Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2483 Competing with An Huanlan

Chapter 2483 Competing with An Huanlan
  After hearing what Tang Yi said, Huo Qiling and Jian Taihong also agreed deeply.

It is true that they are too indulgent.

If it weren't for their connivance, would Holden dare to be so arrogant?
  Do you dare to do evil in Red City?

Do you dare to bully men and dominate women?

It was because of their connivance that Holden dared to do this.

It was because of their connivance that Holden hit the wall and ended up like this.

It was because of their connivance that the Huo family and the City Lord's Mansion were in such a dangerous situation today.

In short, it was their connivance that led to today's results.

  You understand everything, but when it's your turn, can you wake up?

Can't wake up!
  In addition, although Huo Qiling also understood that it was Holden's fault, he also knew that it was his own connivance that led to this result.

However, he was still very unwilling!

After all, his son is dead, can he be willing to do so?

No matter how wrong his son was, in Huo Qiling's opinion, he still didn't deserve to die!

This is the future of their Huo family, the inheritance of the Huo family!
  At this moment, Huo Qiling wanted to scream and vent her frustration.

However, he could no longer shout at this moment.

Because after Tang Yi finished speaking, he raised his hand slightly again and said, "Okay, I'm done, it's time to send you on your way."

After speaking, Tang Yi squeezed his hand.


Huo Qiling, the last head of the Huo family, and Jian Taihong, the lord of Red City, immediately turned into blood mist and disappeared from this world.

The entire arena suddenly became quiet.

The originally crowded arena now became very empty.

Only Tang Yi, Bing Lian and the father and daughter of the An family were left in the arena.


Tang Yi clapped his hands and replied to Binglian.

Bing Lian was very supportive and said, "Brother Tang Yi is the most powerful."

After a pause, Binglian said again: "Brother Tang Yi, when will you compete with Sister An?"

"Ah! This..."

Tang Yi was slightly stunned and didn't know how to answer for a moment.

He didn't expect that this little girl would still remember it.

Moreover, he actually focused on this matter!
  He had just finished dealing with the Huo family and the City Lord's Mansion.

On the other side, Binglian asked him to compete with Miss An.

It also……

In fact, Tang Yi can directly kill the people of the Huo family and the City Lord's Mansion.

And it’s very fast and very easy,

The battle can be resolved in one breath, and the matter can be resolved.

The reason why it took so long to deal with the people of the Huo family and the City Lord's Mansion, and why they were not dealt with immediately,
  Tang Yi just wanted to delay time.
  Just drag it on to make Binglian forget about the martial arts competition.

However, he didn't expect that even if he delayed, Binglian would still remember it and still stare at this matter.

This made him very helpless.

"Lian'er, I just had a big battle and I'm exhausted. Should we wait for another day to compete?" Tang Yi found an excuse and said.

However, his excuse is obviously untenable.

Bing Lian immediately complained: "Brother Tang Yi, if you want to find an excuse, at least find a decent one. Why did you just move your fingers when you were exhausted after a big battle? Can you move your fingers? Tired?"

"Um, um..." Tang Yi didn't know how to answer.

"You promised me before." Binglian stared at Tang Yi and said resentfully. Seeing Binglian's resentful eyes, Tang Yi sighed helplessly and said, "Okay, Bibi, for Lian'er, I will compete."

"Then let's start now."

Binglian said to An Huanlan very attentively: "Sister An, let's start the competition now and decide quickly."



An Huanlan obviously hasn't recovered from the shock just now.
  When she heard Binglian's words, she was slightly stunned.
  "I said let's start the competition now. Sister An, didn't you just say that as long as Brother Tang Yi beats you at the same level, then you will marry me, Brother Tang Yi? Now we can compete." Binglian said.

"Uh... this..." An Huanlan said hesitantly.

"What? Sister An, are you going to regret it?" Binglian asked.

"How is it possible! How could I go back on my word!"

An Huanlan said: "Okay, let's compete. But I have to say first that he will be suppressed to the level of God of War, and he cannot use any means!"

"no problem!"

Binglian smiled slightly and said, "Brother Tang Yi, come on."

Hearing this, Tang Yi could only step forward, cupped his hands towards An Huanlan, and said, "Miss An, I'm sorry, I'll let you go later."

Originally, An Huanlan was still a little hesitant and a little shy, but after hearing Tang Yi's words, these emotions suddenly disappeared, replaced by dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction.

  Amazing strength?

Is it okay to look down on people?
  Although my strength is not as good as yours, I am still very strong at the God of War level, okay?
  Do you want to look down on people so much and still give in?

"No, you can do whatever you want. Competition to recruit relatives is a fair competition. There is no need to be humble."

An Huanlan said very forcefully.

After all, she also has self-esteem.

When he heard An Huanlan's words, Tang Yi was slightly startled. He didn't expect that his words would annoy the other party. He immediately stopped talking and said, "Then Miss An, let's take action!"

On the side, seeing Tang Yi's incomprehensible amorous feelings, as if he were a lump of elm wood, Bing Lian shook his head helplessly.
  I thought to myself, Brother Tang Yi, brother Tang Yi, you are too incomprehensible. If you don't have me, how can you pursue a young lady? A beautiful young lady like Sister An will never have a chance with you. But fortunately, fortunately, I am here, such a gentle, considerate and considerate lady, and no beauty will escape your hands.

the other side.

An Huanlan said to Tang Yi: "Then you are ready, I am going to take action!"

With that said, An Huanlan immediately held a palm and rushed towards Tang Yi.

Very fast and powerful.

No holding back at all,

As soon as he takes action, An Huanlan goes all out!

However, facing An Huanlan's palm, Tang Yi remained unmoved.
  Let this palm fall on yourself.

Under Tang Yi's deliberate relaxation, An Huanlan's palm hit Tang Yi accurately.


But it had no effect.

Her palm was like a stone's throw, unable to cause any harm to Tang Yi.

Of course.

How could it possibly cause harm to Tang Yi?

Even if Tang Yi reduced his strength to the level of a warrior, An Huanlan would not be able to cause harm to Tang Yi.

After all, how powerful is Tang Yi's body?
  How many attribute pills have you taken?
  With his body alone, he can kill even the Supreme Being, let alone the God of War level An Huanlan?
  Therefore, even if Tang Yi lowered his power to the level of God of War, An Huanlan's all-out palm failed to have any effect on Tang Yi.

Tang Yi's body shook slightly, and An Huanlan was thrown away.

After a few seconds, he fell into the ring.

Easy, simple, no hands required.

This competition started and ended quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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