Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2509 Rong Wenshu’s confidence?

Chapter 2509 Rong Wenshu’s confidence?

In front of Tang Yi's fingers, the masked and armored warrior who could suppress the Mengyue royal family and kill the powerful Mengyue warrior with a wave of his hand was just wiped out.

As crisp as a piece of white paper.

It was as if Tang Yi gave him a gentle poke and he was shattered.

Seeing this scene, except for a few people who believed in Tang Yi and knew Tang Yi's strength, everyone present was shocked.

Especially the powerful Mengyue royal family and the Mengyue Emperor and others.

After all, you have to know that it is the Supreme!
  They have all seen how powerful the Supreme is before.

With a slight wave of his hand, he instantly killed a large number of powerful men from their royal family.

In front of the Supreme, the strong men of Mengyue Royal Family were as fragile as white paper.

Even the top holy god cannot stop the supreme wave of his hand.

Can such a strong man be killed with one finger?

But at this moment!
  Tang Yi defeated the Supreme with one finger!

This is absolutely terrifying.

Meng Yue, an ordinary warrior, was also very shocked.

After all, even if hundreds of warriors sacrificed their lives for that supreme being just now, they couldn't resist it.

Now, they were killed by Tang Yi with one finger. How could they not be shocked?

Everyone present in Meng Yue was frightened.

Compared to the frightened Meng Yue and others, the expressions of Rong Wenshu and others on the other side were even more exciting.

If the previous attack by the masked warrior failed, it was because the masked warrior was not serious.

So what now?
  This masked and armored warrior, whom Rong Wenshu thought was careless, was instantly killed by the opponent with one finger!

Is this still not serious?
  Is this the reason for not taking it seriously?
  Rong Wenshu, who said that the masked and well-equipped warrior before was not serious, was now embarrassed.

But at this time, no matter how stupid Rong Wenshu was, he understood.

He understood that it was not that his subordinates were not serious, but that the other party was very powerful.

It is so powerful that even if his men are serious, they cannot cause harm to the opponent.

At this moment, Rong Wenshu was very afraid of Tang Yi.

"Did you see clearly what he did just now?"

Rong Wenwen asked in a low voice towards the other three masked and armored warriors.

Hearing this, the remaining three masked and armored warriors shook their heads slightly.

"Then do you have confidence in facing him?" Rong Wenwen asked again.

Hearing this, the remaining three masked warriors shook their heads again.

Seeing the three masked warriors shaking their heads, Rong Wenshu's expression became more solemn than ever before.

He had never been so solemn.

After all, these three of his subordinates are all supreme!

Three supreme powerhouses, all of them expressed no confidence when facing the other person?
  How strong is the opponent?

This time it seems that iron plates were mentioned.

Of course.

Even so, Rong Wenshu was not worried.

After all, his status is not ordinary, so there is no need to be afraid.

With his identity and background support, Rong Wenshu remains calm.

After thinking for a moment, Rong Wenwen said to Tang Yi: "Boy, I admit that you are very strong, but no matter how strong you are, you are only one person. And me, do you know how many Supremes I have under my command? Do you know where I come from? Do you know what kind of powerful existence is behind me? I advise you to be wise, hand over your wife, and then kneel down and dare to apologize to me, otherwise, I will make you regret it."


Tang Yi smiled.

He didn't expect that it would already be at this point.

He also showed his skills just now and killed one of the opponent's men instantly.

The other party actually dared to threaten him.     Is this really stupid, or is it that those who don’t know are fearless?

Who gave him the confidence to do this?

Is it Liang Jingru?
  "why are you laughing?"

Rong Wenwen frowned.

Tang Yi's attitude made him very unhappy.

"Of course I think you're ridiculous."

Tang Yi replied.

"I'm ridiculous. How am I ridiculous?"

Rong Wenwen frowned.

"Everywhere you go up and down is ridiculous! You dare to threaten me now and ask me to hand over my wife. You must be too ridiculous."

Tang Yi sneered: "Do you think you have the confidence to talk to me like this? With the three supreme beings around you? Or with your backstage? Can your backstage save you now?"


Rong Wenshu also sneered and said: "Of course I have confidence, and my confidence certainly does not come from the three supreme beings around me. And to deal with you, I don't need the people behind me to take action."

"Oh?" Tang Yi didn't believe it at all, and looked at Rong Wenshu as if he was looking at a fool.

Rong Wenwen was angry. In all these years since he was a child, when had he been so despised, when had he been treated like a fool?
  there has never been!

"Okay, if that's the case, then I'll show you my confidence!"

Rong Wenwen said, raising his right hand.


A statue of an old man appeared in Rong Wenshu's hand.

I saw Rong Wenwen gently tossing the statue, and the statue immediately flew into the air, spinning in the air.

At this moment, the statue emitted a dazzling light, making the scene seem like daylight, and it was almost impossible to open your eyes.

And the light is full of sacredness and power.

After shining slightly for a moment, the small statue began to slowly grow in size.

And he came back to life, suddenly transforming into a hundred-meter-tall giant!

This giant has white hair and a white beard, has an immortal spirit, and is imposing, like a god or demon in the sky.

Full of holiness, full of superiority, full of a divine aura.

When people see it, they can't help but bow and kneel down.

Facing this giant, everyone present, except for Tang Yi, was frightened and trembling all over, let alone taking action.

In short, as soon as this giant with white hair and white beard and immortal spirit appeared, he immediately shocked the whole audience.

It made everyone in the audience feel stressed and trembling.

In front of this giant, everyone dared not even breathe, and they were completely suffocated.

Seeing this giant with white hair and white beard, Tang Yi was slightly startled when he felt the aura of this giant. He didn't expect that Rong Wenwen actually had such means.

After a slight inspection with the Sky Eye Technique, Tang Yi discovered that this giant's strength not only reached the supreme level, but also had a supreme combat power index of one million levels.

The strength of millions of supreme combat power!
  No wonder Rong Wenshu has such confidence.

If Tang Yi was just an ordinary Supreme, and if Tang Yi's Supreme combat power did not reach two million, he might not be able to defeat Rong Wenshu.

After all, Rong Wenshu has such means, he can indeed despise everything and suppress all opponents.

The supreme combat power of millions is not something that ordinary people can withstand.

But what a pity!

Tang Yi is not an ordinary supreme being.

His supreme combat power index also reached one million levels.

Moreover, it reached an exaggerated 2.6 million points!
  Tang Yi has a supreme combat power index of 2.6 million points.

Why should we be afraid of this giant with millions of supreme combat power in front of us?
  (End of this chapter)

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