Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2481 Ridiculous Tactics

Chapter 2481 Ridiculous Tactics

An Huanlan was tempted.

Even though this man already had two wives, she was tempted.

In this world, it is common for men to have three wives and four concubines.

So An Huanlan doesn't mind this.

As long as this man is good enough, it is important that this man can give her enough sense of security.
  How could she care how many wives the other party has?
  Besides, doesn’t Ice Girl like herself very much?

If Miss Bing likes me so much, then if she marries him, her life won't be too miserable, right?
  An Huanlan had all kinds of random thoughts in her mind.

On the side, Binglian snickered secretly when she saw An Huanlan's straight eyes and pure look on her face.

He touched An Huanlan lightly, interrupting An Huanlan's fantasy, and then Binglian said to An Huanlan: "How about it, Sister An, I didn't lie, did I? I am a good man, right? Under his protection , is it safe? Do you want to be his woman?"

Hearing this, An Huanlan suddenly came back to her senses, turned her head, and immediately faced Bing Lian's "I've seen through you" look on her face.

Seeing such a look, and thinking of what he had just done and what he had just thought about, An Huanlan suddenly blushed.

Seeing An Huanlan blushing, Bing Lian seemed to have grabbed An Huanlan's tail and mocked: "Oh, Sister An is blushing. Sister An must be excited. Let me just say, with my brother Tang Yi's Excellent, with the temperament of my brother Tang Yi, no woman would be tempted by him."

"You're talking nonsense, I didn't."

An Huanlan quickly denied it.

"Sister An, if you still deny it, I've caught you." Binglian said with a proud smile.

"I didn't anyway."

No matter what Binglian said, An Huanlan would not admit it even if he was beaten to death.

So what if my heart is moved?

So what if you want to get married?

Even so, she would not admit it.

after all,

After all, she is the most beautiful girl in Red City, so we can't let her take the initiative to fall in love with her.

No matter what, you have to let the man speak.

It is too shameful for a girl to say that she wants to marry someone else and that she is attracted to him.

Seeing that An Huanlan refused to admit it, Binglian did not continue to ask questions, but looked at An Huanlan with an expression of 'you pretend, you continue to pretend'.

On the side, although Tang Yi did not speak, although his consciousness was in mid-air, guarding against attacks from the Huo family and the City Lord's Mansion, the conversation between Bing Lian and An Huanlan could still be heard.

Hearing the conversation between the two women, Tang Yi was very speechless.

Lian'er, please stop causing trouble, right?
  We've been doing this for so long, can we stop for a while?

Do you have to marry the other person before you can give up?

I'm not a playboy. I already have you and Ling'er. Now if there's another one...

As the saying goes, if there are three women in a drama, and if you marry three wives, what kind of chaos will the family be like?
  There will be a fight, right?

Tang Yi thought very speechlessly in his heart.

Of course.

In order to avoid embarrassment and pretend that I didn’t hear anything,
  Tang Yi's face was very serious.
  At this moment, I could see that his eyes were looking into the air with a serious expression, and his hands were slightly raised, as if he was maintaining the operation of the time and space barrier.

In fact, Tang Yi's hand can be put down after using the time and space barrier.

The time and space barrier is a one-time defense skill and requires no maintenance at all.
  But in order to pretend that he didn't hear anything, he kept his hands raised, pretending to be defending.
  Pretending to be serious about fighting the Huo family and the City Lord's Mansion, without any distractions. On the ring, everyone was thoughtful, distracted and leisurely.

But in the middle of the arena, the people of the Huo family and the City Lord's Mansion were dying of exhaustion.

No matter how many attacks they used at this moment, no matter what methods they used, they could not break through the black barrier.

The black barrier was like an insurmountable mountain, blocking their progress.

Not to mention breaking through, all their attacks seemed to fall into the sea without any response.

This is too scary.

It’s also so disempowering.

"Old Jane, this is not going to work. I don't know what the black barrier is, but it can actually absorb all of our attacks. Our attack here is completely useless. We can't deal with him at all. We have to find another way. That’s all.”

Seeing that the continuous attacks failed to break through the black barrier, Huo Qiling, the head of the Huo family, suddenly became anxious.

Hearing Huo Qiling's words, City Lord Jian Taihong looked solemn. He looked at the leisurely people on the ring, thought for a moment, and decided: "That's true. Our attack here is a complete waste of time and strength, so why not In this way, we all take action together and rush over to encircle and suppress them. Remember, I am talking about 'them'. Not only that kid, but also the people next to him must be encircled and suppressed."

"What a good idea! Encircle and suppress the people around him, and let him experience the feeling of losing a loved one. In this way, he will lose his sense of proportion and his defense will be broken." Huo Qiling agreed.

"In this case, I will attack that boy to attract his attention, while you will attack the woman next to him, and the rest of the people will besiege An Qingsheng and his daughter. I want to see how that boy can protect these things. People.!" City Lord Jian Taihong said.

"Okay! I also want to see if this kid has three heads and six arms!"

Huo Qiling nodded, his eyes filled with chills.

After the two people quickly agreed, the city lord Jian Taihong suddenly shouted: "Do it!"

Immediately, his body quickly rushed towards the ring.

I saw him directly bypassing the time and space barrier and rushing directly towards Tang Yi's body.

Huo Qiling also followed the plan and dived towards Binglian.

The other warriors from the Huo family and the City Lord's Mansion rushed towards An Qingsheng and An Huanlan.

The Huo family and the City Lord's Mansion changed their tactics and rushed to three locations in an instant, launching attacks at three points.

Seeing this scene, Tang Yi felt very funny, and felt that the people in front of him were a little too funny.

Attack separately and attack your loved ones around you, do you think you can succeed?
  Do you think you can disturb yourself?

And thus affecting your own mind?

Will it affect the situation of the war?

I have to say that the idea is a good one, but a bit naive.

Of course, this cannot be said that the people of the Huo family and the City Lord's Mansion are brainless. It can only be said that they lack knowledge and do not know what kind of terrifying existence they are facing.

If they knew that they were facing an extremely terrifying existence, they probably wouldn't use such ridiculous tactics.

But now he turned around and ran away.

After smiling contemptuously, Tang Yi was not nervous and allowed the people from the Huo family and the City Lord's Mansion to attack.

When people from the Huo family and the City Lord's Mansion came closer and thought they could succeed, they saw Tang Yi raise his hand again.


Several protective shields appeared instantly, wrapping Binglian, An Huanlan and An Qingsheng respectively.

(End of this chapter)

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