Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2488 Niu Kun’s caravan is invading?

Chapter 2488 Niu Kun’s caravan is invading?

"This one……"

It has always been Tang Yi's habit to leave as soon as he is done. He hasn't been a guest to anyone for a long time.

Even in Tiangong, Tang Yi did not visit the Bing family.

but now…….
  It was hard for him to refuse An's invitation.

After all, An's family is now his in-laws. It's a bit unreasonable to come to the city where his in-laws are located and not visit them.

Moreover, An Huanlan was about to leave him, so he couldn't just take them away without letting them say goodbye, right?

If so, that would be a bit much.

Therefore, after hearing An Qingsheng's words, Tang Yi hesitated.

While Tang Yiyin was in the room, Binglian on the side said: "Brother Tang Yi, let's go to Sister An's house and take a look. Anyway, there is still time, so we don't have to leave in a hurry. Besides, I also want to take a look. Let’s see what Sister An’s place is like.”

After hearing Binglian's words, Tang Yi, who was still hesitant, suddenly thought for a moment, then nodded and said: "Okay, then we will go to the An family as a guest for one day, and we will set off the next day."

"Yeah, okay, let's go to Sister An's house as a guest."

Binglian seemed very happy to see Tang Yi agree to visit An's family.

However, just when a group of people were about to leave the ring and prepare to go to Bing's house.


Figures flew in the sky again.

The auras of these figures were not as powerful as those of the Huo Family and the City Lord's Mansion, but there were many of them, two to three hundred people, flying in the air, densely packed.

And these figures quickly landed on the edge of the ring and surrounded the ring.

The people who were originally watching on the edge of the ring had retreated to a distance, so these figures could easily fall down and surround the ring.

Most of these figures landed next to the ring, but a few figures landed on top of the ring, directly opposite Tang Yi and his party.

And among the several figures that fell on the ring, one of them was Niu Binhai, the leader of the Niu Kun Merchant Group, whom Tang Yi met when he first came to Red City!

In addition to Ushi Haibin, there were three other people on the ring.

Two of them were dressed in fancy attire, with a faint murderous aura permeating their bodies, as if they had experienced many fights and had their hands stained with the blood of many people.

The other person is a middle-aged man with a Chinese character face.

This middle-aged man with a Chinese-style face looks very calm, and his face looks very decent, but his eyes... are very evil.

It was as if there was a little devil hidden in his eyes.

It seemed as if all he was thinking about were evil things.

After these people landed on the ring, Niu Haibin, the leader of the Niu Kun Merchant Group, immediately said to the middle-aged man with a Chinese character face: "Master, the woman on the right wearing a white dress is the woman I mentioned, next to her They are the companions traveling with her, and the woman on the other side is the only daughter of the An family, An Huanlan. And this An Huanlan is the one that the Huo family has a crush on."

"I see."

The middle-aged man with a Chinese character replied calmly.

At the same time, his eyes kept looking at Binglian. The more he looked at it, the more satisfied he became, and the more he looked at it, the more evil intent he saw in his eyes.

At the same time, there was a strong possessiveness in his eyes.

It was as if the ice ripples in front of him were already his private property.

After briefly glancing at Binglian, the middle-aged man's eyes rested on An Huanlan.

When he looked at An Huanlan, he also had a look of wonder and admiration on his face.

However, unlike when he looked at Binglian, in addition to admiration and appreciation, there was also a look of pity in his eyes when he looked at An Huanlan. He seemed to feel that it was a pity that he could not get a beauty of An Huanlan's level.

Faced with the scrutiny of the middle-aged man with a Chinese character face, Bing Lian and An Huanlan frowned at the same time.

An Huanlan's reaction was impatient, and she didn't like being looked at like this.

Binglian's reaction was one of disgust, and she showed a very cold and difficult-to-provoke expression.

An Qingsheng obviously knew this middle-aged man with a Chinese character and his group. After looking at him for a moment, An Qingsheng said: "Who do I think it is? It turns out to be the head of the Niu Ba Tianniu family of the Niu Kun Merchant Group. I'm disrespectful. I don’t know why the head of the Niu family came to my home arena?”

"Are you the head of the An family? I've heard of it."

An Qingsheng knew Niu Batian, but Niu Batian did not know An Qingsheng.

After hearing An Qingsheng's words, Niu Batian only said that he had heard of it, and then stopped, unwilling to say more.

It seemed that for him to just say he had heard of it was already a very big deal.

It’s already given enough face.

Although both parties are the same family heads and control a powerful caravan,

But it was obvious that Niu Batian looked down on An Qingsheng and An Jia.

Of course.

How could Niu Batian watch An Qingsheng?

Although Anjia is also a first-class caravan, its ranking in Red City is in the dozen or so.

In front of Anjia, there were dozens of powerful caravans.

Niu Kun's caravan is the second-ranked caravan and is very powerful.

In Red City, apart from the City Lord's Mansion and the Huo family, Niu Kun's caravan is the strongest.

So, how could Niu Batian like An Jia?
  Feeling the arrogance in Niu Batian, the head of the An family, An Qingsheng, frowned and felt a little uncomfortable.

If it had happened before, forget it. Maybe An Qingsheng wouldn't care and would still be afraid of Niu Batian. He might even pretend not to know anything and just expose the matter.

But it's different now.

Now that I have Tang Yi as my son-in-law,

After receiving the gift from Tang Yi, how could he still be afraid of Niu Batian?

Seeing Niu Batian looking so awesome, An Qingsheng became angry.

I immediately wanted to say something.

However, before he could speak, he saw Niu Binhai, the commander-in-chief of Niu Kun, who was standing next to Niu Batian like a dog-legger. He opened his mouth and said to An Qingsheng: "Master An, I am Niu Haibin, the commander-in-chief of Niu Kun Merchant Group. I would like to come." You should have heard of me."

Hearing Niu Haibin's words, An Qingsheng swallowed back the words he wanted to say. He turned his head, glanced at Niu Haibin brightly, and then said: "Of course I, An, have heard of the name of Commander Niu." Pass."

"Since you've heard about it, that's fine. Our Niu Kun Business Group doesn't want to be an enemy of your Anjia. We hope that your Anjia can also be discerning."

Ushihara Ubi said booming.

"What do you mean?"

An Qingsheng frowned slightly, his face darkened and became even more ugly.

I secretly thought that this Niu Kun caravan was getting more and more arrogant.

But Niu Haibin seemed unable to see An Qingsheng's gloomy expression. He smiled slightly, pointed at Tang Yi and Binglian and said, "Those two people over there hurt our Niu Kun caravan members, and now we have to capture them. I want justice for the people in Niu Kun’s caravan, and I hope that Master An and you, the people of An family, will stop meddling in other people’s business.”

(End of this chapter)

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