Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2508 No matter how crazy you are, I will only give you a gentle finger

Chapter 2508 No matter how crazy you are, I will just give you a gentle finger

The people in Mengyue on the side also had their eyes widened at this moment, with disbelief on their faces.

After seeing this scene, what everyone in Mengyue was thinking about at this moment was...

Is this Tang Yi's strength?
  Is Tang Yi's strength actually so strong?
  Are you actually immune to the Supreme's attacks?
  No wonder, no wonder Emperor Mengyue fought to the death to protect Tang Yi's wife. Such a strong person is indeed worthy of Mengyue's efforts to protect her!

Emperor Mengyue was surprised and happy when he saw how powerful Tang Yi was, how calm and composed he was, and how easily he could deal with the Supreme Being.

I kept feeling lucky that I had hit the right target!

The blood of the Mengyue royal family was not shed in vain!
  And the other side.

Mu Xianling, Yuwen Jinyu, An Huanlan and Binglian were much calmer.

The former, Mu Xianling and Yuwen Jinyu, believed in Tang Yi very much and knew that Tang Yi could handle it, so they were not too surprised.

The latter, Bing Lian and An Huanlan, had seen Tang Yi's strength and knew that Tang Yi was very powerful.

So they were not surprised at all when they saw that Tang Yi was immune to the Supreme's attack.

He even looked like he knew this was the case.

But Shangguan Siyu is different.

She hasn't seen Tang Yi for a while.

Although she knew that Tang Yi had soared into the sky.

Knowing that Tang Yi has become very powerful.

But how powerful is it?

She has no idea yet.

Therefore, at this moment, she was very surprised to see that Tang Yi could stand on the spot and resist the attack of the supreme level powerhouse without doing anything!
  It’s also very shocking!

After all, that is the Supreme!

The Supreme, high above, overlooking the common people.

Even for a behemoth like the Mengyue Empire, there is only one Supreme.

The Supreme can be said to be the figure at the top of the pyramid in the empire.

However, Tang Yi actually stood there and let the Supreme attack, and this Supreme couldn't hit Tang Yi!
  This is incredible.

At the same time, Shangguan Siyu was also very curious.

I'm curious about what kind of strength Tang Yi is now!
  What kind of strength can prevent the Supreme from causing harm to him?

Rong Wenshu, who was not far away, frowned when he saw this scene, and shouted dissatisfied at the masked warrior who took action: "What on earth are you doing? Can you be serious? Are you tickling him?" Deal with him quickly."

Rong Wenwen thought that the masked and armored warrior who took action was not serious, so he was unable to cause harm to Tang Yi.

However, Rong Wenwen didn't know that the masked and armored warrior who took action, although the blow just now was not an all-out blow, he still used at least 90% of his strength.

He was totally serious!

It’s not that I’m not serious!
  However, 90% of his strength cannot cause harm to the opponent.

He couldn't even ask the other party to take a step back.

All this is not that he is not serious.

And as for going all out…

In fact, from the perspective of this masked warrior,
  Even if you try your best, it doesn't make any sense.

The final result will not change at all.

After all, 90% of the strength cannot make the opponent move at all, and cannot even damage the corners of the opponent's clothes. So even if you go all out and use 100% of the strength, what will happen? so,
  Hearing Rong Wenshu's words, the masked and well-armed warrior felt unspeakably bitter in his heart.

He was shocked and powerless at the moment.

But, he couldn't tell!
  What could he say?
  That he is serious?
  That he can't beat him?
  Said that he had just used 90% of his strength?
  I can’t say any of this.

If you say it, wouldn’t it be useless?

If he becomes a waste, how can he hang around Rong Wenshu in the future?
  So helpless.

Of course, despite his helplessness, after hearing Rong Wenshu's words, the masked warrior gritted his teeth and attacked Tang Yi again.

Moreover, he went all out, took out his natural weapon, and used the strongest means!

He began to launch crazy attacks towards Tang Yi, blasting Tang Yi with martial arts one after another.

"Boom boom boom!"

In an instant, the scene was filled with rumbling sounds, and the energy impact rolled out like a torrent, continuously sweeping towards the surrounding areas.

After being attacked by this masked and well-armed warrior, the scene was in a mess, with big pits everywhere, scattered rubble everywhere, and ruins everywhere.

The rock wall that had not collapsed before was now completely shattered and collapsed.

The originally huge hall had now become an empty space.

Mengyue Palace was completely destroyed by the attack of this masked and well-armed warrior.

It can even be said to have been completely flattened.

Of course.

After all, it is a supreme level attack.

If Mengyue's palace was not built with special materials.

If it weren't for this masked warrior, in order to make the attack the strongest, and condense it into one point instead of exploding in all directions, not to mention the Mengyue Palace, even the entire Mengyue Kingdom would have been razed to the ground. !
  The supreme power is no joke!
  Even the newly promoted Supreme can easily destroy a huge city or even an entire region.

If the masked and well-armed warrior in front of him went to the four major regions where Tang Yi once lived, he would probably be able to level the four major regions with just a wave of his hand and turn the four major regions into ruins.

This is the power of the Supreme!

This shows how terrifying the Supreme is!

Such a powerful Supreme One was helpless against Tang Yi at this moment!
  Although the masked warrior in front of him launched a crazy attack on Tang Yi.

Moreover, he went all out, took out his natural weapon, and used the strongest means!

However, apart from blasting the Mengyue Palace into a mess and leaving large craters on the ground after the energy impact, it had no effect.

As before, not only did it not cause any harm to Tang Yi, even Tang Yi's clothes could not be damaged.

Seeing this scene, the masked and armored warrior who took action was so angry that he vomited blood.

At the same time, there was a deep feeling of powerlessness in my heart!
  Yes, too weak.

There is no such thing!
  He had been fighting for so long, he had used the strongest means, and he was almost exhausted.

However, it is still unable to cause harm to the other party, and even the clothes cannot be damaged. This is too annoying!
  What is the other person's body made of?
  Why can't you hit it at all?

After the masked and well-armed warrior fought for a long time without any effect, he suddenly became desperate.

Seeing the desperate masked warrior, Tang Yi smiled contemptuously and said, "You've been fighting for so long, now it's my turn, right?"

While speaking, Tang Yi stretched out his right hand and tapped it gently!
  Compared to the crazy attacks of the masked and armored warriors, who used various martial arts and methods, Tang Yi gently stretched out his hand, which can be said to be much gentler.

However, this gentle finger caused extremely terrifying effects.

Under Tang Yi's finger, this masked and armored warrior who had just crushed the Mengyue royal family and reached the supreme level of strength, his body seemed to be like a balloon, and it 'bang' , turned into a ball of blood mist!
  (End of this chapter)

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