Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2510 Just a few glares

Chapter 2510 Just a few glares

Tang Yi is not afraid of the giant in front of him, but that doesn't mean that others are not afraid.

Seeing this giant, everyone in Meng Yue immediately trembled and feared.

"This, what exactly is this?"

"Is this a god? Why is his aura so terrifying?"

"I originally thought that the aura of the Supreme was terrifying enough. But now I know that there is something even scarier than the aura of the Supreme! Who is this giant old man in front of me?"

"In front of this giant, I feel like an ant, extremely small."

"I couldn't even stand in front of him. It was so scary."

"It's hard for me to even breathe!"

"What kind of existence is he?"


Everyone in Meng Yue was talking about it.

At the same time, everyone began to worry about whether Tang Yi was the opponent.

Feeling the fear of everyone in Meng Yue, Rong Wenshu proudly said to Tang Yi: "How is it? Is my confidence still good? Can I still catch your eye? Now, you have to hand over your wife, Then kneel down and apologize to me?"


Tang Yi sneered and said contemptuously: "Is this your confidence?"


"What do you mean?"

Rong Wenwen frowned slightly.

He didn't expect that Tang Yi was not afraid after seeing his trump card, and even showed a look of contempt?

Can’t you use your own trump card?

Are your trump cards not powerful enough?

Isn’t the deterrent enough?

"What do you mean?"

"I thought what your confidence was, but I didn't expect it to be a puppet with a million-level combat power. How dare you stand in front of me? How dare you come to take my wife away from a mere puppet with a million-level combat power? Make me kneel down and beg for mercy? Haha! You think too highly of yourself and your trump card." Tang Yi said contemptuously.

"A mere puppet with a million-level combat power?"

Rong Wenshu was stunned for a moment, then sneered: "Your tone is too loud. The supreme being with a million-level combat power is just a mere meager in your mouth? Can you handle it? Ha!"

However, after sneering, Rong Wenwen seemed to have thought of something again. His eyes suddenly widened and he said in disbelief: "Wait a minute, how do you know that this puppet of mine is a million-level puppet?"

Originally, Rong Wenshu didn't believe Tang Yi's contemptuous words, and didn't believe he could deal with his puppet.

I don't believe that Tang Yi is so powerful.

But after thinking for a moment, Rong Wenwen suddenly became a little uncertain when he thought that the other party actually knew that his puppet was a million-level puppet.

Not sure what the opponent's strength is, not sure whether his puppet can really suppress the opponent!

At this moment, Rong Wenshu's expression became very gloomy.

"How I know this, you are not qualified to know. You only need to know that if you come to snatch my woman and massacre my Mengyue people today, you will have to pay the due price. I don't care what you have behind you. Whoever you are, no matter what your status is, in short, today, you have to pay the price for it!"

Tang Yi said with squinted eyes, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

With a puppet with a million-level combat power as his trump card, Rong Wenshu was very calm at first. He was not afraid at first.

However, Rong Wenwen was a little worried and frightened at the moment when he saw what was true and what was true, and said words with a million-level combat power.

Moreover, the other party was so strong and full of confidence, which immediately caused Rong Wenshu's confidence and confidence to plummet.

At this moment, Rong Wenwen pretended to be calm and said: "If you want me to pay the price, it depends on whether you have the ability!"

After saying that, Rong Wenwen waved his hand and ordered towards the million-level puppet: "Go, kill him!"

After receiving Rong Wenshu's order, the 100-meter-tall giant immediately stepped forward and ran over Tang Yi, intending to trample Tang Yi to death.

However, how could Tang Yi let him succeed. Tang Yi raised his head slightly, and the divine light of destruction from the eyes of the supreme holy king was activated.


In an instant, Tang Yi's eyes lit up.

Two golden rays carrying the sacred aura shot out and flew towards the giant foot that the giant was crushing over.

The next second, it hit the giant foot.


In just an instant, the giant's huge foot turned into ashes.


The puppet can't feel pain, but it can get angry.

Losing a foot made this giant extremely angry.

He raised his right hand and a ray of light appeared.

The light turned into a huge Guandao, which was firmly grasped by the giant in his hand.

This Guandao was gleaming with light, and waves of soaring power clung to its surface. Golden streams of light swarmed out like floods.

Holding this huge sword, the giant slashed at Tang Yi's head.


The moment it was slashed out, there was a burst of thunder, and the entire space was split into two halves, and the space collapsed wherever it passed.

Waves of terrifying power came from above and downwards, causing extremely terrifying suppression on the ground.

Some of the weaker Mengyue warriors were suppressed by this momentum and were directly crushed into powder.

Seeing this scene, Tang Yi raised his hand slightly to protect Mu Xianling and others behind him, as well as some people from the Mengyue royal family.

Immediately afterwards, the divine confinement domain of the Eye of the Supreme Holy King was activated.

Under the confinement of the sacred confinement domain, the giant's movements were instantaneous.

The Daguandao that was originally slashing down suddenly stopped in mid-air.

Seeing this scene, Tang Yi sneered, and then the divine light of divine destruction of the eye of the supreme holy king was activated again.


A ray of divine light hit the giant's other foot, and a ray of divine light hit one of the giant's arms.

Hit by the divine light, the giant's remaining foot and right arm instantly turned into ashes.

Three of the giant's limbs were destroyed by Tang Yi in just the blink of an eye, turning him into a cripple.

However, Tang Yi had no intention of giving up on the giant at this moment.

I saw his eyes activated again, golden light flashing.


There were two more golden lasers.

But this time, a ray of light hit the giant's head, and a ray of light hit the giant's chest.


Under the devastating attack of the golden light, the puppet with a million combat power summoned by Rong Wenshu turned into countless fragments and scattered in the air.

In this way, this huge puppet that put great pressure on Mengyue and everyone, making it difficult for them to breathe, like a god and demon, was solved by Tang Yi.

The whole process was very quick and easy.

Not even enough time for a cup of tea.

Tang Yi hasn't even taken a step out!
  He didn't even raise his hand.

He just stood there and glared at the giant puppet. The giant puppet turned into ashes!

(End of this chapter)

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