Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2497 The Angry Mengyue Ancestors

Chapter 2497 The Angry Mengyue Ancestors
  Seeing Emperor Mengyue throw out the gold medal, as if he wanted to ask for help, the masked warrior next to Rong Wenshen immediately asked Rong Wenshu: "Sir, Emperor Mengyue seems to be asking for help."

Rong Wenwen waved his hand and said nonchalantly: "It doesn't matter, let them ask for help. Even if the Mengyue Empire asks for help, what kind of strong man can it call? Is there still a Supreme Being? Even if the Supreme Being comes, what will happen to us? Are the four supreme beings here still afraid that he will not become a mere supreme being?"

"Young master is wise."

The masked and armored warrior bowed his hand, flattered him, and then stopped speaking.

Rong Wenshu said disdainfully to Emperor Mengyue: "Emperor Mengyue, I advise you not to be my enemy. Otherwise, there may be no Mengyue Empire in the future."

"Are you threatening me?"

Emperor Meng Yue laughed angrily and said, "Am I still afraid of your threats now?"


Rong Wenwen sneered and said: "Emperor Meng Yue is indeed very courageous, but in front of me, most courageous people will not survive long."

"Master Rong, I think sometimes you can't speak too fullly, and don't be too arrogant, otherwise, you will regret it."

Emperor Mengyue said with narrowed eyes, tit for tat with Rong Wenshu.

"Huh? Very good! Then I'll see, Emperor Mengyue, how do you want me to regret it." Rong Wenwen said nonchalantly.


However, at this moment, the sound of piercing the sky sounded again outside the hall.

I saw several figures leaping into the central main hall and arriving next to Emperor Mengyue.

There are five of these figures in total, all of them are extremely old, and they are all obviously old.

However, although these five people are old, they are extremely powerful.

The martial arts aura on his body is very terrifying, at least it is at the top holy god level!

One of them was an old man with white hair, a white beard, and a white robe with an immortal spirit. His martial arts aura was even more terrifying, and he had completely surpassed the level of the top holy god!
  It seems that it has reached the supreme level.

As soon as these five people came in front of Emperor Mengyue, they immediately looked at Mr. Rong and others with vigilance.

At this time, Emperor Meng Yue came forward and said respectfully to the five old people: "The current Emperor Xia Hongzhang has met all the ancestors."

"Hongzhang, you crushed Meng Yue's gold medal, what happened?"

The old man with gray hair and immortal spirit in the middle asked. His expression was very serious.

After all, Mengyue's gold medal is a method that only Mengyue will use when it comes to life and death.

At this moment, Emperor Mengyue crushed the gold medal and summoned several of their Mengyue ancestors. It was obvious that they had encountered a very serious situation and encountered their irresistible enemy.

It proves that Mengyue has reached a very difficult moment.

So the old man at this moment is also very serious and serious!
  At the same time, while questioning Emperor Mengyue, he was still scanning the scene to check the situation.

After a slight inspection, the old man finally locked his eyes on Rong Wenshen and the others.

Seeing these people and feeling the aura emanating from these people, the old man frowned, his expression serious.

At this time, Emperor Mengyue reported: "Report to Ancestor Hua, they killed three of our Mengyue guardians, and also threatened our Mengyue, saying that they would destroy our Mengyue!! Because of their strong strength, Hongzhang is no match for them."

Ancestor Hua, named Xia Gehua, is the most powerful ancestor as Mengyue has grown older.

He is now three hundred and sixty-six years old.

At the same time, the strength has also reached the supreme level!

On the surface, Meng Yue’s protectors are those top saints.

And actually.

Meng Yue's protector is this Patriarch Hua.

After hearing Emperor Mengyue's report, Patriarch Hua said, "Oh, this happened?" Patriarch Hua turned his head, looked at Rong Wenshu and others, and asked, "Who are you? Why did you come to me?" Meng Yue is causing trouble?"

When Rong Wenwen saw that the support invited by Emperor Mengyue was just a few people from Patriarch Hua, Rong Wenshu smiled coldly and said disdainfully: "Oh, Emperor Mengyue, you just said that you made me regret it, so I still treat it as your invitation." Who are these people coming? I didn’t expect them to be some old men. Are these old men’s bones almost falling apart? Why are they here to embarrass themselves?”

"What did you say, kid? Whose bones did you say fell apart?"

"The bones are falling apart? I'll show you later whose bones are falling apart!"

"Haha, you are indeed very arrogant."


Hearing Rong Wenshu's words, several of Meng Yue's ancestors were immediately furious.

Patriarch Hua also frowned and said with a cold face: "Young master, who are you and why do you come to provoke me, Mengyue? You know, this is the Mengyue Empire, and our Mengyue Empire is the King of the Realm. The certified empire is protected by Kaio-sama. If you attack us, you are provoking Kaio-sama!"


Hearing Patriarch Hua's words, Rong Wenwen smiled coldly and said: "First, you are not qualified to know who I am. Second, the Realm King of the Sky Curtain Realm is just that strong. There is nothing extraordinary about it. Provocative So what?"


"What a loud tone!"

Patriarch Hua said calmly.

"If you say anything to him, just kill him!"

"I have never seen such a arrogant person!"

"It's okay to look down on our Meng Yue, but to actually look down on the King of Kai, it's really arrogant."

"Haha, I want to see what kind of abilities this kid has!"


Several other ancestors were also furious, ignited by Rong Wenshu's arrogance.

If Ancestor Hua hadn't spoken at this moment, these ancestors would have taken action long ago.

If it were normal for someone to anger them to such an extent, wouldn't they just take action?

It is possible to cut a person into pieces.

But after hearing the words of Meng Yue's ancestors, Rong Wenshu said provocatively: "You old bones are already very old, I'm afraid you won't live much longer, right? If you don't wait for death in the coffin at this time, why don't you come out?" What are you doing? Do you want someone to give you a lift?"


I have to say that Rong Wenshu is very arrogant.

The words he spoke were also to the point, hitting the point of anger in others.

Just a few simple words ignited the anger of Mengyue's ancestors.

The ancestors were already very angry, but now they heard his words and became even more angry.

"Ancestor Hua, I can't bear it anymore. We'll kill him!"

"People are already riding on our heads. They openly scold us and tell us to die. Do we still have to endure it?"

"Go ahead, I can't bear it anymore. I want to kill him!"

"Being beaten to death is completely unsatisfactory. I'm going to hang him up and whip him for three days! I'll dig out his tongue! Look at how arrogant he is! He dares to call us old bones!"


(End of this chapter)

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