Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2479 The unbreakable black barrier

Chapter 2479 The unbreakable black barrier

After saying something apologetically, An Huanlan added: "Miss Bing, did you just say that your husband would have no problem even if he faced the entire Red City warriors?"

"Sister An, don't believe me? Do you think I'm bragging?"

Binglian asked with a smile.

"Well, no, it's just..." An Huanlan said.

"It's just too exaggerated, right?"

Bing Lian smiled and said: "Sister An, I understand your mood, but you have to know that this world is very big, so big that you can't imagine it. In this world, there are also strong people that you can't understand. And Tang Yi Brother, he is such a strong man. Just be at ease, I am not bragging. I said that Brother Tang Yi would have no problem even if he faced the entire Red City warriors, that means no problem!"

"All right!"

Although An Huanlan still didn't believe it, she was convinced by Binglian's confidence at this moment.

After all, Binglian is so beautiful and has an extraordinary background. She can't possibly deceive others, right?

It's not necessary.

"Watch it carefully, you won't suffer a loss by becoming the wife of my brother Tang Yi, and it will be the most correct thing you have done in your life." Bing Lian said.


"hope so."

An Huanlan did not refuse this time.

After all, Tang Yi's previous performance had already met her requirements for a husband.

An Huanlan has no resistance at all to becoming Tang Yi's wife.

Seeing this scene, Binglian showed a bright smile and felt very proud.

He thought to himself, Brother Tang Yi, just thank me for finding you such a beautiful lady, hehe.

While An Huanlan and Binglian were talking, on the other side, everyone in the Huo family and the City Lord's Mansion were ready and ready to go.

At this moment, the head of the Huo family, Huo Qiling, was heard giving murderous orders: "Kill!"

Hearing this, everyone in the Huo family immediately swarmed up like locusts.

On the other side, City Lord Jian Taihong also waved his hand and said majestically: "Up!"

All the warriors in the City Lord's Mansion immediately flocked to Tang Yi.

In this way, the Huo family and the Lord's Mansion of Red City joined forces, and hundreds of people swarmed to attack Tang Yi with great momentum.

Facing so many strong men, ordinary people would have been frightened out of their wits.

After all, the hundreds of warriors from the Huo Family and the City Lord's Mansion present were at least warriors above the Holy Sect level.
  Most of them are even Saint Emperor level warriors!
  Such strong men took action together,
  Who can be calm?

Any one of these hundreds of warriors can suppress one side and crush all the powerful ones.

That's true for everyone.

With so many strong men taking action at this moment, how powerful would that be?
  How terrible must the damage caused be?
  The people watching from a distance felt the aura of hundreds of people from the Huo family and the City Lord's Mansion, and their bodies couldn't help but tremble.

However, as the instigator, and as the center surrounded by powerful men from the Huo family and the City Lord's Mansion, Tang Yi remained calm.

Faced with the attack by hundreds of powerful men from the Huo family and the city lord's mansion, Tang Yi remained unmoved and not nervous at all.

It seemed that the hundreds of warriors rushing towards him were not powerful warriors, but just some flying insects.

Seeing this scene, the warriors from the Huo family and the City Lord's Mansion were immediately furious, feeling that they were being ignored.

But just ignore them and be alone.

At this moment, he was actually ignoring hundreds of them!

This is too arrogant.

Tolerable or unbearable!
  Being ignored, the hundreds of warriors from the Huo family and the city lord's palace doubled their combat power. They all jumped into the sky at this moment, and then surrounded Tang Yi, launching long-range attacks and violently attacking Tang Yi.

"Wow!" Energy balls, flying swords, sword energy, energy arrows and other various long-range attack methods were used by these hundreds of warriors and blasted at Tang Yi.

Covering every position in the arena, Tang Yi could not avoid it.

At this moment, hundreds of attacks hit Tang Yi together, like rain, and it was extremely terrifying.

Moreover, these attacks are extremely powerful,
  Crossing the air, there was an extremely terrifying sound of breaking through the air.

The space was torn apart because the energy contained in these attacks was too strong.

In short, at this moment, the momentum is terrifying and the energy is rolling.

However, in the face of hundreds of attacks, Tang Yi remained unmoved and very calm.
  There is no way to see what means he will use to resist.

It even seems like he doesn’t want to resist at all!

In short, Tang Yi looked like he was watching a show.

Watching others...attack yourself?
  Not to mention Tang Yi, even Bing Lian was extremely calm.

Even though the entire arena was covered at the moment, anyone who stood on the arena would be attacked, and Binglian herself would be attacked, she remained extremely calm.

The whole person was unmoved and did not make any reaction.
  Nervous emotions will not appear on her beautiful face.

It was as if she felt that the hundreds of attacks above her head would not hit her.

But An Huanlan and the head of the An family on the side were different.

Facing the rain-like attack above his head, even a Saint Emperor-level powerhouse like the An family patriarch was nervous at this moment.

Although he is at the Saint Emperor level and has pretty good strength, the attacks above his head are also attacks from Saint Emperor level warriors.

Moreover, these Holy Emperors are more powerful than An Qingsheng, the head of the An family. Such an attack is just one, and An Qingsheng needs to go all out.
  It may not be possible to stop it.
  This is true when facing each other,

Not to mention there are so many Saint Emperor-level attacks overhead right now.

Therefore, facing this wave of attacks above his head, An Qingsheng was also very nervous.

Because of worry and nervousness, he wanted to pull his daughter An Huanlan away from the ring.

If An Huanlan hadn't stood behind Binglian and been held by Binglian's hand, he would have never had the chance to pull her.

If it weren't for An Huanlan not leaving, he wouldn't be able to leave either.

I am afraid that at this moment he has already fled the ring because of worry and fear.


It was because he had no chance to escape from the ring that he saw the most exaggerated and shocking scene in his life.

At the moment when the hundreds of attacks above his head were about to fall, Tang Yi, standing in the center of the ring, finally moved.

The corner of his mouth curled up, revealing a disdainful smile, and then he slightly raised his hand into the air.

"Space-time barrier!"


The moment Tang Yi raised his hand, a black barrier appeared in mid-air, covering Tang Yi, Bing Lian, An Huanlan and An Qingsheng.

Covered by this black barrier, all attacks from the Huo family and the City Lord's Mansion fell on this black barrier.

At this moment, no matter how many attacks were above his head, no matter how powerful these attacks were, all attacks were blocked by this black barrier.

Even all of them were absorbed by this black barrier.

Hundreds of warriors from the Huo family and the city lord's palace launched hundreds of attacks, but no splash was caused by the black barrier.

Not to mention causing damage to Tang Yi, these attacks did not even touch Tang Yi's fur.

(End of this chapter)

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