Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2498 Mengyue’s four ancestors died

Chapter 2498 Mengyue’s four ancestors died
  Seeing that the other party was so arrogant and unable to communicate at all, Patriarch Hua simply stopped talking and said directly to the other ancestors: "Okay, okay, since the other party is so arrogant, let you try it. Let’s see what kind of strength they have!”

Hearing this, several ancestors were eager to give it a try.

"I've wanted to do this for a long time!"

"In our Mengyue arrogance, we really have never died!"

"Are you finally able to take action? Haha! I heard that they also killed the three current guardians of our Meng Yue. Very good, then let me, an old man, avenge the three guardians!"

"It's been a long time since I took action. It's time to stretch my muscles."


The other four ancestors said.

These four ancestors are all at the top level of holy gods and are very powerful.

Moreover, they have been immersed in the top holy gods for many years, and are much more powerful than ordinary top holy gods.

As long as they don't encounter the Supreme, as long as they don't encounter the gods of the Realm of Gods, at the top level of holy gods, they are still very capable of fighting, and ordinary holy gods are not their opponents at all.

After the four ancestors received the order from Patriarch Hua to take action, they were immediately eager to try and kept pushing towards Rong Wenshu.

At this time, Emperor Meng Yue reminded: "Ancestors, be careful, the opponent is very powerful. Just now our three saint-level guardians were easily killed by one of the opponent's warriors!"

Originally, the four Mengyue Ancestors did not pay much attention to each other. Although the other party seemed very unfathomable, the four Ancestors only regarded them as opponents of the same level.

It was because of the reminder from Emperor Mengyue that they paid more attention to it at this moment.

Seeing the four Meng Yue Ancestors coming straight towards them, Rong Wenwen still looked careless and didn't seem to care at all.

He even said mockingly: "Why are these old bones walking so slowly? Are we too old to walk? Haha! Didn't I just say that? We are all so old now, so don't embarrass yourself. Well, wouldn't it be better to find a few coffins and lie in them waiting to die?"

Hearing Rong Wenshu's words, the four Mengyue Ancestors suddenly became furious.

"Yellow-mouthed kid, you're looking for death!"

"You're so young, what's not good about you is your mouth. But I want to see how arrogant you can be."

"Go on, just say a few more words, and you won't be able to say anything later!"

"Even if we four old bones lie in a coffin, we will take you with us."

As the four Mengyue Ancestors spoke, they sped up their pace and rushed towards Rong Wenshu and others even faster. When they were about to approach Rong Wenshu, the four Mengyue Ancestors suddenly jumped up and launched an attack on Rong Wenshu. attack.

They passed over the four masked warriors and attacked Rong Wenshu directly.

After all, to capture the thief first, capture the king. Rong Wenshu was obviously the leader of this group. As long as Rong Wenshen was killed, in the eyes of the four ancestors, this group would be defeated without any attack.

Moreover, Rong Wenshu was the talkative and the most arrogant. The four Mengyue Ancestors had long wanted to kill him.

  Just when the four ancestors suddenly took action, the attack was about to fall on Rong Wenwen.

The masked and armored warrior moved again.

Still, only one masked and armored warrior moved, and he stood in front of Rong Wenshu in an instant!
  still is……

Only one hand was extended.

It's this hand!
  Let the four Mengyue Ancestors not get even an inch!

"Boom boom boom!"

"Buzz buzz!"  At this moment, the four Mengyue Ancestors continued to attack, using all their special martial arts and methods!
  And all kinds of martial arts and means, under the exertion of their top holy god level strength, become extremely powerful and astonishingly powerful.

It caused extremely terrifying power and sound.

  But it has no effect at all!

No matter how many methods and martial arts they use.

No matter how powerful their martial arts and attacks were, they could not break the palm of the masked and armored warrior.

The masked and armored warrior blocking Rong Wen was like a mountain that the four Mengyue Ancestors could not cross.

Seeing this scene, Patriarch Hua on the other side suddenly shrank his pupils and exclaimed: "Supreme!"

After exclaiming in surprise, Patriarch Hua hurriedly reminded: "You guys, hurry back! That person is the Supreme! You are no match for him. If you continue to attack, your life will be in danger!"

As he said that, Ancestor Hua also moved and rushed forward in a hurry, wanting to pick up Mengyue's other four ancestors.

Hearing this, Meng Yue's four ancestors were immediately startled. Without caring about the opponents in front of them, they hurriedly pulled away and flew back, wanting to join Ancestor Hua.


Seeing this scene, Rong Wenwen sneered and said, "Oh, you want to leave now? It's too late!"

When Rong Wenshu finished speaking, he saw the masked and armored warriors standing in front of him turning their palms into their fingers and pointing them towards the four Meng Yue Ancestors.

Under the action of the masked and armored warriors, the four Mengyue Ancestors felt as if they were bombarded by a mountain, and their bodies suffered extremely severe injuries.

At the same time, a terrifying force was still raging in their bodies, constantly destroying their bodies.

Under the raging force of terror, the bodies of the four Mengyue Ancestors were overwhelmed by the weight, and they were torn apart and broken into pieces with a few blows.

"A Le, A Zhi, Liangcai, A Zheng!"

Patriarch Hua screamed sadly.

Although Patriarch Hua's reaction was extremely fast, the moment he sensed that the other party was the Supreme, he had already rushed to respond.

But it was still a little late.

He was just a hair away from reaching the location of the four Mengyue Ancestors.

It's just a hair away from being able to reach out to the other four Meng Yue Ancestors and save their lives.

However, this sliver turned into a chasm that he could not cross. He could only watch helplessly as the other four ancestors who lived with him day and night were killed by the enemy.

Seeing that their ancestor was killed by the opponent in an instant, Emperor Mengyue and many other Mengyue senior officials present, as well as Mu Xianling, Shangguan Siyu and Yuwen Jinyu, were shocked.

Everyone present did not expect that the men brought by Mr. Rong were actually so strong.
  Unexpectedly, even the four Mengyue Ancestors were no match for them!
  It doesn’t matter if he’s not the opponent’s opponent!
  He was actually instantly killed by the opponent with just one finger!
  This is too terrible.

The four Mengyue Ancestors are the top saints.

Extremely powerful,

However, he couldn't even block the opponent's finger.
  This is incredible.

The most terrifying thing is,
  The opponent had a total of four masked and well-armed warriors, but just one of them was so powerful. One of them instantly killed the four ancestors of Meng Yue. So what if the four of them attack together?

Four masked and well-armed warriors attack together. Who among Mengyue can stop them?

(End of this chapter)

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