Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2515 The women plead for Shangguan Siyu

Chapter 2515 The women plead for Shangguan Siyu
  After Emperor Mengyue took the remaining Mengyue experts to clean up the mess, only Tang Yi, Mu Xianling and other five women were left at the scene.

Tang Yi felt both uneasy and embarrassed now.

He doesn't know how to face the fifth woman now.

He didn't even know how to comfort Mu Xianling, nor how to explain An Huanlan's problem to Mu Xianling.

"Hey, when I read online articles, I always envied those pig trotters who had a large harem, but now I realize that sometimes having too many women is not necessarily a good thing. Having too many women is not easy to deal with."

Tang Yi sighed in his heart.

As if she felt the atmosphere was a bit awkward, Binglian immediately stood up to ease the atmosphere and said, "Let's find a place to sit down and talk."

"it is good."

Mu Xianling nodded and said, "Let's talk about it at my residence."

After saying that, he immediately led everyone to his residence. From the beginning to the end, he didn't even look at Tang Yi. He seemed to be still angry?

Seeing this scene, Tang Yi shook his head helplessly.

On the side, Bing Lian said: "Brother Tang Yi is fine. Sister Ling'er is actually not angry anymore. You just need to coax her well later and she should calm down."

"I hope so, thank you Lian'er."

Tang Yi said.

"Thank me for what you are doing. It is my duty to share Brother Tang Yi's worries."

Binglian said: "Let's go and explain it to Sister Ling'er."


Tang Yi nodded.

The group of people went to the meeting hall of the palace where Mu Xianling temporarily lived.

Arriving at the meeting hall of the palace where Mu Xianling lived, everyone sat down, and at everyone's request, Tang Yi took the first place.

On the left and right are Mu Xianling and Binglian respectively.

An Huanlan sat under Binglian, and Yuwen Jinyu sat under Mu Xianling.

Shangguan Siyu sat at the end.

After everyone sat down, Tang Yi broke the embarrassment and apologized again to Mu Xianling: "Ling'er, I really wronged you, I'm sorry."

Mu Xianling said: "It's okay. Everything is over. Now I am safe and sound. You don't need to apologize."


Tang Yi wanted to say something else.

However, Binglian winked at Tang Yi and told him to stop talking.

After all, the more you talk, the more mistakes you make.

Since you can't speak or coax, you might as well not say much.

After receiving Binglian's signal, Tang Yi could only sigh in his heart and end the topic.

Raising his head slightly, Tang Yi asked Shangguan Siyu, who was sitting at the end, "Miss Shangguan, why are you here?"


Before Shangguan Siyu could speak, Mu Xianling spoke first and said, "She is here to find you."

"What do you want from me?" Tang Yi wondered.

"Don't you know what you did?" Mu Xianling asked.

Tang Yi said unjustly: "What have I done? I didn't do anything."

"You have bullied someone and want to break the engagement. How can you not come to your door?" Mu Xianling said scornfully.

"I..." Tang Yi was speechless for a moment.

Is he bullying others?
  Why did he bully others?

It was obviously Shangguan Siyu who looked down on him, and then he agreed to challenge him in half a year.

Why is he bullying others?
  Moreover, abandoning the engagement?
  It's obvious that the other party wants to cancel the engagement, okay?
  "Ling'er, you are a bit wronged by what you said. I didn't bully her, nor did I break the engagement. There are reasons for these." Tang Yi explained.

"What's the reason?" Mu Xianling said, "Even if there is a reason, you can't break the engagement. The engagement is still with Sister Siyu. It's clearly written in black and white. If you don't like her, then you can Tell me clearly, why are you dragging me down?"

"This one……"

Tang Yi was speechless again.

After all, he did not cancel the engagement in the first place.

After defeating Shangguan Siyu, Shangguan Siyu burst into tears and hugged Tang Yi.

Tang Yi felt soft-hearted at that time and stopped embarrassing Shangguan Siyu.

It stands to reason that after defeating Shangguan Siyu, he would have personally returned the marriage certificate.

It was because Tang Yi was soft-hearted that he didn't destroy the marriage contract.

"Then... why don't we cancel the marriage now... In fact, there is no deep hatred between me and Miss Shangguan, and there is nothing..."

Tang Yi said hesitantly.

However, before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Mu Xianling: "No, how can we just back out of this marriage? Absolutely not! Tang Yi, you can't do this."

Bing Lian also said: "Yes, brother Tang Yi, you can't just cancel the marriage. This will be a huge blow to sister Siyu. Besides, how can you get her married?"

"What should I do?"

Tang Yi said speechlessly.

"What else can we do? Fulfill the engagement."

Mu Xianling said matter-of-factly.

Binglian also echoed: "Yes, fulfill the engagement."

"This..." Tang Yi hesitated.

After all, he already has three wives.

Binglian, Mu Xianling, and An Huanlan.

If I want one will be four.

Three women in one drama, these four women... it's not a palace fight!
  At this time, Shangguan Siyu suddenly stood up, came to the center of the meeting hall, knelt in front of Tang Yi, and said, "Please give me a chance, Tang Yi. It was all my fault before. , I am here to apologize to Tang Yi, please don’t cancel the engagement!"

"What are you doing?"

Seeing Shangguan Siyu suddenly kneel down, Tang Yi was speechless.

Mu Xianling also stood up at this time and helped: "Now that Siyu has changed all her previous bad habits, Tang Yi, please give her a chance."

Binglian also said: "Sister Siyu has indeed lost the annoying aura before, and she has become calmer and easier to get along with. I believe that after experiencing the previous incident, she has realized her mistake. ”

Yuwen Jinyu also said: "After spending so many days with Siyu, I think she is quite good. Tang Yi, please don't be angry with her and forgive her."

Although An Huanlan didn't know Shangguan Siyu, but seeing how pitiful Shangguan Siyu was, she immediately said: "I can feel that this Shangguan girl has indeed realized her mistake, husband...Tang Yi, please forgive her. She looks so pathetic."


Seeing so many people pleading for Shangguan Siyu, Tang Yi didn't know what to say for a moment, and said helplessly: "It's been a long time, and I'm not angry anymore, but asking me to marry her is not a good idea. ...It’s so difficult.”

Isn't that right?

Tang Yi now has three!
  If Yuwen Jinyu had nothing else to do... she would definitely marry him.

After all, he couldn't defeat Mu Xianling.

If Mu Xianling forced the match, he would definitely agree.

So, he actually already has four fiancées.

If there was one more, it would be five.

This is too much.

Moreover, when facing Shangguan Siyu, although his knot was resolved, he still didn't know how to get along with her.

I feel so embarrassed.

(End of this chapter)

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