Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2516 Sorting out relationships

Chapter 2516 Sorting out relationships
  "What's the trouble? The engagement is still there, it's written in black and white, just fulfill it."

Mu Xianling said.

Bing Lian also said: "Yes, brother Tang Yi, since there is still an engagement, then you can just fulfill the engagement. What's the problem?"

Seeing that the two women kept persuading him, Tang Yi couldn't help but asked curiously: "Don't you mind?"

"I don't mind." Mu Xianling said immediately.

Of course she didn't mind.

Before Tang Yi came back, she had been getting along with Shangguan Siyu for some time.

After this period of getting along, she had long accepted Shangguan Siyu.

And already matched with sisters Shangguan Siyu.

At the same time, he also agreed to help Shangguan Siyu get Tang Yi's forgiveness and acceptance.

Otherwise, how could Mu Xianling bring Shangguan Siyu to Mengyue.

How could he help Shangguan Siyu speak at this moment?

During the time Tang Yi left, they had already formed a tacit understanding.

Binglian also said: "I don't mind either."

Binglian wouldn't mind either.

After all, she wished Tang Yi could marry a few more and get all the top beauties in his pocket.

Otherwise, how could she have participated in the martial arts competition on behalf of Tang Yi before, and how could she have persuaded Tang Yi to marry An Huanlan?
  So, how could Binglian mind?


Seeing that both women didn't mind, Tang Yi hesitated for a moment.

At this time, Shangguan Siyu, who was kneeling on the ground below, said again: "Tang Yi, I will definitely behave well in the future and will never do anything wrong again. You believe me! If I do something wrong again, you can Divorce me at any time."

When he said this, Shangguan Siyu looked very serious and sincere.

It seems that it is not just talk.

But really made up his mind.


Hearing Shangguan Siyu's words and seeing Shangguan Siyu's expression, Tang Yi sighed slightly and said, "You should get up first. In that case, you should get along with us first. If you really can't get along... If you are still the same as before, then you can leave then."

"So, Tang Yi, are you willing to accept me?"

Shangguan Siyu said in surprise.

Tang Yi did not speak, but nodded.

After all, that’s what it’s all about.

Moreover, Bing Lian and Mu Xianling have been helping to talk, can Tang Yi still refuse to accept them?
  If he continues not to accept him, let alone what will happen to Shangguan Siyu, Mu Xianling and Binglian will definitely not let Tang Yi go.

"Tang Yi, is this true?" Shangguan Siyu said in disbelief.

At this moment, she was like a child who got a toy, with a happy face.

"Yeah." Tang Yi finally replied with the word "um."

However, even just the word "hmm" made Shangguan Siyu ecstatic.

"This is really great."

Shangguan Siyu said happily.

His expression was full of excitement.

After all, how long had she been waiting for this day?
  It's been over a year.

For more than a year, she thought about it day and night, and all she could think about was this matter!

For more than a year, every day and night, she was full of guilt, reflecting, and wanted Tang Yi's forgiveness.

For more than a year, she tried every method.

And today!
  She finally did it.

The obsession that had accumulated in my heart finally dissipated at this moment.

The tight string in my heart finally relaxed at this moment.

In addition to being excited and happy, Shangguan Siyu also breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed a lot.

On the side, Mu Xianling was also happy for Shangguan Siyu.

After all, she had sympathized with Shangguan Siyu very much before this, and wanted to help Shangguan Siyu and untie her knot.

However, at this moment, all the knots in Shangguan Siyu's heart were untied, and the obsession finally dissipated. Mu Xianling was also very happy for Shangguan Siyu.     “Get up quickly.”

Seeing the happy and excited Shangguan Siyu, Tang Yi said helplessly.

Shangguan Siyu has been forgiven and accepted by Tang Yi, so there is no need to kneel down anymore.

I saw her gently reply: "Okay."

Immediately afterwards, he happily stood up from the ground and returned to his seat.

Seeing that Shangguan Siyu had solved his problem and returned to his seat, Mu Xianlin suddenly said: "Okay, sister Siyu's matter is settled, then it is my matter."

"Ah? Ling'er, what's the matter with you?" Tang Yi asked.

"How not?"

Mu Xianling glared at Tang Yi and said, "Tell me, you came back so late this time, which put me in danger and caused me such great injustice. How can you compensate me?"

"Ah I……"

Tang Yi was stunned for a moment, then thought for a moment and tentatively said, "Then I'll give you a gift to compensate you."

"No! You just want to get rid of me with just a few gifts. Am I such an easy person to get rid of?"

Mu Xianling directly objected.

"Then I will go to Tianyang Realm to avenge you?" Tang Yi asked again.

"No! It's too dangerous. I don't agree with you going."

Mu Xianling objected again.

" about I spend more time with you?"

Tang Yi asked again.

"No! You should accompany me, how can you use it as compensation?"

Mu Xianling still objected.

"Then how can I compensate you?" Tang Yi couldn't figure it out.

This won't work, that won't work either, women are really troublesome.

"Actually, the compensation I want is very simple, as long as you marry sister Jinyu." Mu Xianling said.


Hearing this, Tang Yi was very surprised. He didn't expect that the compensation Mu Xianling wanted was this.

After a long time of work and a long time of laying the groundwork, it turned out that Mu Xianling’s purpose was this!

"What? No?" Mu Xianling stared at Tang Yi and asked.

"It's not impossible. It's just..."

Tang Yi looked at Binglian and wanted to hear Binglian's opinion.

After all, now he already has four women, Binglian, Mu Xianling, An Huanlan and the newly admitted Shangguan Siyu. If...

That’s really five.

He was really worried that Binglian would have any objections and that she would be dissatisfied.

Seeing Tang Yi's eyes, Mu Xianling understood what Tang Yi meant in an instant.

He wanted to hear Binglian's opinion.

Mu Xianling knew about Tang Yihui's marriage to Binglian early on.

Tang Yi must be concerned about Binglian's opinion at this moment.

So after seeing Tang Yi's gaze, Mu Xianling asked Binglian: "Oh, I forgot, sister Lian'er is also Tang Yi's current fiancée. I don't know what sister Lian'er thinks about this matter. Are you willing to accept Sister Jinyu?"

Although Binglian was the youngest at the scene, her status was the noblest and the most important in Tang Yi's heart.

So I have a lot of say.

Mu Xianling was also a little worried that Binglian would reject Yuwen Jinyu.

After all, which woman would want her man to have many women?
  What woman would be willing to share her love?

He said he didn't mind, but he definitely still did in his heart.

And if Binglian is unwilling to accept it, Tang Yi will definitely adopt Binglian's opinion.

After all, Binglian has more say than himself, and is more important in Tang Yi's heart.

(End of this chapter)

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