Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2492 I did good things in my previous life, so I met such a son-in-law.

Chapter 2492 I did good things in my previous life, so I met such a son-in-law.
  Because Tang Yi destroyed the Huo family, the City Lord's Mansion, and Niu Kun's caravan, the An family was not quiet all night. People came to visit in an endless stream, and almost the entire Red City forces came.

Those who have good strength and reputation are also here.

In short, all the top figures in the Red City Pyramid came to visit Anjia.

Moreover, these people did not come empty-handed.

Everyone comes with gifts and is full of sincerity.

In order to deal with these people, An Qingsheng kept working all night, but he was enjoying it, happy and excited.

There is always a smile on his face,

You could even say that I was smiling from ear to ear.

After all, when did Anjia receive such treatment?

How long had it been before that Red City had treated him differently?

Never had!
  It was only today that I received such an honor!

Only then did he get the attention of the entire Red City forces and warriors.

An Qingsheng knew that after today, their An family would rise!

He might even take over the position of city lord!

After all, the City Lord's Mansion has been destroyed by Tang Yi, and there is no City Lord's Mansion in Red City now!

Soon, Red City will elect a new city lord.

And with their Anjia's current reputation, the position of city lord can be said to be a sure thing!
  In the entire Red City, no force can compete with them now!

Even if there is, An Qingsheng is confident that he can defeat the opponent and win the position of city lord.

It can be said that at this moment, their home is already half of the city lord's mansion.

So, can An Qingsheng be unhappy at this moment?

I was absolutely delighted.

And all this, because who brought it?

Who made their home undergo such drastic changes?
  Thinking of this, An Qingsheng looked at Tang Yi even more eagerly.

And they secretly thought that they must win over this person Anjia.

In this way, in addition to entertaining Tang Yi, An Qingsheng also had a busy night dealing with representatives from major forces in Red City.

Tang Yi also became very busy because he was a guest at An's house, and powerful people kept coming over to want to make friends with him, which annoyed him.

If it were normal, Tang Yi would have left long ago. After all, he is a person who is afraid of trouble and a person who does not understand the world.

It is more difficult for him to deal with the world of people here and deal with people who want to make friends here than to fight the BOSS.

Of course, it would be easier if someone could help deal with it, at least Tang Yi wouldn't have to deal with it one after another.

But the two little sisters, Bing Lian and An Huanlan, who were able to help, actually went to chat on their own, leaving Tang Yi to deal with it alone, which made Tang Yi want to die.

In the end, Tang Yi found an excuse to sneak back and rest. It was too difficult.

One night at Anjia passed by so quickly.

Binglian and An Huanlan didn't know what they talked about that night, and their relationship became even closer.

After a night of socializing, Patriarch An was not only not tired, but on the contrary, he was even more energetic, and his face was full of pride.

"Master An, thank you for the hospitality. If there is a chance in the future, I will definitely bring Miss An to visit more."

Tang Yi said.

Hearing this, An Qingsheng pretended to be dissatisfied and said, "Son-in-law Tang, why do you still call me Miss An? It's a bit offensive to call her that way."

Bing Lian on the side said: "Yes, brother Tang Yi, you should call Sister An Lan'er." "Ahem!"

Hearing this, Tang Yi coughed embarrassedly and corrected: "I will definitely bring Lan'er over to have a look."

Hearing Tang Yi's correction, An Qingsheng's pretended dissatisfied face instantly relaxed and said with a smile: "Okay, I hope that in the future, son-in-law Tang, you will think of me, an old man, and come and see me more often."

"Of course." Tang Yi nodded.

Seeing Tang Yi nod, An Qingsheng turned to An Huanlan and said: "Lan'er, when you go out, you must listen to Tang's son-in-law and not be willful. A woman must behave like a married woman, you know? Also, Remember what my father said last night."

"Lan'er understands that Lan'er will listen to Tang...husband, and will definitely follow her father's teachings."

An Huanlan almost called it wrong, but corrected it again.



At this time, Tang Yi thought for a moment, and then told An Qingsheng: "Uncle An, please pay attention to your health. If you encounter something that cannot be solved, remember to use the Supreme Guardian Stone and the Supreme Attack Stone. Don't be reluctant to part with these things. There are some, just ask me for them when you have used them up. If you encounter a problem that cannot be solved even by the Supreme Guardian Stone and the Supreme Attack Stone, Master An can use the jade pendant to find me, and I will definitely arrive quickly."

"Of course, if it can be solved, I will use the things you left to solve it myself. If it can't be solved, I will find you, don't worry." An Qingsheng promised.

Hearing this, Tang Yi nodded and said, "Goodbye, Uncle An."

On the side, Bing Lian also said: "Goodbye, Uncle An. We will visit An's family again if we have the opportunity in the future."

"Then I'll wait for Miss Bing's arrival."

An Qingsheng said enthusiastically.

An Huanlan's eyes were moist, and she seemed a little reluctant. She stepped forward to hold An Qingsheng in her arms and said reluctantly: "Father, you must take good care of your health. You must not get sick. If you encounter anything that cannot be solved, you must find my husband." .”

An Qingsheng caressed An Huanlan's head lovingly and said, "I know, what can happen to me as an old man? Don't worry, I'm very good. It's not a problem to live for a hundred years. But for you, the outside world is not as good as Red City is safe, remember to listen to Son-in-law Tang."


An Huanlan nodded.

"Okay, then I won't disturb you. You can set off quickly. If you don't, it will be too late." An Qingsheng urged.

"Then we set off."

Tang Yi cupped his hands again.

"Yes. Have a nice journey." An Qingsheng said.

In this way, after bidding farewell to An Qingsheng, the head of the An family, Tang Yi waved his right hand and summoned the warship.

As soon as the huge and special golden warship appeared, it immediately attracted the attention of everyone present.

It shocked everyone.

Except for Tang Yi and Bing Lian, everyone was shocked.

The An family's father and daughter even widened their eyes, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

Where have they ever seen such a majestic, unique, and powerful warship?
  Moreover, this warship also exudes golden light, which is extraordinary and of high quality at first glance!

They had seen a lot of warships, but they had never seen such a golden warship before them!
  As soon as the warship appeared, they were immediately suppressed.

The father and daughter stared blankly at the warship, their faces full of shock.

If Tang Yi hadn't boarded the warship first, and if Binglian hadn't held An Huanlan's hand and boarded the warship with Tang Yi, the An family's father and daughter might not have been able to react and would have been in a sluggish state.

After the three people boarded the warship, the warship flew into the sky at an astonishing speed with a roar, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Shockingly fast.

Looking at the warship disappearing in front of his eyes, the head of the An family finally came back to his senses and sighed: "This son-in-law of our An family is amazing. His true identity may be more terrifying than I imagined. Even the imperial royal family. It’s less than half of that. It seems that our An family is really lucky this year! Maybe it’s because we did something good in our previous life that we met such a son-in-law in this life.”

(End of this chapter)

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