Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2493 A gathering of beauties

Chapter 2493 A gathering of beauties
  Tang Yi didn't know what Master An was saying. After the warship left Red City, he started the void shuttle and headed for the Mengyue Empire.

On the side, An Huanlan, who had also boarded the warship, was stunned.

From the moment she boarded the warship, she never stopped being surprised.

He was always in awe, his eyes widened.

Seeing this scene, Binglian immediately smiled and said: "Sister An, don't be so surprised, it's just a warship."

Binglian is much calmer than An Huanlan.

After all, she had already ridden on Tang Yi's warship.

Moreover, even if she has never been on Tang Yi's warship, she has also been on a warship that can travel through the void.

Therefore, she has broader knowledge and is calmer than An Huanlan.

"Just a warship? I have never seen such a fast warship! And..."

An Huanlan took a slight look at the dark void around him and said, "And, where is this place? Is it the void? Can this warship travel through the void? This is incredible."

"That's right, Sister An, you actually know the void. Yes, this is indeed traveling through the void. Moreover, Brother Tang Yi's warship travels through the void faster than ordinary warships. In short, I will I have never seen a warship faster than Brother Tang Yi's warship."

Binglian nodded and replied with a smile.

"It's amazing! We...are our husbands so powerful? We even have a warship that can travel through the void? And it's faster than others?" An Huanlan said in surprise.

"Yes, he is more powerful than you think."

Binglian smiled and said: "Sister An, do you know what level is above the holy level?"

"Above the Holy Steps..."

An Huanlan shook his head and said: "I don't know. I only know that above the God of War is the Saint level, and the top level of the Holy level is the Holy God level. My father is currently at the Holy Emperor level, and he is still one step away from being promoted to the Holy God. , but this step is extremely difficult. I am afraid that it may not be possible to be promoted in a hundred years. As for being above the holy level... I don't know."

"Above the Holy Emperor is the Holy God, and above the Holy God is the Supreme."

Bing Lian gave a slight introduction, and then said: "Brother Tang Yi is the super strong among the supreme."

After that, Binglian introduced to An Huanlan what happened in the World of Gods.

From the imperial martial arts lecture to the destruction of the Huo family, An Huanlan was shocked.

"It turns out that there is a wider world outside the empire, and there is also a magical place like the World of Gods. It turns out that the area we are in is called Tianmu Realm. It turns out that there are stronger beings above the Holy Order, and This kind of existence is the Supreme. It turns out that my husband is so powerful that he can single-handedly destroy a top family in the Realm of the God of Worlds! Facing many Supremes, he can easily win! Even the king of the Tianmu Realm, Kaiou, I also look at my husband with special eyes and treat him as his equal."

An Huanlan knew that Tang Yi was very strong, but she didn't expect that Tang Yi was so strong.

It is actually above the Saint level!
  He is actually a powerful supreme being!

No wonder you can destroy the Huo family and the City Lord's Mansion with just a wave of your hand!

No wonder Binglian is so calm.

What An Huanlan didn't expect was that,
  The region they belong to is actually the Tianmu Realm, and the Realm King of the Tianmu Realm is actually considered to be Tang Yi's equal!

This is the most incredible thing for An Huanlan.

Hearing these various deeds, An Huanlan was not only surprised, but also felt a sense of admiration for Tang Yi.

And as I got to know Tang Yi, this kind of admiration became more and more intense.

"Sister An, actually brother Tang Yi was not that strong before. The reason why he is so strong now is because of his own efforts. Do you want to hear his past stories?" Binglian asked.

"Think!" An Huanlan replied without thinking.

Seeing An Huanlan's quick reply, Binglian showed a proud smile.

Then, he told An Huanlan the story of Tang Yi's past.

The two women just talked and listened, chatting more and more happily.

Seeing this scene, Tang Yi shook his head helplessly and did not participate. Instead, he focused on controlling the warship and striving to reach Mengyue as soon as possible.

He was afraid that if he was with the two girls again, he would be blown away by Binglian's praise.

Binglian praised him to the sky.

How embarrassing. Fortunately, although he is still far away from the Mengyue Empire at the moment, since he can travel through the void, it won't be long before he can reach Mengyue...


Dream Moon Empire.

Mengyue Palace.

Central main hall.

"Emperor Mengyue, is there no news about my husband yet?"

On the seat, Mu Xianling asked Emperor Mengyue who was sitting at the front.

Because of Tang Yi's entrustment, Emperor Mengyue brought Mu Xianling to Mengyue Imperial Capital.

Not only Mu Xianling,
  Three Tang family members, including Tang Miaomiao, Tang Baijie and Tang Shu, were also taken to the Mengyue Imperial Capital.

Even... Yuwen Jinyu also came to pick him up.

In addition, there is another person here that is most surprising and should not appear.

And this person is Mian Guan Siyu!

Yes, Shangguan Siyu found Mu Xianling through some unknown method and came to the Mengyue Imperial Capital together through Mu Xianling.

At this moment, the capital of Mengyue Kingdom can be said to be a gathering of beauties, including the three beauties Mu Xianling, Shangguan Siyu and Yuwen Jinyu.

And now the strength of Sanmei is the highest among Yuwen Jinyu, which is the level of God of War.

He is only one step away from the holy level, and he may be promoted at any time.

After all, Yuwen Jinyu is already at the level of War Emperor. With her talent, it is not difficult to advance to the first level these days.

And the person with the second highest level is actually Mu Xianling!

Because Tang Yi gave Mu Xianling many high-level skills and elixirs, as well as various auxiliary equipment and props before leaving, Mu Xianling made rapid progress and was actually promoted to the level of War Emperor.

There is also a thin line between him and the God of War.

Shangguan Siyu, the former proud daughter of heaven, unexpectedly had the lowest rank among the three women.

Shangguan Siyu started the fastest, but unexpectedly, she was lagging behind the other two women at this moment.

At this time, she was only at the level of the War Sect, and it seemed that she had not made much progress.

Of course, she has actually made great progress,

After all, how long has it been?

It’s only a year.

She can be promoted to the war sect level in one year, which is already a very talented person.

The progress has also been very great.

It's just that compared to the more talented Mu Xianling and Yuwen Jinyu, her progress is not enough.

I have to say that the world is changing so fast.

A person who is excellent one moment becomes a laggard the next moment.

It's really sad.

No wonder countless geniuses will never stop working hard.

Because once you stop, even for just a moment, you might be overtaken by someone.

As a genius, you need to be constantly pushed and work hard.

Otherwise, everyone will be lost.

(End of this chapter)

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