Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2513 Yang Wenwen admits his mistake?

Chapter 2513 Yang Wenwen admits his mistake?
  The same goes for the five girls Binglian, An Huanlan, Mu Xianling, Yuwen Jinyu and Shangguan Siyu on the other side!
  Feeling Tang Yi's momentum and temperament, they were all stunned.

Everyone was very surprised. Everyone looked at Tang Yi with blushing faces and hearts in their eyes!

Although Tang Yi has an ordinary temperament, they also like and admire him very much.

But compared to ordinary temperament, Tang Yi, who has an extraordinary temperament at this moment, is more attractive to them and makes their hearts beat faster.

Even Bing Lian, who has seen Tang Yi's temperament, is the same.

She likes Tang Yi so much now.

When the King of Tianyang Realm felt Tang Yi's momentum and temperament at this moment, he suddenly frowned and his expression became solemn.

"Have you made your decision? Do you really want to be my enemy? Once you kill my son, I will never give up. Even if you run to the end of the world, even if your strength is really good! I will chase you to the end! Now even if you are hiding in the Tianmu Realm, I will break in and execute you on the spot. So, are you sure you really want to be my enemy?"

The King of Tianyang Realm narrowed his eyes and threatened, and then said: "Young man, I advise you to be merciful and merciful. If you let my son go now, I can give you a certain amount of compensation, and Let's forget what happened today. Let's just forget about it, but if you really hurt my son, it will be a life-and-death situation, so you have to think about it. "

At this time, Yang Wenwen, who was still in shock, also shouted to Tang Yi: "Yes, you'd better think clearly. If you kill me, my father will not let you go. And from now on, you will be ours." The sworn enemy of Tianyang Realm is being hunted by our entire Tianyang Realm, even the Tianmu Realm you mentioned is going to be affected!"


Hearing Yang Wenshu's words, Tang Yi sneered, ignored Yang Wenshu, and said directly to the realm king clone of Tianyang Realm: "Of course I have thought about it. When your son comes to snatch my wife, when your son When Meng Yue killed innocent people indiscriminately, he had already thought about it."

After a pause, Tang Yi had a cold face, holding the demon slave in his hand, exuding endless murderous aura, and said: "Today, no matter what happens, whether you come to me for revenge or not, your son will definitely die!"

As he spoke, Tang Yi suddenly waved the demon slave in his hand and slashed towards Yang Wenshu!

"court death!"

Seeing Tang Yi's actions, the clone of Tianyang Realm King was furious and immediately faced Tang Yi, trying to stop Tang Yi from killing his son.

However, how could he possibly stop Tang Yi with his separate body?
  Not to mention the clone, even if the real body of the Tianyang Realm King is here, it may not be able to stop Tang Yi!
  Even the original body can't do it, let alone the clone!
  I saw Tang Yi suddenly swiping, not using any powerful martial arts, but relying on the power of the Supreme and the terrifying bonus of the demon slave, he immediately killed the phantom of the King of Tianyang Realm who was coming towards him. It became two parts!
  The clone of the King of Tianyang Realm was as fragile as white paper in front of Tang Yi and the demon slave in Tang Yi's hands.

Even if the body of this clone is the Lord of a Realm, even if the supreme combat power of this clone reaches the million level, even if the strength of this clone is a hundred times more terrifying than the million level supreme.

At this moment, it can only be chopped into pieces by Tang Yi.


Under Tang Yi's terrifying bombardment, after being divided into two halves, the energy of the clone of the King of the Sky Realm began to slowly overflow and dissipate in the air.

However, before dissipating, he roared at Tang Yi: "Boy, just wait for me. From today on, you will be the death place of our Tianyang Realm. No matter how far you go to the end of the world, we in Tianyang Realm will not Maybe I’ll let you go! In addition, I will go to the Realm King of the Tianmu Realm to tell this matter, and I must let him give me an explanation! Just wait!”

After saying that, the clone of Tianyang Realm King slowly dissipated and disappeared in front of everyone.

And with the disappearance of the clone of the King of the Sky Realm, Yang Wenshu's two life-saving means have all been used up!

Without the million-level giant puppet and the Tianyang Realm King clone, facing Tang Yi at this moment, he had no means of protecting himself.

Although there are three supreme powerhouses beside him at this moment.


These three supreme powerful men are useless.

In front of Tang Yi, he was even worse than an ant!
  Therefore, the moment he saw the clone of the King of the Sky Realm dissipate, Yang Wenwen's body began to tremble unconsciously, and he was filled with fear. Especially when Tang Yi looked over, his heart trembled.

He never knew that death was so close to him.

Before this, he had never thought that he would die, let alone that he would be in such a desperate situation.

"Don't... don't, let... let me go... I was wrong."

Yang Wenwen was scared and admitted his mistake.

At this moment, without the means to save his life, he was like a tiger without teeth, becoming submissive.

At this moment, Yang Wenwen no longer looked as arrogant as before, no longer as high-spirited as before, no longer as calm as before.

Facing Tang Yi, he didn't dare to be harsh, threatening, or provocative!

At this moment, he was like a grandson, with a low eyebrow and a submissive attitude.

And this admission of mistake was the first time he had admitted a mistake since he was born!
  From childhood to adulthood, no matter what he did, whether it was right or wrong, he never admitted his mistakes!

Even if he did something heinous, he never admitted his mistake.

but now.

He admitted his mistake and admitted it to Tang Yi.

"Don't you think it's too late to admit your mistake now? When you came to steal my woman, when you came to kill our Mengyue warriors indiscriminately, did you know this would be the result? Did you know you had to admit your mistake? Ha!"

Tang Yi smiled coldly and said, "You can admit your mistakes, but not to me, but to all the warriors in Mengyue, and to my woman!"

Hearing this, in order to save his life, Yang Wenshu quickly admitted his mistake to Mengyue's warriors and said: "Mengyue warriors, I was wrong."

The voice was very low and seemed a bit embarrassing.

"Ha! Is that the sound? Didn't you eat?"


Tang Yi flicked his right hand in the air, and a strong wind suddenly hit Yang Wenwen's face, instantly swollen his face.

However, after being slapped in the face by Tang Yi, Yang Wenwen did not dare to say anything at all, let alone howl in pain. Instead, he was terrified. He hurriedly shouted to Mengyue's warriors: "Mengyue warriors, I was wrong."

The loud voice spread throughout the palace.

This time the sound was finally louder.

However, upon hearing Yang Wenshu's confession, Meng Yue's warriors didn't buy it at all. Everyone had disdain, resentment, and contempt on their faces.

Some warriors even opened their mouths and spit at Yang Wenshu to express their attitude!

(End of this chapter)

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