Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2520 A gift for everyone

Chapter 2520 A gift for everyone
  Tang Yi controlled the Supreme Warship, arrived at the outskirts of the Moyun Empire's capital, and then dropped the Supreme Warship down.

The group of people walked like this and entered the capital of Moyun Kingdom.

Arriving at the gate of Moyun Capital, before entering Moyun Capital, Binglian waved her right hand, took out the bamboo hat and veil given to her by Tang Yi, and then put them on.

Hiding her beautiful face under the hat and veil.

Seeing Binglian wearing a bamboo hat and veil, and the styles of the bamboo hat and veil were so beautiful, Mu Xianlin suddenly said with envy: "Sister Lian'er, your bamboo hat and veil are so beautiful, and there are patterns on the veil, which The hat is also very unique.”

"If sister Ling'er likes it, you can ask your husband to give it to you. My husband gave it to me," Binglian said.

"Oh? It's actually a gift from my husband."

Hearing this, Mu Xianling was slightly startled, then glanced at Tang Yi and said, "You are too partial. You actually gave it to Lian'er and not to us."

Feeling Mu Xianling's resentful gaze, Tang Yi immediately said: "Send, send, send, send them all."

With that said, Tang Yi's mind sank and he entered the system.

Immediately afterwards, he bought four bamboo hats and four veils that were the same as Binglian.

After finishing the purchase, Tang Yi took out all these things and distributed them to the girls. At the same time, he said: "These are the Fengyin bamboo hat and the banshee veil, which are exactly the same as Lian'er's. Now each of them has a set."

Seeing that Tang Yi really took out the same bamboo hat and veil and distributed them to himself and others, Mu Xianling looked at the bamboo hat and veil in his hand, then looked at Tang Yi, and suddenly said in surprise: "Husband, I was just Just kidding, I didn’t expect you to actually give it away, and it’s exactly the same.”

Binglian was also surprised: "Husband, didn't you tell me that the Fengyin bamboo hat and the banshee veil are supreme-level items? Why do you still have the same ones?"

Hearing this, before Tang Yi spoke, Mu Xianling was surprised and said: "Supreme Level?! What level is Supreme Level?"

Bing Lian explained: "The items above the upper level of the Holy Heaven level are the Supreme level. In other words, what your husband gave us are items above the upper level of the Holy Heaven level."

"Above the Holy Heaven level?"

Mu Xianling was surprised again.

I didn't expect Tang Yi to give away such a high-end item.

After knowing this, she immediately wanted to return the Fengyin bamboo hat and the banshee veil to Tang Yi.

After all, it is too expensive.

"Ah! Above the Holy Heaven level? This... This is too valuable. Otherwise, husband, you should take it back." An Huanlan said with some worry. With that said, he handed the Feng Yin bamboo hat and the banshee veil to Tang Yi.

Yuwen Jinyu also hesitated and said: "We have not yet broken through to the Saint level. Is it too ostentatious to have such an item? Husband, is it really okay for you to hand over an item of this level to us?"

Although Yuwen Jinyu did not hand it back, he also expressed his worries.

Shangguan Siyu also looked at Tang Yi hesitantly. Although she said nothing, the expression on her face showed her mood at the moment, and she also did not dare to accept it.

But since this was a gift from Tang Yi, he didn't dare to return it directly, fearing that Tang Yi would be unhappy about it.

"it does not matter."

Tang Yi said, pushing back the Feng Yin bamboo hat and the Banshee Veil that he wanted to hand back, and said comfortingly: "Both the Banshee Veil and the Feng Yin bamboo hat can hide the aura, and most people can't tell that they are supreme level items. , even the Supreme One may not be able to see it. Moreover, these two pieces of equipment also have a life-saving function."

Tang Yi introduced: "The Banshee Veil can withstand an attack from the Supreme Power, actively activate it, and even gain 10 seconds of self-protection time. During this period, even if a large number of Supremes join forces to attack you, It’s all to no avail.”

"so smart!"


Mu Xianling and the other girls were surprised when they heard Tang Yi's introduction.

After all, they have seen the power of the Supreme Being. Holy God level warriors have no power to fight back in front of the Supreme Being. Let alone fight back, even worse than an ant!
  The Supreme One can be said to be very powerful.

However, the Banshee Veil in front of me can passively resist an attack from the Supreme Being, and even activate it to gain ten seconds of self-protection time. This is too powerful.

After hearing Tang Yi's introduction, Mu Xianling and the girls, who had never seen the world, were stunned.

And Tang Yi introduced: "The Wind Hidden Hat can greatly increase the speed, travel with the wind, and move with the wind. Even a breeze can get a huge boost. At the same time, it can actively stimulate and display the Wind Hidden martial arts. By using this martial skill, you can hide in the wind and transform into the wind, making it impossible for enemies to find you. This is also a very good life-saving item."

Hearing Tang Yi introduce the Feng Yin bamboo hat, the girls were shocked again, except for Bing Lian, who had already known about it.

"So, these two pieces of equipment are beautiful, can hide aura, and can also be used to save lives. What are you worried about? Just accept them." Tang Yi said.

Binglian also advised: "Yes, sisters, please accept it, don't worry. Since my husband can give it to you, he must have given it to you thoroughly. You can accept it with confidence."

"Okay, thank you husband."

Mu Xianling, An Huanlan, Yuwen Jinyu and Shangguan Siyu all bowed and expressed their thanks.

At the same time everyone was very happy.

After all, if you think about it, supreme level items must be very valuable.

But Tang Yi was willing to give them such valuable items, which shows how much Tang Yi valued them.

How could they not be happy to get Tang Yi's attention.

"You're welcome, put it on and try it quickly." Tang Yi said.

Hearing this, the women immediately put on their banshee veils and hats.

As soon as they were put on, the faces of the women were immediately hidden under the hats and veils.

Of course, even if their appearance is obscured, the figures of these women are still extremely outstanding, and you can tell that they are beautiful women at a glance.

"How's it going? How does it feel? Do you like it?" Tang Yi asked with a smile.

"It feels so good. After putting on the Fengyin bamboo hat and banshee veil, I felt that my body was a little lighter and I gained a sense of security. It seemed that as long as I wore the bamboo hat and veil, I was extremely safe. . I like this feeling very much, thank you husband." Mu Xianling said.

To be honest, the Fengyin bamboo hat, banshee veil and Mu Xianling match perfectly.

Mu Xianling originally had a fairy-like temperament, but now she is even more fairy-like now that she is wearing the Fengyin bamboo hat and banshee veil.

Tang Yi was also very satisfied with Mu Xianling's appearance.

"It feels good, I like it very much,"

"I also like it very much. When wearing these two items, there is no sense of weight at all, as if they are part of the body. They are very comfortable."

"As long as it's a gift from my husband, I like it."

An Huanlan, Yuwen Jinyu and Shangguan Siyu also said.

"Everyone likes it, so I'm relieved."

Tang Yi waved his hand and said: "Okay, it's getting late, let's go to the city early."


The group of people entered Demon Cloud City just like that.

(End of this chapter)

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