Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2482 Let me tell you a truth

Chapter 2482 Let me tell you a truth

Tang Yi used several shields to protect Binglian and the An family's father and daughter.

Originally, the Huo family and the City Lord's Mansion wanted to threaten Tang Yi through Binglian and the An family's father and daughter, but under the protection of these shields, all the plans of the Huo family and the City Lord's Mansion suddenly came to nothing.

Because these shields firmly protected Binglian and the An family's father and daughter, no matter what methods the Huo family and the City Lord's Mansion used, they could not attack them.

"Oh no, how many weird tricks does this kid have? This is too disgusting."

"This kid has too many defensive methods. And these defensive methods are extremely powerful. There are so many of us who can't even defeat him."

"Fortunately, fortunately, he doesn't have any attack methods, otherwise, we would be in misery."

"This time it was so frustrating. I have never fought such a frustrating battle. If there was back and forth, then we would lose. But in fact, that is not the case. Instead, we attacked unilaterally. The opponent didn’t fight back at all! And our offense had no effect! This is really uncomfortable.”


The warriors from the Huo family and the City Lord's Mansion all said with ugly faces, everyone felt extremely aggrieved.

Even the head of the Huo family and the city lord looked ugly.

Seeing that Bing Lian and the An family were completely unable to attack, the Huo family head Huo Qiling and the city lord Jian Taihong could only order all the warriors to concentrate their efforts to attack Tang Yi.

Because there was only Tang Yi at the moment and there was no shield on him.

Only Tang Yi was exposed to their sight.

Therefore, all of them concentrated on attacking Tang Yi!
  Huo Qiling, the head of the Huo family, and Jian Taihong, the city lord, thought that without the black barrier and without the protection of the shield, hundreds of them attacked Tang Yi together, and they should be able to kill Tang Yi.

After all, no matter how strong he is, he can't stop the attacks of hundreds of them, right?

However, the people in the Huo family and the City Lord's Mansion are still a little naive.

What they didn't expect was that Tang Yi, without any protection, would have a more terrifying defense than others with protection!
  Tang Yi just stood there, motionless, and allowed everyone in the Huo family and the City Lord's Mansion to attack.

The attacks from the Huo family and the City Lord's Mansion were completely unable to harm Tang Yi.

All the attacks were thrown forward, just like they had hit the black barrier before, and they all fell into the sea.

Not to mention causing harm to Tang Yi, even Tang Yi's clothes couldn't be broken.

Tang Yi was just standing there, obviously not doing anything, but they just couldn't do anything to get Tang Yi.

"Impossible! This is completely impossible! Who on earth are you!"

Seeing this scene, City Lord Jian Taihong was completely dumbfounded.

He couldn't believe this scene at all.

I can't believe that someone's defense can be so strong.

Is the other party an iron man?

Why is it so powerful?
  How could it be possible to completely resist their attack?

And the most exaggerated thing is...

Their attacks went up, but it didn't cause any damage to the other party.

Not even the other party's clothes could be damaged at all.

It doesn't matter if you say your own defense is strong.

Even the defense of clothes is so strong?

What are these clothes made of?
  Too exaggerated?
  Now Jian Taihong already regrets taking action.

The young man in front of them was completely beyond their ability to deal with.

But regretting it now was of no use. He could do nothing but continue fighting until the outcome was determined between the two sides. Oh, right,

He could still surrender and kneel down to beg for mercy.


Is this something that a city lord can do?

Jian Taihong couldn't do it at all.

His self-confidence would never allow him to do this.

However, on the other side, Huo Qiling, the head of the Huo family, did not give up and kept attacking Tang Yi.

Even if his attack had no effect on Tang Yi.

Even if his fists had no effect on Tang Yi.

Even if his sword broke due to the bombardment of Tang Yi's body, he still did not stop.

He was still attacking crazily, as if he was a tireless machine.

He even rushed to Tang Yi and attacked directly against Tang Yi.

He didn't care at all whether Tang Yi would fight back against him.

In short, the current head of the Huo family looks very crazy, and his eyes have turned blood red.

It was obvious that he had gone crazy.

Because of his son's death, he became obsessed.

But what is the use of madness? What's the use of constant attacks?

With the huge gap in strength, the madman could not affect the outcome.

Tang Yi looked at the crazy head of the Huo family as if he was watching a monkey show.

When the people of the Huo family and the City Lord's Mansion saw that the head of the Huo family was still attacking so hard, they immediately joined the attacking team.
  He beat Tang Yi randomly, and continued to use various methods and attacks desperately.

And this, in Tang Yi's eyes, was like playing a monkey trick, very ridiculous.

In this way, Tang Yi watched more than a hundred people playing monkey tricks and allowed them to attack him.

After Wei Wei watched the monkey show for a while, Tang Yi asked the people of the Huo family and the City Lord's Mansion: "Have you beaten enough? If you have beaten enough, it's my turn, right?"

After speaking, Tang Yi slowly raised his right hand to the top of his head, and then gently held it empty.

And at the moment when Tang Yi clenched his hand into a fist, other than Huo Qiling and the city lord Jian Taihong,

"Puff Puff Puff Puff!"

The warriors from the Huo family and the City Lord's Mansion all exploded like rubber balls, turning into streaks of blood mist.

Hundreds of people just disappeared out of thin air!
  If it hadn't been for the fluffy voice that sounded before,

If it weren't for the countless blood mist remaining in the air,
  It was as if these hundreds of people had never existed.

From Tang Yi's hand, all the warriors from the Huo family and the city lord's mansion turned into blood mist, not even in the blink of an eye.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of warriors disappeared, including many powerful Saint Emperor-level warriors. This was too exaggerated.

Seeing this scene, the people watching from a distance were all stunned. Everyone had a look of shock and disbelief.

However, just as the onlookers were immersed in shock, Tang Yi looked at Huo Qiling, the head of the Huo family, and Jian Taihong, the city lord, and said lightly: "Do you know why I didn't kill you? Because I I want to teach you a truth. Indulgence will not make people better or better. On the contrary, it will make people more aggressive, more unscrupulous, and more evil. Today's results are all As a result of your connivance, if it weren’t for your connivance with Holden, Holden wouldn’t be so unscrupulous and do all kinds of evil, and he wouldn’t have what he is facing today!”

(End of this chapter)

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