Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2496 Emperor Mengyue’s Wrath

Chapter 2496 Emperor Mengyue’s Wrath
  The three strong men who stood out from the Mengyue royal family were three brothers.

The eldest is named Xia Cheng, the second is Xia Bo, and the third is Xia Da.

The three brothers are all at the Holy God level.

The eldest is the seven-star holy god, the second is the six-star holy god, and the third is the five-star holy god.

These three brothers can be said to be top powerhouses with very good strength, and they are like the guardian gods of the Mengyue Empire.

He has resisted many powerful men for Mengyue Empire.

He also protected Mengyue countless times.

Famous and prestigious.

The person who just spoke was the boss Xia Cheng.

After expressing their dissatisfaction and deciding to take action, the three brothers Xia Cheng, Xia Tian Bo and Xia Da immediately rushed towards Rong Wenshu.

Very fast.

Almost as soon as the words fell, the three brothers rushed out, making it impossible for anyone to react.

Emperor Mengyue wanted to stop it, but was too late to do so.

In this way, three saint-level experts rushed towards Rong Wenshu, trying to pose a threat to Rong Wenshu.

However, when he saw Meng Yue's three Holy God-level powerhouses rushing towards him, Rong Wenshu smiled disdainfully and remained completely motionless, not making any reaction at all.

It was as if the people rushing towards me were not three Holy God-level warriors, but three children.

In short, Rong Wenshu seemed extremely arrogant, completely ignoring Meng Yue and the three saint-level experts, letting them rush towards him and allowing them to attack.

Seeing this scene, the three Mengyue experts became even more angry. They had no idea that the yellow-mouthed kid in front of them was not only arrogant and arrogant, but also so arrogant and looked down upon others!

After feeling the contempt of the other party, the strength in the hands of the three Mengyue experts became a little stronger. Everyone gritted their teeth and used their own special methods to attack Rong Wenshu!
  In order not to let the other party look down on themselves, the three Mengyue experts all went all out and showed 100% of their strength!
  It is very terrifying for three Holy Gods, and three Holy Gods with five stars or above, to go all out to do something.

The damage it can cause is unimaginable.

However, what is unexpected is.

Just when they were approaching Rong Wenshu, they were about to take action against Rong Wenshu.

One of the masked and armored warriors standing next to Rong Wenshu suddenly stood up and stood in front of Rong Wenshen at an extremely fast speed.

Moreover, the masked and armored warrior stretched out a palm to block it in front of him.

However, it was this palm that blocked all the attacks of the three Mengyue Holy Gods.

At this moment, no matter how hard the three Meng Yue Holy Gods tried, no matter what methods they used, they could not make any progress.

Not only was it unable to cause damage to Rong Wenshu behind the masked warrior,

Even if you want to cause harm to the masked warrior, it is completely impossible.

Their attacks fell on the hands of the masked and armored warriors, as if they were mosquito bites, neither painful nor itchy, and had no effect at all.

There was no splash at all.


To the three Mengyue Holy Gods, the masked and armored warriors in front of them were like a big mountain, blocking them and making them unable to overcome.

That not-so-thick palm seemed like a high wall, and it was an extremely high wall. The top could not be seen at all and it was impossible to cross.

In short, in front of this masked and armored warrior, the three Mengyue Holy Gods looked extremely weak and helpless.

There were four masked and well-armed warriors in Rong Wenshu, but at this moment, only one stood up and blocked the three Meng Yue Saints with just one palm.

It makes them appear extremely powerless and helpless.    This can't help but make people sigh and surprise.

One masked and armored warrior is so powerful. If four masked and armored warriors appear...

This is unimaginable.

I'm afraid that all the people present, together with all the strong men in Meng Yue, may not be their opponents.

Seeing this scene, the Mengyue Emperor, Mengyue senior executives and Mengyue strongmen present, as well as Mu Xianling and others on the side, were all shocked.

He was shocked by the strength of the masked and armored warrior in front of Rong Wenshu.

However, what shocked everyone present the most was not just that.

I saw the masked and armored warrior standing in front of Rong Wen. After blocking the attacks of the three Mengyue Holy Gods, he just nodded forward three times.

Meng Yue's three holy masters seemed to have been subjected to a very terrifying attack. They made three soft sounds, and their bodies seemed to collapse, falling into pieces and turning into flesh and blood on the ground.

Blood instantly filled the hall, filling the originally fresh hall with the smell of blood.

After doing all this, the masked warrior in powerful armor clapped his hands and returned behind Rong Wenshu with a nonchalant look on his face.

It seemed that he did not kill three holy gods, but just did a trivial thing.

"Tiancheng, Tianbo, Tianda!"

On the other side, everyone in Mengyue saw this scene and their teeth were about to burst. Everyone's eyes were blood red and their faces were filled with grief.

Especially some of the senior officials and powerful people present who had deep friendship with the three Holy Gods were extremely sad.

At this moment, they looked towards the direction where the corpses of the three Mengyue Holy Gods were, filled with grief.

Looking at Rong Wenshu, he was filled with anger.

At this moment, Emperor Meng Yue's face was also very ugly. He felt very uncomfortable and his heart ached to the extreme.

After all, the three powerful Holy Gods just now are existences like the guardian gods of Mengyue. They are the important combat power of Mengyue Empire and have guarded Mengyue for hundreds of years.

Losing three important combat forces at once was a huge blow to Meng Yue.

At the same time, the personal relationship between Emperor Mengyue and the three powerful Holy Gods is also very good, and they are very close, just like friends.

Seeing his friend die on the spot, he felt extremely heavy, sad and angry.

At this moment, Emperor Mengyue gritted his teeth and said gloomily to Rong Wenshu: "Master Rong, do you know what you just did? Do you know what those three people mean to me?"


"What did I do? I didn't do anything."

Rong Wenwen said with a relaxed look: "I don't know what they mean to you, but I know that my men just killed three nasty bugs!"


Hearing this, Emperor Mengyue became even more angry and said: "Okay, okay! Since you, Mr. Rong, are so aggressive, so ruthless, and so bullying, don't blame us, Mengyue, for fighting back!"

As he spoke, Emperor Mengyue waved his right hand and took out a golden bronze medal.

Throw the bronze medal slightly.

The golden bronze medal immediately flew into the air, emitting a brilliant brilliance. The entire hall was illuminated by the brilliance, making it extremely dazzling.

After the golden bronze medal dripped in mid-air, it immediately turned into several rays of golden light, leaving the central main hall and flying towards the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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