Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2519 Quickly reach the Demon Cloud Empire

Chapter 2519 Quickly reach the Demon Cloud Empire
  Happy time always passes quickly.

After marrying Mu Xianling and others, Tang Yi spent a week of happiness.

After a week of tenderness, Tang Yi discussed the next move with the five women in the meeting hall.

"Husband, what are your plans next? Are you about to leave? Can you take us with you this time?" Binglian asked.

"I was previously invited by the King of Kai to go to the Void Forest for an adventure with him. But there is still some time before we can go to the Void Forest."

"That's what I plan to do. Before going to the Void Forest, I plan to go to the Demon Cloud Empire to investigate the truth about the annihilation of our Tang family. Then, I will go to the borderland of the World of Gods for a week of training. , after the experience is over, then head to the Void Forest."

"I definitely can't take you with me in the Void Forest. But before going to the Void Forest, I can take you with me to investigate the truth behind the annihilation of our Tang family, and at the same time, I can take you with me to the borderlands for training."

Tang Yi thought for a while and said slowly.

Tang Yi certainly did not forget the power of the Holy Sect.

After the original investigation, Tang Yi learned that the destruction of the Tang family was related to this holy sect, so he decided to go to the Moyun Empire to find the holy sect and investigate the truth.

It's just that Tang Yi has always had a main mission to perform, so he has been delayed in going there.

Now everything is over and the marriage is over.

The next mission was still some time away, and he finally had a chance to explore the truth.

"Really? Husband, can you really take us with you this time? You won't find excuses to sneak away again, right?" Mu Xianling said suspiciously.

After all, Tang Yi did this kind of thing a lot.

He always stays with her for a few days and then slips away.

"Of course it's true. How could I lie to you? I just don't know if you are willing to go to the Moyun Empire with me." Tang Yi asked.

Bing Lian also said: "How could you not be willing? Moreover, I also want to know who actually dared to attack the Tang Yi family."

Bing Lian's expression was very serious, and his eyes were filled with murderous intent.

Binglian has great feelings for the Tang family. Even though there are some annoying people in the Tang family, she doesn't have any dislike for this family.

After all, Binglian has lived in the Tang family since she was a child. The Tang family can be said to be her second home. How could she not have feelings for her second family?

However, this second family was actually harmed by a gangster. How could she not be angry and murderous?
  Mu Xianling also said: "Of course I am willing. As the daughter-in-law of the Tang family, I also want to avenge the Tang family! Even if I can't do it myself, I still want to witness this scene."

Yuwen Jinyu also said: "Me too, I also want to kill my enemies with my husband!"


An Huanlan didn't say much, she just stretched out her hand and grabbed Binglian tightly.

Shangguan Siyu nodded and said: "Husband, you are going to investigate the truth and kill the enemy. As wives, we naturally have to go together. Even if we can't help, we can still bear witness as the Tang family." all of these."


Tang Yi nodded, very satisfied with the performance of the five girls.

The reason why Tang Yi wanted to take them there was not only to spend more time with the five girls, but also because he wanted them to witness history as members of the Tang family!

Witness the scene of him avenging the Tang family.

Although I don’t know if this trip will help me get the truth about the Tang family’s destruction.

Although I don’t know if the murderer who destroyed the Tang family can be found, but what if?
  If they were really found, if they were really encountered, wouldn't it be a pity if they weren't there?

That's why Tang Yi told the fifth daughter Mu Xianling about this matter.

When he heard that the five girls were willing to go, Tang Yi was immediately very happy.

"Since everyone has no objections, let's pack up and let's set off now. As far as I know, the Demon Cloud Empire is not very far away. With my warship, I think if we set off now, we can arrive in the afternoon." Tang Yi thought about it Think, say.

"it is good!"

"set off!"

"Let's go."

"I have nothing to pack! I can leave right now."

"I haven't left the empire yet. Now I can't wait to go to Moyun. Let's go."

The five girls said one after another.

In this way, after tidying up for a while, Tang Yi said hello to the Mengyue Emperor and said goodbye. He immediately took the five girls on the Supreme Warship, activated the void shuttle function, and headed towards the Demon Cloud Empire.

In just over an hour, Tang Yi's warship appeared in the Moyun Empire.

In fact, there is still a long way between the Moyun Empire and the Mengyue Empire.

On the map, the two empires are separated by at least several empires.

Taking other warships, it would probably take a month to reach Moyun Empire from Mengyue.

And this is pretty fast.

Slow down, I'm afraid it will take two or three months.

However, taking Tang Yi's warship and traveling through the void, it took only an hour to reach the Moyun Empire from the Mengyue Empire.

Incredibly fast.

Yuwen Jinyu, Mu Xianling and Shangguan Siyu, who had never traveled through the void before, were surprised to see how quickly they arrived at the Moyun Empire.

They kept looking at the map to check the distance between Mengyue Empire and Moyun Empire.

After confirming that Mengyue Empire and Moyun Empire were indeed far apart and not that close, they put down the map and revealed an incredulous look on their faces.

"Is this space travel? This is incredible." Yu Wen Jinyu said in shock.

Mu Xianling also sighed: "According to the distance from Mengyue Empire to Moyun Empire on the map, if you fly normally, it will take less than a month to reach Moyun from Mengyue. However, now, my husband's warship is We made a journey through the void and arrived in an hour, which is incredible.”

"Yes, it's so fast! I have never been on such a fast warship." Shangguan Siyu also exclaimed.

The three girls looked like bumpkins who had just entered the city.

Compared to the three girls Mu Xianling, Binglian and An Huanlan were much calmer.

After all, they had already ridden on Tang Yi's warship once and marveled at it once.

Although I was still surprised at the moment and still shocked by the speed of Tang Yi's warship, it was much better and much calmer than the three girls of Mu Xianling.

Bing Lian said: "Actually, in addition to your husband's warship, I have also been on other warships that can travel through the void. But compared to other warships that can travel through the void, your husband's warship is faster! Even faster. Times! According to the distance between Meng Yue and Mo Yun, other warships traveling through the void would probably not be able to reach it in less than half a day. However, my husband’s warship arrived in an hour, which is really too fast."

After all, the three Mu Xianling girls have never been on other warships that can travel through the void. When Binglian said this, they were even more surprised. Everyone looked at Tang Yi with a look that said, "Husband, you are awesome."

Tang Yi also raised his head and chest, and said proudly: "Of course it is. How can my warship be comparable to others?"

Mu Xianlin suddenly said with disdain: "Come on, Lian'er just complimented you and you got me! No one can compare to me. Ha!"

Binglian also said: "Husband, you look so handsome when you brag."

Tang Yi: "."

(End of this chapter)

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