Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2518 Married to 5 girls

Chapter 2518 Married to the fifth daughter

"This one……"

Tang Yi didn't expect that the topic would actually lead to him.

And, it was such a tricky question, so he immediately answered: "When do you think the marriage should be completed?"

Mu Xianling immediately said: "I think the sooner the better! Otherwise, you will have to go out again in a while. If you continue to delay like this, you don't know how long it will take to get married. So it's better to do it in these few days. The marriage is consummated. Sisters, what do you think?"

"I agree! It's better to choose a day than to hit it." Yuwen Jinyu said.

An Huanlan also said: "I have no objection. I listen to sister Lian'er."

Bing Lian said: "I also think the sooner the better. Otherwise, let's do it tomorrow."

"Ah? Tomorrow? So soon?" Tang Yi said blankly.

"I'm unhappy." Mu Xianling said, "Tang Yi, you have been delaying this for a long time."

Yuwen Jinyu said: "Anyway, it's the same one day early and one day late. It's not as good as tomorrow."

Bing Lian also said: "Yes, it has been delayed for a long time. So let's get married as soon as possible."

Shangguan Siyu said nothing, but looking at his expression, he obviously supported this decision.


"Okay then! Then tomorrow!"

Tang Yi thought for a while and said.

After hearing Tang Yi's agreement, Mu Xianling finally smiled and no longer kept a straight face.

Binglian, An Huanlan, Shangguan Siyu and Yuwen Jinyu also laughed.

Immediately afterwards, the five girls stopped paying attention to Tang Yi and started chatting by themselves.

Time flies by.

Soon, the day passed.

After what happened yesterday, Tang Yi's name has spread throughout Mengyue.

At this moment, the name Tang Yi was all being discussed in the streets and alleys of Mengyue.

Tang Yi was described as a god-like existence, the God of Mengyue.

What happened yesterday was also spread by everyone, and it became very outrageous.

Rumors actually spread that even the King of Tianyang Realm came in person and was instantly killed by Tang Yi.

As the initiator and the focus of everyone's discussion and attention, Tang Yi kept a low profile and set up a wedding hall with the five girls in front of the palace where Mu Xianling lived, and began to worship each other.

At this moment, Tang Yi, Mu Xianling and other five women attended at the same time and worshiped heaven and earth at the same time.

Before the wedding, several people had discussed it, and everyone got married at the same time. No one was the wife or concubine. Everyone was Tang Yi's wife, and they could treat each other as sisters in private.

At this moment, Tang Yi and the five women were kneeling in front of the hall.

Emperor Mengyue presided over this wedding for Tang Yi and the five girls.

"Worship heaven and earth!"

Following Emperor Mengyue's loud shout, the six of Tang Yi bowed down at the same time.

"Two thanks to the high hall!"

The six of Tang Yi paid their respects again.

"Couple greetings!"

Tang Yi worshiped the five daughters Mu Xianling, Binglian, Yuwen Jinyu, Shangguan Siyu and An Huanlan respectively.

After worshiping in the hall, the five women all looked at Tang Yi with burning eyes.

Feeling the eyes of the five women, Tang Yi immediately asked: "Why... why are you looking at me like this."

Being looked at by the five women like this, to be honest, Tang Yi was slightly embarrassed.

After all, he came from the earth.

As a native of the earth, his concept is monogamy, and now...

A little too much.

This made him unable to adapt for a while, and he was also slightly embarrassed.     It would be easier if there were others present at this moment.

It can also ease the awkward atmosphere.

But after the worship service, Emperor Mengyue actually left after hosting the ceremony in order to give him some private space and let him have a good time with his five wives.

At this moment, there were only six of them left in the entire venue.

"Brother Tang Yi, from today on we are husband and wife."

After hearing Tang Yi's question, Binglian said to Tang Yi.

After saying that, Binglian seemed to realize that she had said the wrong thing, and immediately patted her mouth cutely, and changed her words: "That's wrong, I can no longer call you brother Tang Yi, I should call you husband! Husband, starting from today , we are husband and wife. Although the ceremony is simple, I am very happy now."

After a pause, Binglian spoke again and suggested: "By the way, since everyone has finished worshiping, from today on, our husband and we are husband and wife, so now, everyone can take turns calling me husband. Those who have not been called before You can get used to it, and those who have been called can be called again to increase their feelings, I will do it first!"

"Husband!" Binglian shouted towards Tang Yi.

After calling, Binglian smiled and was very happy.


Hearing Bing Lian's "husband" call, Tang Yi felt a little weird, happy and uncomfortable at the same time.

Mu Xianling thought for a moment, then bowed softly and said softly: "Husband."

At this moment, Mu Xianling's mood was a little complicated.

She had been waiting for this moment for a long time, but when it finally came, she was very nervous and scared.

She didn't know why she was afraid, but there was a kind of fear in her heart.

At the same time, there was a little touch, and looking at Tang Yi, he unconsciously showed a happy smile.

At this moment, Mu Xianling's mind kept flashing back scenes of her acquaintance with Tang Yi, happy, unhappy, aggrieved, happy, all kinds of them. She couldn't help but sigh with emotion, secretly thinking that time flies too fast. Like a white colt passing by.


Yuwen Jinyu also shouted.

Yuwen Jinyu was not used to calling her husband this time.

However, it is very clear and clear, and there is no swaying.

The voice was full of excitement and excitement.

It seemed that she had been looking forward to this moment for a long time.

When she called her husband, she looked at Tang Yi with burning eyes, as if she wanted to eat him.

Of course, after shouting, Yuwen Jinyu's face also glowed with red.

After all, no matter how cheerful she is, she was once a princess, and she was concerned about face, and she was not a carefree character.


An Huanlan bowed slightly and called Tang Yi.

Compared with the previous ones, An Huanlan was much more natural, her voice was unhurried and not nervous at all.

After all, she had called Tang Yi this way before, so there was no problem in calling him now.

Bing Lian, Mu Xianling, Yuwen Jinyu and An Huanlan who were present all shouted, but Shangguan Siyu was the only one who had not yet screamed.

Suddenly, everyone's eyes turned to Shangguan Siyu.

I want to hear Shangguan Siyu speak.

And when he felt everyone's gaze, Shangguan Siyu's face suddenly turned red!
  She took a slight breath, gathered her courage, and shouted softly: "Husband...husband!"

After calling, Shangguan Siyu's face suddenly turned red to the root of her neck, and she hurriedly lowered her head, not daring to raise her head to see anyone.

Seeing this scene from the side, the four girls suddenly burst out laughing, their branches quivering with laughter.

"Oh, you guys are laughing at me, let's see if I don't hit you."

Shangguan Siyu immediately used his small fists and started to fight with the four girls.

Looking at the five girls fighting, a feeling of happiness suddenly rose in Tang Yi's heart.

(End of this chapter)

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