Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2495 Arrogant Mr. Rong

Chapter 2495 Arrogant Mr. Rong
  This young man is very handsome, and he carries with him the aura of being aloof and overlooking all living beings.

Even though he didn't show much, didn't show it deliberately, and didn't turn his nostrils upward, he was still full of this temperament, and he still looked very noble and arrogant.

At the same time, this young man still carries a vague evil aura.

There is a sinister feeling.

And this evil aura is not an evil breath, but a strange feeling.

A strange feeling of evil.

In short, this young man gave people a feeling that was both noble and strange.

Behind this young man were four powerful warriors with powerful auras.

These four well-armed warriors were dressed in black, their faces covered, and they exuded a very powerful aura of martial arts.

At first glance, the strength is extraordinary.

Emperor Mengyue is a holy god level warrior, but even he cannot sense the strength of these four powerful warriors! !
  His consciousness sensed it and couldn't sense anything at all.

It seemed that there were no powerful warriors in front of him, but only four bottomless abyss.

"Emperor Mengyue, you're fine."

This evil young man led four well-armed warriors directly into the central main hall and came to the front of Emperor Mengyue, Mu Xianling and others.

However, after saying hello, he saw Shangguan Siyu and Yuwen Jinyu standing next to Mu Xianling.

Seeing the three girls, the evil young man's eyes lit up and he said, "Huh? I didn't expect that Mengyue hides so much beauty. It's really a place of crouching tigers and hidden dragons."

At this time, Emperor Mengyue frowned and said dissatisfiedly: "Master Rong, by intruding into Mengyue Palace without permission, you are not taking our Mengyue Royal Family seriously, right?"

Rong Wen said: "Huh? When have I ever taken your Meng Yue royal family seriously?"


Emperor Mengyue's expression froze, and his whole face looked ugly.

On the side of the central main hall, there are still some senior Mengyue officials and powerful people.

Hearing Rong Wenshu's shameless words, these senior officials and powerful men became angry.

"Master Rong, this is Mengyue, are you ignoring us too much?"

"We, Meng Yue, are still a big empire no matter what, and within the empire, our strength is at the upper-middle level. Are you sure you want to provoke us like this?"

"It is extremely arrogant to insist on breaking through instead of taking the easy path."

"No matter what the emperor says, he is the supreme commander of our Mengyue. If you ignore our emperor like this, do you really want to become an enemy of our Mengyue?"

"Even if your strength is indeed good, I don't believe that we, Meng Yue, can't deal with you with our power."


Mengyue's senior management and powerful people said with indignation.

Emperor Meng Yue also said: "Princess Rong, I think you should not be too arrogant, and you should not rely on your own abilities to ignore others. Otherwise, you will suffer a loss sooner or later."

If it weren't for the unfathomable warriors brought by the opponent, Emperor Mengyue might have taken action at this time and killed this brazen guy with one palm. It is indeed too pretentious and abominable, which makes people grit their teeth.

"Is it arrogant? It's okay. There are even more arrogant ones, maybe you haven't seen Emperor Meng Yue yet."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense. Has Emperor Mengyue thought clearly about what I said before? When are you going to hand over Miss Mu?" Rong Wenwen asked directly without saying anything to Emperor Mengyue.

"Huh? Mr. Rong, didn't you say three days before? It's only been one day, why are you here to question me now? And you broke into the palace to question him in such an impolite way?" Emperor Mengyue said.

"I said it would be three days before, but I regretted it because I couldn't wait any longer, so I'm here now," Rong Wenwen said.

That look of taking it for granted, that look of doing whatever I want, makes people want to beat him up.

If it weren't for the great strength of Mr. Rong, and if he hadn't brought four unfathomable guards, Mengyue's top management and experts would never be able to tolerate him.

"Young Master Rong, you are going too far. We promised you three days before, but you came here in one day. And you are so aggressive. Do you really want to go to war with me, Meng Yue?" Emperor Meng Yue said in a deep voice. said.

"Start a war? Are you, Mengyue, qualified to start a war with me? Haha! You think too highly of yourselves. It's just ridiculous for a mere imperial royal family to brazenly say that they want to start a war with me. Besides, who have I always been, Young Master Rong? I won’t even give you face. It was because of Miss Mu that I gave you Mengyue face and said I would give you three days. But who knew that you really wanted to wait for three days? Ha!"

Rong Wenshu said disdainfully.

Emperor Meng Yue's face became even more ugly, and he said coldly: "Master Rong, you have to be merciful and merciful. I advise you not to push too hard, otherwise, you will regret it. We, Meng Yue, are definitely not easy to bully, if we push you too hard, we, Meng Yue, will make you pay a heavy price."

Emperor Mengyue is not joking.

If the opponent is really pressing forward step by step and doesn't take their Mengyue seriously, Emperor Mengyue will really fight the opponent to the death!
  Even if he uses all his strength and all his methods, he will fight to the death to stop Young Master Rong.

After all, this was a decision he had made before.

He wants to protect Mu Xianling!
  Anyway, today, it doesn't matter whether Mr. Rong presses harder or is louder or more angry.

No matter what the attitude is.

Emperor Mengyue would not let the other party take Mu Xianling away.

Now he not only bet on Tang Yi, but also put a heavy stake on it.

The fate of the entire Mengyue Empire rests on Tang Yi!

I have to say, this is extremely crazy.

Ordinary emperors would not dare to do this!

But Emperor Mengyue dares to do this!

"Being merciful and merciful? In my dictionary, there has never been such a thing as being merciful and merciful. I, Mr. Rong, have never gotten what I want since I was a child. What do I want? Others must give it to me. If not? Humph... Then I will snatch it away! You, a little Mengyue royal family, dare to yell at me? Make me pay a painful price? I gave it to you before Face, we've only been talking for three days, and you didn't pay attention immediately. Now you still dare to yell at me? And you dare to threaten me and ask me to pay a heavy price? Haha, okay, I also want to see what you Mengyue has. How dare you say such shameless words!"

Rong Wenshu said coldly.

But after hearing Rong Wenshu's words, Meng Yue's senior officials and strong men in the hall couldn't stand it anymore.

Seeing Rong Wenshu being so arrogant, domineering, and not taking Meng Yue seriously,

Three Mengyue strongmen immediately stood up, and one of them said: "Emperor, we three brothers really can't stand him anymore, so let us meet him and see what he is capable of!"

(End of this chapter)

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