Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2491 Solving Niu Kun’s Caravan

Chapter 2491 Solving Niu Kun’s Caravan
  Hearing Tang Yi's words, Niu Haibin and Niu Batian's minds went crazy.

At this moment, they understand everything! !

No wonder, no wonder there is blood and bloody smell here.

It turns out that the blood and bloody smell were left behind after the death of people from the Huo family and the City Lord's Mansion.

No wonder, no wonder the people watching from a distance behaved so strangely.

It turned out to be because they had seen the power of the young man in front of them before, and how he destroyed the Huo family and the City Lord's Mansion.

And their Niu Kun caravan actually dared to provoke such a young man.

When the people watching from a distance saw this scene, it would be strange if they weren't surprised!
  No wonder they look like fools!

Their Niu Kun caravan is indeed a fool!
  It’s no wonder that the dozen warriors from Niu Kun’s caravan disappeared into ashes and turned into blood mist just after they stepped onto the stage.

It turns out that all this was done by the young man in front of me!
  After knowing these things, Niu Haibin became even more frightened, and his body trembled even more.

Niu Batian on the side was filled with regret.

I regretted why I listened to Niu Haibin's nonsense and provoked the young man in front of me.

Regret why I couldn’t withstand the temptation.

it's good now?

Hit a brick wall?
  Moreover, it is still an iron plate among iron plates!

Even the Huo family and the City Lord's Mansion fell into the hands of this iron plate!
  The Huo family and the City Lord's Mansion are much stronger than their Niu Kun caravan.

Even the Huo family and the City Lord's Mansion were defeated, so they...

Thinking of this, in addition to regret, even Niu Batian was scared.

But now, what's the use of regret?

What's the use of being afraid?

"Little brother, misunderstanding, this is all a misunderstanding."

After Niu Batian understood the truth of the matter, he immediately said to Tang Yi with a submissive expression.

When he first arrived, Niu Batian was very domineering and domineering, with his eyes above his head and he didn't take anyone seriously.

However, in just a moment, his attitude changed 180 degrees and he became submissive.

I have to say that this person, especially someone who loves to pretend, is very fickle.

However, after hearing Niu Batian's words, Tang Yi hadn't spoken yet, but Binglian said sarcastically: "Now you know the misunderstanding? Why didn't you just say it was a misunderstanding? Brother Tang Yi, don't let them go. These people are It doesn’t look like a good thing. Now it’s just because we are stronger than them, so they bow to us. If they were stronger than us, that would not be the case.”

Tang Yi certainly understands this truth.

Because he is strong, the attitude of these people in front of him has changed 180 degrees, and they are so submissive.

If he wasn't strong, then these people in front of him might eat him alive.

Therefore, how could Tang Yi let them go.

Even if Binglian didn't say anything, Tang Yi wouldn't let them go!
  "When you provoked me, when you targeted my wife, did you ever think that this would be the result? Did you ever think that I was someone you couldn't provoke? I think you are used to bullying others, so you didn't consider these issues at all! "

"And today, I want to tell you a truth. Sometimes if you do too many bad things, sooner or later the boat will capsize. Just like now."

After Tang Yi finished speaking, he didn't say anything more and raised his right hand, as if he wanted to take action.

On the other side, Niu Batian and Niu Haibin were frightened and frightened when they saw that Tang Yi wanted to take action after just saying a few words.

At this moment, although they no longer dared to attack Tang Yi, they still dared to escape.

Seeing Tang Yi, they wanted to kill them. Their instinctive and powerful desire to survive was immediately aroused, and their bodies moved involuntarily, fleeing into the distance.

The strength of the two is still good, and their escape speed is extremely fast.

but! In front of Tang Yi, this kind of speed was simply a turtle's pace.

Seeing Niu Batian and Niu Haibin running away, Tang Yi sneered slightly, and then made a move with his right hand.

But unexpectedly, just when Tang Yi was about to take action against Niu Batian and Niu Haibin.

On the ring, the two powerful warriors who were originally standing next to Niu Batian and Niu Haibin suddenly rushed towards Tang Yi and took action against Tang Yi.

And when he took action, he targeted Tang Yi's vital point, his heart!

But such an attack is obviously useless.

With their strength and speed, they were unable to cause any harm to Tang Yi.

And the two of them still acted like this, as if they wanted to use their lives to buy Niu Batian and Niu Haibin time to escape?
  I have to say that these two powerful warriors are really sincere.

  What is the use?

Tang Yi didn't care at all about the two powerful warriors rushing towards him.

Even if they attack him, even if they attack his own heart.

Tang Yi ignored it.

Tang Yi's right hand was still gently grasped.

And just then.


Niu Batian and Niu Haibin, who were escaping in the distance, suddenly turned into blood mist. No matter how fast they ran, it was of no avail.

Also turning into blood mist with them were hundreds of warriors from Niu Kun's caravan, as well as two powerful warriors rushing toward him.

Niu Kun's caravan is not a serious caravan. On weekdays, relying on its strong power, it bullies men and dominates women, and does all kinds of bad things.

And it was obviously not a good thing for these warriors to stay in such a caravan, so Tang Yi did not let them go.

I have to say that Tang Yi is indeed very decisive and direct.

As soon as he took action, he directly destroyed Niu Kun's caravan.

Not a single member of Niu Kun's caravan, including the family leader and leader, was left behind.

Seeing this scene, the people watching from a distance suddenly froze and looked at Tang Yi, full of fear.

The father and daughter of the An family on the side also looked in awe.

After all, who wouldn't be in awe of such a powerful warrior? Who is not afraid?
  After dealing with Niu Kun's caravan, Tang Yi clapped his hands as if he had just done an inconspicuous thing, and then said to An Qingsheng: "Let's go, Master An, then we will visit your An family first. Tomorrow Let’s start again. Excuse me.”

Hearing this, An Qingsheng recovered from the shock and said: "Okay, our An family will definitely entertain you well."

Binglian on the side looked happy and said: "Okay, let's go to An's house to be a guest."

Tang Yi shook his head helplessly.

The group of people left the arena and headed towards the An family's mansion.

However, just after Tang Yi and his party left the arena,

What happened on this side of the ring immediately spread throughout Red City.

All the forces and warriors in Red City knew what happened today.

I found out about a young man who killed the Lord of Red City, the Huo family and the Niu Kun caravan.

After knowing these things, the entire Red City was in an uproar, countless people were talking, and countless people's eyes were focused on Anjia.

Because everyone knows that this young man has formed an inseparable connection with Anjia.

(End of this chapter)

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