Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2489 Things are vaguely weird?

Chapter 2489 Things are vaguely weird?

An Qingsheng turned his head and glanced at Tang Yi and Binglian, and said in surprise: "They? Injured someone from your Niu Kun caravan?"

"Yes. I hope Master An will leave this matter alone." Niu Haibin said.

In fact, Tang Yina injured someone from Niu Kun's caravan again, so there was no conflict at all between them.

They just exchanged a few words and then parted ways.

Now Niu Haibin said that Tang Yi had injured people from their Niu Kun caravan, just to find a reason to cause trouble.

That's not the case, but who knows.

Niu Kun's caravan said it was a fight, so it was a fight.

When seeing the people from Niu Kun's caravan coming to trouble Tang Yi, An Qingsheng, who was still very angry and unhappy, suddenly stopped being angry.

Even happy.

I couldn't help but start praying for the people in Niu Kun's caravan.

Dare to cause trouble for his son-in-law?

Isn’t this because you are too long-lived and sincerely seeking death?
  Tang Yi had just sent the people from the City Lord's Mansion and the Huo family to the west, and the next second the Niu Kun caravan arrived.

Are they in a hurry to go to the West?

At the same time, An Qingsheng was puzzled. How could the Niu Kun caravan, which was so impressive, have so little information?
  Don't they know what just happened here?

Don’t you know that Tang Yi just sent the people from the City Lord’s Mansion and the Huo family to the West?
  How dare you come to cause trouble?


There is still blood on the ground here, and there is still a strong smell of blood in the air.

Don’t they know how to observe?
  Why don't you ask what happened?

Is this Niu Kun caravan a fool?

An Qingsheng was not the only one who was confused.

Even people who saw this scene from a distance were puzzled.

Everyone looked at Niu Kun's caravan with confusion and... incredible expressions on their faces.

Before, they witnessed Tang Yi's power with their own eyes,
  He also witnessed the deaths of everyone in the City Lord's Mansion and the Huo family.

You know, as powerful as the City Lord's Mansion and the Huo Family, there were hundreds of them, but with just a pinch from Tang Yi, they were all wiped out and turned into blood mist!
  Even the most powerful city lord's palace in Red City and the Huo family, the number one caravan, died at the hands of Tang Yi, and the people from Niu Kun's caravan actually dared to cause trouble.

This is really too long.

Therefore, when they saw this scene, the people watching from a distance all looked incredulous.

Of course, you can't blame Niu Kun's caravan.

The reason why they didn't know about this was because when the people from the Huo family and the City Lord's Mansion arrived, the person in charge of tracking Niu Kun's caravan had already returned to report and did not see this scene.

That's why.

The people in Niu Kun's caravan didn't know that the Huo family and the City Lord's Mansion had been here.

He didn't know that the people of the Huo family and the City Lord's Mansion had died at the hands of Tang Yi.

Although the scene at this moment was covered in blood and full of the smell of blood, everyone in Niu Kun's caravan did not think too much.

After all, no matter how smart and capable they are, how can they associate the smell of blood all over the ground with the Huo family and the City Lord's Mansion?

Impossible, right?

Seeing the blood on the ground and smelling the smell of blood, the most they could do was be confused.

Seeing that An Qingsheng, the head of the An family, was silent and showed a meaningful smile? Niu Haibin frowned slightly and said, "Master An, how are you? I think your An family won't meddle in other people's business, right?"

"No, of course not!"

An Qingsheng smiled and said: "These two people beside me injured people from your Niu Kun caravan, right? Then you can just settle the score with them. It has nothing to do with our Anjia, and our Anjia will ignore them."


Niu Haibin didn't expect An Qingsheng to be so easy to talk to.

He was already prepared to turn against the An family. Even if Anjia is not easy to deal with, Niu Kun Business Group is ready to pay a certain price.

However, I didn’t expect that Anjiu would be so knowledgeable!

"Master An is so knowledgeable, so naturally this is the best thing."

Niu Haibin nodded slightly, then turned to Niu Batian beside him and said, "Brother, they Anjia said they don't care."


Niu Batian nodded slightly and said, "Then take action and capture them back."

Niu Batian said this calmly, as if capturing Tang Yi and Bing Lian was not a big deal.


Hearing this, Niu Haibin turned his head and said to Tang Yi and Binglian: "I didn't expect that we would meet so soon. How dare you refuse us before! How about now? Even the An family is not willing to help you. Ha! Those who know how to deal with it should hurry up and capture it without forcing us to use force."

"I really didn't expect you to come and die so soon."

Tang Yi replied calmly.

"Huh? It's already come to this point, and you still dare to show off. Well, in that case, I'll let you know how powerful our Niu Kun caravan is! Come on, capture that kid, and then break his legs. .”

Niu Haibin said domineeringly.

Hearing this, dozens of warriors from Niu Kun's caravan rushed onto the stage and surrounded Tang Yi.

But this time, Tang Yi won't play with these people.

The moment they jumped up, Tang Yi took action.

I saw him pinch slightly.


The dozens of Niu Kun caravan warriors who jumped onto the stage all turned into blood mist.


Niu Haibin was dumbfounded.

Niu Batian, the head of the Niu family of Niu Kun's caravan, was also stunned.

"What's going on? What happened?"

"What happened to Lao Liu and the others?"

"Who, who took action against them?"


Everyone present in Niu Kun's caravan didn't understand what happened, and everyone looked surprised.

And he kept scanning the arena, wanting to know what happened to the dozen people who had just entered, and why they turned into blood mist.

However, at this time, Tang Yi smiled faintly at Niu Haibin and Niu Batian, and said, "Do you know why the ground here is blood red? Do you know why there is a smell of blood here? In addition, do you know why those people in the distance are looking at you? Do you look like you are looking at a fool?"


Niu Batian and Niu Haibin looked at Tang Yi in confusion, not understanding why Tang Yi said that.

In addition, they are indeed very confused, why is the arena so bloody?
  Why is there a strong smell of blood in the air?
  Could it be that something big happened here before they came?
  Did a large number of people die here?
  Is that why the blood red remains all over the ground?
  And the people in the distance...

Niu Batian and Niu Haibin looked into the distance and immediately saw the people watching in the distance.

The onlookers were all looking at their Niu Kun caravan.

As if watching a joke, as if watching a fool.

In everyone's eyes, there is joking, sarcasm, and ridicule?

These onlookers actually regarded their Niu Kun caravan as monkeys?

At the same time, he also ridiculed and ridiculed?
  what happened?

Why do these onlookers look like this?

(End of this chapter)

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