Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2500 Resistance from the entire Mengyue!

Chapter 2500 Resistance from the entire Mengyue!
  "Whether it's overestimation or not, whether it's ridiculous or not, we will do our best to protect Miss Mu. If you want to take Miss Mu away, then just step over my body!" Patriarch Hua said.

"That's right. If you want to take Miss Mu away, then step over our bodies!"

"We are willing to be with our ancestors. Our ancestors' decision is our decision!"

"The big deal is just to lose this life. What's the big deal? For Mengyue and Mengyue's future, it's worth it!"

"Anyway, you have lived enough. If you have the guts, just step over our corpses. I want to see how strong you are?"

"Young Master Rong, right? No matter where you come from, no matter how strong your subordinates are, we, Mengyue, will never surrender to you!"


The senior officials of the Mengyue royal family expressed their opinions one after another.

Emperor Mengyue was even more direct. With a flick of his right hand, he took out a silver token and threw it out.

The silver token turned into several rays of silver light, flew out of the hall, and flew into the distant sky.

The golden token before was used to summon the most powerful meng Yue when life and death were at stake.

Seeing the token, Meng Yue's strongest men will come out in full force to guard Meng Yue.

But at this moment, the silver token is a summons for all Mengyue warriors to come to Mengyue Palace to guard Mengyue!
  The golden token only summons the strong, but the silver token summons all warriors!
  And these rays of silver light just shot out, and there was a response in just a split second.

Hearing dozens of sounds piercing the air, dozens of figures shot towards Mengyue Palace.

Not long after, they arrived at the central main hall where Emperor Meng Yue was.

From the time when the silver token was thrown to when Mengyue Warrior came to support, it only took one breath, and the speed could be said to be extremely fast.

But this is just the beginning.

As more and more Mengyue warriors saw the silver light, more and more warriors began to go to the Mengyue Palace and came to the central main hall where the Mengyue Emperor was.

Not long after, the central main hall where Emperor Mengyue was located was filled with densely packed warriors.

All the warriors did not enter the central main hall. After arriving at the central main hall, they stayed quietly outside the hall door, as if waiting for the order from Emperor Mengyue!
  As time went by, more and more warriors came to support them, and within a short time, the door of the central main hall was packed to the brim.

Looking from the sky at this moment, one can see the darkness outside the door of the central main hall!
  Seeing this scene, Emperor Mengyue said in the central main hall: "Today it is not just our Mengyue royal family who are fighting, the entire Mengyue warriors will fight with us!!"


Rong Wenshu smiled disdainfully and did not pay attention to the senior officials of the Mengyue royal family in front of him, as well as the Mengyue warriors outside the central main hall.

after all.

Below the Supreme are all ants!
  No matter how many ants come, it will not help.

The entire Mengyue warriors fight together?
  What is the use?

He just came to die.

In Rong Wenshu's opinion, this was very ridiculous.

"Originally, I thought that Meng Yue's ancestors and Emperor Meng Yue were both wise people, but now it seems that is not the case! It's so stupid! Do you think you can stop us like this? Do you think shouting? Quan Mengyue’s warriors can fight against us? It’s really ridiculous!”

Rong Wenwen sarcastically said.

"No matter what you say, stupid or wise, it doesn't matter whether I can stop you or not! Anyway, we are going to protect Miss Mu today to the end!" Patriarch Hua expressed his stance. The determination is very firm.

"That's right! We, Mengyue, will protect Miss Mu to the end! No matter what, we can't let you take her away!" Emperor Mengyue also said.

Hearing the words of Patriarch Hua and Emperor Mengyue, and seeing the dense crowd of Mengyue warriors outside the central main hall, Mu Xianling was very moved.

Even if it was because of Tang Yi that Mengyue's people tried so hard to protect her, she was deeply moved.

On the other side, Rong Wenwen sneered and said, "Haha, okay, then I'll see how you can protect Miss Mu."

After saying that, Rong Wenwen said to the masked and armored warrior on the side: "Go, bring Miss Mu over to me."

Hearing this, the two masked and armored warriors immediately pressed towards Emperor Mengyue and the others! And Patriarch Hua had expressed his determination, and of course he would not let these two masked and well-armed warriors capture Mu Xianling.

He took one step forward and stood in front of Mu Xianling.

At the same time, he took the initiative to greet the two masked and armored warriors.

The two sides just collided together.

"Boom boom boom!"

Both sides used their methods to start a war.

Supreme to Supreme.

Two against one!

In terms of quantity, Meng Yue's side was clearly inferior to the other side.

And in terms of strength...

The two supreme beings on the other side are both more powerful than Ancestor Hua!

Regardless of strength or quantity, they are inferior to the opponent.

So as soon as they came into contact, Patriarch Hua was immediately at a disadvantage! !

Moreover, he is still at an extreme disadvantage and looks like he is struggling to hold on!

And it was extremely thrilling, and he encountered danger frequently.

Fortunately, Patriarch Hua has rich experience, otherwise, he might have fallen into the hands of the opponent as soon as the war started.

Seeing this scene, Emperor Mengyue immediately shouted: "The strong men of the Mengyue royal family go to support Ancestor Hua!"

Hearing this, all the powerful men from the Mengyue Royal Family joined the battle!

  There are all ants below the Supreme Being, this is not just talk.

At this moment, although the top brass of the Mengyue royal family joined the battle, they were just sending themselves to death.

The masked and armored warrior just waved his hand, and several powerful men from the Meng Yue royal family fell.

Just by stretching out his fingers, several more powerful members of the Mengyue Royal Family were killed.

No matter whether these powerful men from the Mengyue Royal Family are at the Saint Emperor level or the Holy God level, none of them can stop the attack of the masked and well-armed warriors!

Even the top Holy God is as fragile as a piece of white paper in front of a masked and well-armed warrior, and can be killed by a mere touch.

At this moment, the masked and armored warrior seemed to have transformed into a harvester, constantly harvesting the lives of the powerful Mengyue royal family.

Seeing this scene, Emperor Meng Yue gritted his teeth, his palms were bleeding, and his heart ached.

  He doesn't regret doing it!
  I don’t regret my decision to protect Mu Xianling.

Even if it takes human life to fill it!

He also wants to keep Mu Xianling.

Because Mu Xianling is that man's wife!
  At this moment, it is indeed filled with human lives.

Because there was a steady stream of strong men from Meng Yue joining in, Patriarch Hua was able to save the day. Under the attack of two masked and well-armed warriors, he could barely hold on.

Otherwise, he would have been defeated long ago.

Of course, even if the danger is saved at this moment, Patriarch Hua's situation is still dangerous.

The situation of Mengyue and everyone is still extremely bad.

(End of this chapter)

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