, Red City Lord Jian Taihong became even more furious.

Even if you take action in front of him, you still dare to look down on him at this moment.

This makes him so tolerable?
  Gritting his teeth slightly, the power in Jian Taihong's hand increased sharply, becoming even more violent.

The whole person's momentum has doubled compared to before.

Because the power was too strong, cracks appeared in the space the moment it was grabbed.

It can be seen how powerful this grab is.

Jian Taihong is at the Holy God level and is very powerful.

Although he is not as good as the warriors of the imperial royal family, as a prince in a certain place, he can cover the sky with one hand, which is more than enough.

Therefore, Jian Taihong's grasp is extremely unlikely and cannot be resisted by ordinary people.

If this claw were to hold firmly, the average warrior would be half disabled even if he were not dead, and even a warrior at the Holy God level would probably have his shoulders scratched to pieces.

However, such a terrifying claw fell on Tang Yi...

But it has no effect.

Not only did it not cause any harm to Tang Yi, but even if he wanted to make Tang Yi move, he couldn't.

No matter how much power Jian Taihong used, no matter how hard Jian Taihong tried at the moment, he couldn't do anything to Tang Yi.

At this moment, Tang Yi looked like a huge mountain in front of Jian Taihong, standing still.

"How can it be!"

Seeing this scene, Jian Taihong's eyes widened and he was shocked.

He had no idea what was going on.

I don't understand why I can't catch the young man in front of me at all.

He even didn't understand why his power was ineffective when it fell on this young man.

You know, he is the Holy God!

His power, even if it falls on a top holy god, can cause huge damage.
  It can even scratch the shoulders of the top holy gods.

But now.

Not only is the power unable to have any impact on the opponent, it can't even grab the opponent, and it can't even make the opponent move!
  The other party is like a rock, standing still.

This is too incredible.

This surprised Jian Taihong.

But Tang Yi didn't care whether Jian Taihong was surprised or not. When he saw Jian Taihong grabbing his shoulder with a claw, Tang Yi smiled disdainfully and said, "I advise you to take your claws away quickly, otherwise, be careful with me." Cut it off.”

Hearing this, Jian Taihong was slightly startled and hurriedly let go. At the same time, he flew back and immediately distanced himself from Tang Yi.

After pulling away, Jian Taihong looked at Tang Yi warily, his expression full of fear.

He was scared!

From the moment Tang Yi waved his hand slightly to kill Holden, to when Jian Taihong took action, and then was frightened back by Tang Yi, it only took a blink of an eye.

Everyone present had no reaction at all.

When they reacted, Holden's head was missing, and Jian Taihong, the strongest man in Red City, the Lord of Red City, had also been scared away.

"Hiss! Miss Bing's husband is so brave, he actually killed Holden directly in front of the Huo family head and the city lord! This is a public execution! How arrogant!"

"Ms. Bing's husband is directly slapping the Huo Family Patriarch and the City Lord in the face! He is telling them that he is not afraid. He is very confident and arrogant!"

"Miss Bing's husband looks ordinary, gentle and gentle. I didn't expect him to be such an arrogant person. I guess I made a mistake before."

"It seems that the husband of this ice girl has an extraordinary background! Otherwise, how could he dare to take action when the head of the Huo family and the city lord are present. He must have something to rely on to take action fearlessly at this moment."

"His strength should be what he relies on! Hiss, if I remember correctly, the Lord of the City has the strength of the Holy God, right? However, the Lord of the City just tried to attack him, but he returned without success. He even said a word to him Scared!"

"The city lord was scared away by a young man. This is a rare sight in the past hundred years. I have never seen the city lord in such a mess."

"Looking at the solemn look on the Lord's face, I think the ice girl's husband in front of me must be very terrifying, so terrifying that even the Lord is not sure how to deal with it."

"No wonder, no wonder he dares to provoke the Huo family, no wonder he can marry a woman as beautiful as Miss Bing, it turns out he is so powerful. But, he is too young! At such an age, he can actually practice to this level , actually possesses strength comparable to that of the Holy God?”

"I was wrong. I used to think that he was too ordinary and not worthy of Ice Girl. Now I know that they should be a match made in heaven. One is beautiful and the other is a genius. They are a perfect match."

"The Huo family has finally hit the iron plate! Now there is something exciting to watch. I want to see how the Huo family will deal with it this time!"

"Haha. The Huo family is probably going to capsize in the gutter today!"


After reacting, everyone onlookers started talking.

(End of this chapter)

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