Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2514 Mengyue Empire makes money

Chapter 2514 Mengyue Empire makes money
  Seeing Yang Wenwen apologize to Mengyue Warrior, Tang Yi sneered and said to Yang Wenwen still dissatisfied: "I don't kowtow or bow to the ground. Is this the attitude of apologizing?"

With that said, he slapped Yang Wenwen again, causing the other side of Yang Wenwen's face to swell. With just two slaps, Yang Wenwen was beaten into a pig's head.

But the three masked and armored warriors on the side saw Yang Wenwen being beaten, but they didn't dare to say a word, didn't dare to take action, and didn't even dare to express their anger!

After all, what do they dare to say?
  Even the million-level giant puppets and Kaio clones were destroyed.

What can these little minions who can't even reach a million-level combat power or even a Kaiou clone say?
  What can you say?
  At this moment, let alone the other party beating Yang Wenshu, even if they killed Yang Wenshu, they did not dare to say a word, let alone take any action.

However, being slapped by Tang Yi, Yang Wenwen was frightened again and hurriedly knelt down in the direction of the Mengyue warrior, knocking his head with a bang.

After kowtowing several times, he apologized again: "I'm sorry, I was wrong!"

Hearing this, the Mengyue warriors still didn't buy it, and everyone sneered.

Tang Yi also sneered and said to Yang Wen: "Where is my woman?"

Hearing this, Yang Wenwen turned his head again, kowtowed suddenly in the direction of Mu Xianling and others. After banging his head several times, Yang Wenwen apologized: "Miss Mu, ladies, I was wrong. !please forgive me."


Mu Xianling sneered and said nothing.

The other women also sneered and looked at Xiang Yangwen as if they were looking at a dead dog.

Yang Wenwen was embarrassed. After he apologized, he said to Tang Yi: "I've apologized, can you let me go?"


Tang Yi looked at Yang Wenshu as if he were a fool and said, "When did I say I would let you go?"


"Then why do you want me to apologize?"

Yang Wenwen said in surprise.

When he thought about it, Tang Yi actually didn't want to kill him, so he asked him to apologize.

That is to say, he thought that after apologizing, Tang Yi would not kill him, so he apologized.

If he still wants to die after apologizing, why should he apologize?
  "I asked you to apologize, but I never said I would spare you! I already told your father that you will die today! I am a man of my word, and I will never break my promise! Moreover, I will I have provoked your father, and your father also said that the entire Tianyang Realm will hunt me down. If this is the case, then why should I let you go? Do you have any brains?" Tang Yi said sarcastically.


Now Yang Wenshu understands that Tang Yi deliberately humiliated him!

Just trying to trick him on purpose!

After the fun is over, kill him again!

It’s heartbreaking to kill someone!

So cruel!

Yang Wenshu hates it so much now! Also very desperate!

However, there is no way!
  At the same time, he regretted it.

I regret why I came to Mengyue.

I regret why I came to snatch other people’s wives.

This time it’s good, it’s hit the iron plate.

However, regretting it at this moment has no meaning.

"Okay, I won't talk nonsense to you, let's get on the road."

Tang Yi said.

As he spoke, he stretched out his right hand.

When he saw Tang Yi reaching out, Yang Wenwen was immediately horrified.

He is still young and has not lived enough. He does not want to die and is not willing to die. He pushed the three masked and armed warriors out and said, "Stop him, stop him! Save me, as long as you can save my life, I will give you whatever you want from now on!"

Hearing this, three masked and well-armed warriors hesitated and slowly pushed forward.


Does it make sense for three masked warriors to come forward?

It doesn't make any sense.

Tang Yi waved his hand slightly.

The three masked and armored warriors immediately turned into ashes.

Immediately afterwards, Tang Yi gently pointed at Yang Wenwen.

Next second,
  Yang Wenshu also fluttered, turned into blood mist, and disappeared into ashes.

In just an instant, all the people who had just bullied the Mengyue royal family disappeared from this world.

After dealing with Yang Wenwen, Tang Yi clapped his hands, as if he just did an inconspicuous thing and didn't take it to heart at all.

On the side, seeing Tang Yi deal with Yang Wenshu, Mengyue's emperor immediately came up to him and said worriedly to Tang Yi: "Tang Yi, will this harm you? You must know that this Yang Wenshu, but Tianyang The son of the king of the realm, if you kill his son, he will definitely not let it go and will definitely come to you for revenge."

"It's okay, Emperor, you don't have to worry. Judging from his clone, the strength of this Heavenly Sun Realm King is just that. He doesn't pose any threat to me. If he wants to come, then just come. If he comes, I will let him go. He will never come back!" Tang Yi said with great confidence.

Seeing that Tang Yi was so confident, Emperor Mengyue immediately felt reassured and said: "I feel relieved when I hear Tang Yi say that. In that case, I will go clean the scene first and see the damage. I won't disturb Tang Yi here. Yi you are reunited with your wives."

"Yes. Okay, Emperor, you go and do your work first."

Tang Yi said.

When Emperor Mengyue said 'wives', Tang Yi was slightly embarrassed. He glanced at Mu Xianling and others from the corner of his eye. When he found that Mu Xianling and others did not notice this sentence, he immediately put it down. Come to your mind.

On the other side, Emperor Mengyue nodded towards Mu Xianling, and then left the scene to clean the battlefield.

This battle was extremely tragic. A large number of warriors from the Mengyue Empire died, and the losses were extremely huge. Almost all the top combat forces fell.

Even Patriarch Hua, who had reached the supreme level, was severely injured and did not know whether he was alive or dead.

It can be said that the Mengyue Empire has been completely disabled, and there is not much combat power left.

In addition, in addition to the large number of strong men from the Mengyue royal family dying.

In order to resist Yang Wenshu and others, Meng Yue's ordinary warriors used their lives to fill up the fight, and a large number of warriors also died.

At least tens of thousands of people died in that moment!

The entire Mengyue Palace is a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood!
  Therefore, not only the Mengyue royal family was crippled, but also the entire Mengyue Kingdom martial arts world suffered heavy losses because of Yang Wenshu!

The Mengyue Empire's national power has declined significantly.

If other empires come to provoke us at this time, if Tang Yi doesn't take action, the Mengyue Empire may be destroyed in an instant.

It can be seen how miserable the Mengyue Empire is at this moment.

What a blow it was.

Of course.

Although the losses were great, many people died.

However, for Emperor Mengyue and the entire Mengyue royal family, it is still worth it!
  After all, some people died, but they won a supreme powerhouse. This is still a profit for the Mengyue royal family!

Although the national power has declined slightly due to the death of a large number of strong men, it has increased significantly because of Tang Yi's presence.

With Tang Yi here, who would dare to provoke Mengyue?
  Even the clones of such a powerful being as the King of Tianyang Realm were destroyed by Tang Yi. Who else dares to come and provoke him?
  No one dares!
  Therefore, Meng Yue actually made a profit!

Some strong men died and a supreme strong man was gained.

Big profit.

(End of this chapter)

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