Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2501 The Mengyue warrior who sacrificed his life

Chapter 2501 The Mengyue warrior who sacrificed his life

It has to be said that using people to fill it in is extremely stupid.

However, this also shows the determination of Meng Yue and everyone at this moment.

They want to keep Mu Xianling!

And no matter the cost!

"does it worth?"

Seeing that the powerful men of the Mengyue royal family continued to die, Rong Wenwen sneered disdainfully: "Why bother! Wouldn't it be better to hand over Miss Mu earlier? Why do we need to make meaningless resistance?"

"In your opinion, of course it is not worth it, but in our opinion, it is worth it! In addition, even if there are corpses everywhere at this moment, we Mengyue will never hand over Miss Mu! We Mengyue will never compromise!"

Emperor Mengyue said.


Rong Wenwen sneered: "Okay, okay, then I'll see how long you can keep your words!"

After speaking, Rong Wenwen gestured to the side.

Suddenly, a masked and armored warrior beside Rong Wenwen moved and joined the battle.

There were three masked and armored warriors joining the battle at this moment.

The three supremes joined the battle, which made the pressure on Mengyue's side even greater.

The death speed of the powerful Mengyue royal family also became faster.

But within a short while, more than a hundred of the powerful Mengyue royal family died!
  These are the elites of the Mengyue royal family!

Every death of an elite member of the Mengyue royal family is a huge loss!
  But now...

How many people died?
  Every few seconds, a strong man from the Mengyue Royal Family will die!
  Originally, there were fifty to sixty powerful men from the Mengyue royal family in the main hall.

Then, about 70 more people came to support, adding up to a total of 120 or 30 people.

However, until now, there are only less than twenty people left.

It can be seen that the powerful men of the Mengyue royal family suffered heavy casualties.

"Boom boom boom!"

At the same time, with the addition of the third masked and armored warrior, the battle became more intense!
  The originally glorious hall was now in pieces. Three of the four stone pillars used to support the hall were broken, and the last one was still crumbling.

The entire roof of the palace collapsed.

The rock walls on all sides also collapsed, and the broken rock walls were scattered everywhere.

At this moment, the main hall is in ruins, completely losing its previous grand appearance.

It doesn't look like a main hall at all, it looks like a garbage dump.

Fortunately, Emperor Meng Yue retreated with Mu Xianling and others. Otherwise, with the strength of Mu Xianling and others, even if they were affected even a little bit, they would be turned into ashes.

At this moment, Patriarch Hua gritted his teeth and struggled to hold on.

Even though he had constant support from the powerful Mengyue royal family and continued to use his life to fill the gap, he was still at a disadvantage.

And as time went by, Patriarch Hua suffered more and more injuries, and his injuries became more and more serious.

Seeing this scene, Emperor Mengyue frowned slightly, and then said to the Mengyue warriors outside the central main hall: "At this moment, the life and death of our Mengyue royal family, the Xia family, is at stake. All Mengyue warriors, as long as they help me The Xia family has defeated the powerful enemy, and our Xia family will surely be strong in the future!"

Hearing this, the Mengyue warriors who had been standing outside the main hall finally moved and spoke one after another.

"Emperor, we don't need to be generous! If Meng Yue is in trouble, we are naturally responsible!"

"Your Xia family has protected our Meng Yue for hundreds of years, why should we not save her even if we die!"

"The Xia family represents Mengyue, and Mengyue is the Xia family. If the Xia family dies, Mengyue dies, and if Mengyue dies, then we will forget about it! Even if it is not for the sake of your Mengyue royal family, we still need to take action to save ourselves!"

"If we don't help, what are we doing here?" "We've been waiting for so long, just waiting for the emperor's order!"

"The Emperor finally spoke! Emperor, don't panic, I'm coming!"



As the Mengyue warriors spoke, they rushed towards the masked and armored warriors without fear of death!
  Since Emperor Mengyue used Mengyue's silver summoning order, there were extremely many Mengyue warriors who were summoned at this moment and came to Mengyue Palace.

At least no less than 10,000 people!

It looks densely packed.

At this moment, after receiving the order from Emperor Meng Yue, these people immediately rushed to support Ancestor Hua like a tide, and pounced on the masked and armored warriors one after another.

There are no less than a hundred people in each wave!

He still has that feeling of giving up on who else, and still uses his life to make up for the gap in strength!
  Mengyue's warriors are not as strong as the men from Mengyue's royal family.


The momentum is not weaker than that of the Mengyue royal family.

The level of bravery is not weaker than that of the Mengyue royal family!
  The strong men of the Mengyue royal family dare to sacrifice themselves and use their lives to make up for the gap in strength. These Mengyue warriors who were recruited also dare!

Although everyone comes from different places, although everyone has different strengths.

Although most of the people don’t know anyone!
  But at this moment, everyone is united!

Just like that, waves of Mengyue warriors swarmed towards the masked warriors, and they pounced on these masked warriors without fear of death.

Even if they were waved by the masked and armored warriors, a large number of these Mengyue warriors would die.

Even if they faced masked and well-armed warriors, these Mengyue warriors could not cause any harm to them!
  They still swooped over like moths!

Surrender your life!

And with the support of a large number of Mengyue warriors, Patriarch Hua stabilized the situation again!
  Although the battle situation is tense and although he is still at a disadvantage, the pressure has been reduced a lot!
  Even, because too many Mengyue warriors died, the blood dyed the entire Mengyue Palace ground red, which immediately greatly aroused Patriarch Hua's fighting spirit, aroused his anger and bloodiness, and greatly increased his strength. .

Under normal circumstances, Patriarch Hua can only exert 90% of his combat power.

But at this moment, with the help of Mengyue Warriors who are not afraid of death,

With the Mengyue warriors filling it with their lives,
  He showed twelve points of combat power!
  Become extremely fierce!
  Even though there are many injuries on the body,
  Even if it's one versus three!

He still fights fiercely!

What was originally a huge disadvantage actually allowed him to recover a lot. Although he was still at a disadvantage, at least he wasn't crushed to death, right?
  Seeing this scene, Rong Wenshu on the side was slightly startled.

I didn't expect it to be such a situation.

In his opinion, sending three supremes could already crush the Mengyue royal family.

It has been able to kill all the powerful men of the Mengyue royal family.

But I didn't expect it.

The other party is actually so tenacious!
  The strong men of the Mengyue royal family have actually persisted until now!

Mengyue's warriors actually supported the Mengyue royal family so much that they would not hesitate even if it cost them their lives!

Even if they knew they would die, they still rushed forward like moths.

What kind of spirit is this?
  Is the Mengyue royal family really worthy of being followed by so many Mengyue warriors?

Is it really worth so many Mengyue warriors giving up their lives to protect it?
  The Mengyue royal family, which was originally at a huge disadvantage, actually relied on the fierce Mengyue warriors who were not afraid of death to withstand the offensive of the three supremes!
  This surprised Rong Wenshu.

(End of this chapter)

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