Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2490 Because you are fools

Chapter 2490 Because you are fools

Niu Batian and Niu Haibin were very puzzled.

Logically speaking, the onlookers should not have such a reaction.

After all, who are they?

They are Niu Kun's caravan, the third largest caravan in Red City.

With their strength and prestige, who dares to show such a look, who dares to regard them as monkeys?

Who dares to ridicule and laugh at them?
  Don't you die?

The power accumulated by their Niu Kun caravan is deeper than that of the Huo family's caravan, the first caravan.

How dare people react like this when they see them!
  However, these onlookers in the distance...

But he showed such a life-threatening reaction!
  Not only the people in the distance, but also the people in the ring!

On the ring, the An family's father and daughter looked at them as if they were fools. Their faces were full of sneers, as if they were laughing at them?
  Watch their show?

what on earth is it?

What happened?
  Why do these people look like this?
  Niu Batian and Niu Haibin were confused and had no idea why this was happening.

This thing is too weird.

Thinking back to just now, more than a dozen people from their Niu Kun caravan suddenly turned into blood mist after stepping onto the ring...

Niu Batian and Niu Haibin were even more confused.

Niu Batian already felt that something was wrong at this moment. He looked at Niu Haibin with a gloomy face and said: "What's going on? This is different from what you said. Didn't you say that this kid in front of you is easy to deal with? ? What is going on now? How does he look like he is easy to deal with? There is also the blood here, the smell in the air, and the people watching in the distance. Tell me, what exactly is going on? What's going on?"

After being questioned, Ushi Haibin hurriedly turned to the man who was responsible for tracking before and asked: "What's going on? What happened before we arrived?"

The subordinate also looked confused and said: "I don't know either. When I followed them here, everyone was still watching around the edge of the ring. It was very normal, not like they are watching a show now. In addition, , there are no blood stains or strange smells next to the ring. That is, these blood stains and smells only appeared when I went back to report to the commander. And those people also stayed away from the ring at this time, and became as abnormal as they are now. appearance."

"Are you sure you were normal when you were here?"

Ushi Haibin narrowed his eyes and asked again. Wanting to make sure his men weren't lying.

"I was absolutely normal when I was following you! Commander, I definitely didn't deceive you in the slightest."

The subordinate said: "Something probably happened when I went back to report the news, so it became like this."

Hearing the words of this subordinate, Niu Haibin nodded, then turned to Niu Batian and replied: "Master, something happened here when Xiao Liuzi came back to report, so those people were exposed. Such a strange look, that’s why there’s blood and smell all over the place.”

"What happened?"

Niu Batian wondered: "Then what happened? What happened to make them become like this? They don't even take our Niu Kun caravan in the eyes? How dare they show their laughter and ridicule? expression?"

"This one……"

Niu Haibin didn't know how to reply for a while.

Can you reply?

What happened, how did Niu Haibin know?

Niu Batian asked him, who should he ask?

Ask ghosts to go?
  However, at this moment, I saw a figure running towards me in the distance, looking very nervous and urgent.

I saw this figure quickly passing through the many warriors of Niu Kun's caravan, coming to the edge of the ring, and reporting to Niu Haibin and Niu Ba Tianzhen on the ring: "Master, Commander, something serious is going wrong! The Huo family and the City Lord's Mansion Everyone, including the head of the Huo family and the city lord, heard that a young man was wiped out in the An family's martial arts competition ring!! Now the news has spread throughout Red City!" After the report, this figure Wei Wei looked at the surrounding environment, and then looked at the big Anjia flag on the stage. He seemed to realize something, and immediately shouted: "I'll go."

After shouting, this person ran away without looking back!



Even though their family leader Niu Batian and their commander Niu Haibin were right in front of them, even if there were hundreds of warriors from Niu Kun's caravan present.

He still ran away in panic!
  It was as if there was some savage beast on this side of the ring, and it was extremely terrifying.

In a flash, the man was gone.

When they heard this person's report, Niu Batian and Niu Haibin were slightly startled.

The people of the Huo family and the City Lord's Mansion, including the Huo family's head and the City Lord, were killed by a young man in the An family's martial arts competition ring?

When they heard the news, their first reaction was disbelief!
  Of course.

How could they believe it.

What kind of power is the Huo family?
  What kind of power is the City Lord's Mansion?
  Those are the boss and second-in-command of Red City!
  The two major forces in Red City are extremely powerful.

Killed by a young man?
  is it possible?

A fantasy, right?

Although they didn't believe it at first, gradually they became a little unsure.

Isn't this the place where the An family's martial arts contest is held?

And here... it's really weird!
  Thinking of the strange situation here, the two began to constantly look at the surrounding situation.

From the floor of the ring, to the people on the ring, to the surroundings of the ring, he looked carefully before and after, up and down.

After looking at it slightly,

Reminiscent of the fact that a dozen warriors from their Niu Kun caravan were turned into blood mist after they stepped onto the stage.

Think of the sarcastic looks that the people watching from a distance looked at them at this moment.

Thinking of the bright red blood on the ground at this moment and the bloody smell permeating the air...

Putting these things together, Niu Batian and Niu Haibin finally understood something.

After understanding this, both of them suddenly looked horrified.

At this moment, Niu Haibin pointed at Tang Yi and said to Tang Yi in a tone of horror and disbelief: "Before...before we came, you destroyed...the Huo family and the city...the city lord's mansion? "

At this moment, Niu Haibin was too frightened and frightened to speak, and his body was shaking slightly unconsciously.

On the side, although Niu Batian still acted very calm, his face was very ugly and pale at the moment, as if he had been frightened.

"Didn't I ask you just now? Do you know why the ground here is red with blood? Do you know why there is a smell of blood here? Do you know why those people in the distance look at you as if they are looking at fools? Because you are fools!"

At this time, Tang Yi smiled at the two of them, his smile was very bright, and he nodded and admitted: "Yes, the people of the Huo family and the City Lord's Mansion were killed by me just a few minutes before you arrived here. And you …will be next.”

(End of this chapter)

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