Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2521 Uneasy atmosphere

Chapter 2521 Uneasy atmosphere

The information Tang Yi got was that the Holy Sect was in the capital of the Moyun Empire, but there was no accurate explanation of where it was.

Therefore, after Tang Yi came to the capital of the Moyun Empire, he had to inquire about the news.

After leading the five girls into Moyun Capital, Tang Yi asked passers-by about the location of the largest restaurant in Moyun Capital.

Then he led the five girls to the restaurant.

The largest restaurant in the Moyun Capital is called Moyun House. It is said to be a restaurant run by the royal family of the Moyun Empire. It is the largest and most influential, and is the most popular among people in the Moyun Capital.

Therefore, Tang Yi decided to take the five girls to this restaurant.

This restaurant is located on Moyun Road, the busiest street in the center of the capital.

Moyun Road is still some distance away from the city gate. You have to go around dozens of streets to reach Moyun Road.

Based on the pace of Tang Yi and others, it would take about an hour if they were fast.

After all, the capital of Moyun Empire is indeed very broad, even larger than the capital of Mengyue Empire.

In such a large capital, it is indeed not that easy to walk from the city gate to the center of the city.

That is to say, Tang Yi and the others were able to reach there in one hour because they were walking fast enough.

Otherwise, it might take several hours.

Of course, whether it is an hour or a few hours, to Tang Yi and the others, these are not important.

Anyway, Tang Yi and the others are not in a hurry, so what if they walk for a few hours?

At best, walk slowly, enjoy the scenery of Moyun Empire and see the difference between Moyun Empire and Mengyue Empire.

Except for An Huanlan and Binglian, Mu Xianling, Shangguan Siyu and Yuwen Jinyu have not left the Mengyue Empire or traveled to other empires.

They also wanted to see what other empires were like.

At this moment, Tang Yi and the others were walking forward, admiring the architecture, humanities, and various things along the way.

"Husband, have you ever been to Moyun Empire?"

Mu Xianling asked.

Hearing this, Tang Yi shook his head and replied: "I haven't been here before."

"I feel that the Moyun Empire is very different from our Mengyue Empire. Our Mengyue's architecture is completely different from their Moyun's architectural style. In terms of architectural style, our Mengyue almost all have a simple style, while theirs The magic cloud is engraved with a lot of inscriptions, and the building is decorated with many swords and other weapons, as well as some unknown totems. It seems to be full of a chilling style, whether it is a shop or a Be it teahouses or restaurants, it seems like every building is filled with a fierce feeling.

In terms of color, our buildings use some brighter tones, which look full of vitality and make people feel happy. The buildings of the Moyun Empire use cooler colors. Although this cold color looks more textured and more beautiful overall, it is full of a depressing atmosphere. Coupled with the style of the building and the decorative swords, it would be even more stressful. It seems that you are not in a city, but in an ancient battlefield full of chilling atmosphere. "

Mu Xianling said.

And Yuwen Jinyu also said: "Not only the buildings, the warriors here are also more fierce than our Mengyue warriors. Every warrior looks fierce, and every warrior is full of energy. There is a sense of killing. It seems that every warrior has experienced the baptism of blood and has seen a lot of killings. Or, his hands have been stained with a lot of blood. This feeling is too terrible. If I were a I would be scared if people came here.”

Shangguan Siyu nodded and said: "Compared to the warriors in Moyun, I think our warriors in Mengyue are much gentler and easier to get along with. After all, except for a few warriors who often bleed, our warriors in Mengyue are not There’s no such murderous feeling.”

"Every empire has its own characteristics. Maybe the Moyun Empire likes this tone. The warriors of the Moyun Empire may often go to fight with monsters, so everyone has more or less certain characteristics in their body. There must be a murderous aura. Their folk customs are like this." Tang Yi thought for a while and said. "Yes. There is also such a family in the God Realm of our world. Their family also likes cold colors, and the warriors are also full of killing aura and very fierce. But in fact, their family is not difficult to get along with, and everyone People are easy to talk to," Binglian said.

"My husband is right, it should be that the characteristics and folk customs of the empire are different. The Dongdai Empire where my family is located is also different from Mengyue. It is also different from Moyun. It can only be said that the regions are different. Maybe Moyun Empire is If you like this kind of atmosphere, you also like this kind of building. Not to mention, this kind of cold-toned building full of swords can really add a certain fierceness. It makes people feel scared when they see it." An Huanlan also said.

"Although I know this is the characteristic of their magic clouds, I still don't like the aura on them. It's too scary." Yuwen Jinyu said.

"Me too."

Mu Xianling nodded and said: "I always feel uncomfortable here. It's too depressing. Fortunately, my husband is here, otherwise, I wouldn't dare to walk around here at all."

Shangguan Siyu nodded, expressing great agreement.

"Calm down. As long as I am here, you will be fine. Just feel free and bold to appreciate their folk customs and exotic customs. Don't worry too much. Just do whatever you want, and relax." Tang Yi comforted him. .


Mu Xianling. Shangguan Siyu and Yuwen Jinyu nodded.

With Tang Yi here, they felt a lot more at ease.

No matter how uncomfortable or depressing the atmosphere here was, they were not so scared that they wanted to run away.

After all, their husband Tang Yi is by their side.

Of course, peace of mind is the feeling of peace of mind. It should feel depressing, but it still feels depressing.

After all, the atmosphere here makes them really uncomfortable.

It was fine when I first entered the city gate.

When we entered the city, the surrounding buildings were not that cold yet, and there were not so many swords hanging on them.

The warriors passing by did not have such strong killing intent.

However, the further we walked into the city, the buildings became colder and darker, and the aura of the warriors became stronger and stronger.

Moreover, when the group of them was moving forward, the passers-by around them looked at them with strange eyes.

As if surprised that they were here.

It was as if a group of little sheep had entered the wolf's den, and the wolves were watching in surprise.

It's just this weird feeling.

"Husband, don't you feel that everyone around us is looking at us? Everyone's eyes are full of surprise?" Mu Xianling asked in a low voice.

Tang Yi took a slight look around, nodded immediately, and said: "Yes, there are, but you don't need to pay attention to them, just pretend they don't exist. With me here, they can't do anything. If anyone doesn't open his eyes, I'll let him know the consequences of messing with me."

After a pause, Tang Yi said again: "Actually, after listening to your words and looking at the atmosphere here, I am sure that the Holy Sect is here. After all, the Holy Sect is also an evil organization, and the atmosphere here and the Holy Sect are really... It fits so well, there is no reason for the Holy Sect not to take root here. Maybe, we don’t need to stay too long to get news about the Holy Sect, or even find the Holy Sect.”

(End of this chapter)

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