Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2478 Should be our husband

Chapter 2478 Should be our husband
  On the stage, the An family's father and daughter were also very dumbfounded.

Neither of them expected that Tang Yi would dare to take action.

What was even more unexpected was that

Tang Yi actually blocked the city lord's attack!
  You know, that's the city lord!
  But there is a saint-level existence!
  Extremely powerful.

With such an existence, how terrifying is the power of a single blow?
  Actually blocked?
  Seeing this scene, An Qing, the head of the An family, was not only surprised, but also pleasantly surprised!

Very pleasant surprise.

Looking at Tang Yi, it was like looking at a treasure, his eyes were shining.

An Huanlan was not only surprised, but also surprised.

She had no idea that Tang Yi was so strong.

And isn't this kind of powerful man what she wants?
  After seeing Tang Yi being so powerful, An Huanlan's eyes towards Tang Yi had undergone a huge change.

at the same time.

An indescribable emotion surged in her heart.

On the other side of the arena,
  Huo Qiling, the head of the Huo family, finally took his eyes away from Holden at this moment.

He raised his head slightly and turned his gaze to Tang Yi.

His expression was extremely gloomy, and his eyes were full of anger.

"You have to pay the price!"

Huo Qiling said to Tang Yi word by word. The voice was very cold and full of murderous intent.

"I've never paid a price!"

Tang Yi replied arrogantly: "I hope you can let me pay for it!"

"Let me see how arrogant you can be!"

Huo Qiling said.

On the side, Red City Lord Jian Taihong said solemnly: "Old Huo, this person is very powerful and has some weird methods. Let's not rely on others and let's take action together!"

"it is good!"

As the head of the Huo family, Huo Qiling is not a reckless person.
  Although he was very angry at the moment, he still maintained absolute sanity.

It must be said that it is extremely terrifying to be able to maintain this kind of rationality under extreme anger.

Such an enemy is very terrifying.

Of course.

The scary premise is that the enemies he faces will not be much bigger than Huo Qiling.

If it exceeds too much, then no matter how rational Huo Qiling is, it will be useless.

Just like now.

Huo Qiling nodded slightly, and after agreeing with Jian Taihong's point of view, he immediately turned his head and said to all the Huo family warriors: "All the Huo family disciples come together! Whoever takes his head will be the head of the Huo family in the future. Be his!"

I have to say that the price offered by Huo Qiling is very attractive.

After all, with the Huo family's status in Red City, becoming the head of the Huo family would gain power, status, and wealth.

Becoming the head of the Huo family is equivalent to getting everything and reaching the pinnacle of life.

So after hearing Huo Qiling's words, everyone in the Huo family felt as if they had been given a shot of blood. Everyone was in high spirits, with endless fighting spirit and murderous intent.

At this moment, the Lord of Red City, Jian Taihong, also said: "We from the City Lord's Mansion are also coming together. Whoever can kill that boy will have the position of city defense commander. He will also be rewarded with a mid-level Holy Heaven-level weapon." Handle, a set of equipment that is several times higher than that of the lower-grade Saint Heaven level!"

I have to say that the price offered by Jian Taihong is also very attractive. The city defense commander, the first person under the city lord.

It can be said that he is the person with the highest status and status besides the city lord.

Being able to get this position can be said to have soared into the sky, and the scenery is unlimited.

What's more, there are also weapons and equipment rewards for the Holy Heaven class.

How could such a rich reward not be tempting?

Hearing the words of City Lord Jian Taihong, the people in the City Lord's Mansion also seemed to have been injected with blood, and everyone's momentum increased several points.

In this way, under the mobilization of Huo Qiling, the head of the Huo family, and Jian Taihong, the lord of Red City, hundreds of warriors from the Huo family and the city lord's palace burst out with strong fighting spirit.

Seeing this scene, everyone onlookers immediately withdrew, stayed away from the ring, and started talking about it.

"It seems that the Huo family and the City Lord's Mansion are trying to bully the minority."

"After all, this Ice Girl's husband is indeed extraordinary and terrifyingly powerful. It's no wonder that the Huo family and the City Lord's Mansion would respond in this way."

"Although it is understandable, the Huo family and the City Lord's Mansion are still a bit too much."

"It's really too much to treat one person with more than a hundred people."

"But why do I feel that even if the Huo family and the City Lord's Mansion unite, they may not be able to win."

"I also have this feeling!"

"The Huo family and the City Lord's Mansion have joined forces to deal with the mysterious young man. Now there is something exciting to watch."

"It would be interesting if the Huo family and the City Lord's Mansion joined forces and both lost to and were killed by Lady Bing's husband."



On the stage,
  An Huanlan asked Binglian in a low voice: "Miss Bing, the Huo family and the City Lord's Mansion are joining forces. Is your your husband okay?"

"First of all, I want to correct Sister An. Your title is wrong. It should be our husband. You have promised me before that as long as Brother Tang Yi defeats you, you will marry him, and it will be sooner or later that he defeats you. Then, Sister An, please rest assured that Brother Tang Yi will definitely be fine. Let alone the Huo family and the City Lord's Mansion joining forces, even if the entire Red City warriors take action together, there will be no problem!" Bing Lian answered with a smile. road.

Binglian's tone was loud,
  And it’s so big that it’s boundless.

If someone were unaware and heard Binglian's words, they would definitely say that Binglian was bragging.

After all, as a prosperous main city, how many powerful people are there in Red City?
  There are simply countless, not one hundred thousand, but also millions.
  The number of warriors is very large, and their quality is also very high.

The average level is at least Saint level, and among them there are at least tens of thousands of experts above Saint King level.

There are so many warriors in Red City, but Binglian said that even if all the warriors in Red City came together, there would be no problem. In the eyes of everyone, this was not bragging.

But is it actually bragging?

of course not!

Below the Supreme are all ants.

Not to mention there are millions of warriors in Red City, even if there are tens of millions of warriors in Red City, as long as they are not supreme, they are like ants in front of Tang Yi. Tang Yi can massacre the city with just a thought.

Even if there are millions of supreme beings, as long as the supreme combat power of these supreme beings does not reach the million level, Tang Yi can easily kill them.

Therefore, Binglian said that even if all the warriors in Red City took action together, there would be no problem. This was not a lie.


But An Huanlan didn't know the details of Tang Yi or that Tang Yi was the Supreme. When she heard Binglian's words, she immediately felt that Binglian was bragging.

At the same time, she said with great embarrassment: "Miss Bing, I am not used to the title husband yet. Moreover, although the competition is a matter of time, it has not yet happened. Since there is no competition, I am still innocent, so I cannot Calling someone else husband. Please forgive me, Miss Bing."

(End of this chapter)

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