Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2523 The terrifying martial arts competition arena

Chapter 2523 The terrifying martial arts competition arena
  Seeing Tang Yi's frightened expression, Binglian immediately covered her mouth and snickered.

But Mu Xianling said at this moment: "I would like to take a look."

"I also want to see the excitement. I have never seen a martial arts competition to recruit a bride." Yuwen Jinyu said.

An Huanlan also said: "When I held a martial arts competition to recruit a bride, it was a joke for others. I also want to see what other people's martial arts competitions are like."

Several women have expressed their desire to go to the competition to recruit a bride.

When Binglian saw everyone saying this, she immediately said: "Then let's go and watch the excitement. What if the contestant is another beautiful woman? Then my husband will miss it."

Tang Yi reached out and knocked Binglian on the head and said, "What do you mean I missed it? Am I the kind of person who falls in love with everyone I meet? Aren't you guys always giving me random tricks?"

"Lian'er, isn't this for your sake? Isn't it to make you happier? What else are you dissatisfied with, and you dare to hit Lian'er. Besides, what's wrong with Sister Lan? Are you so resistant to the competition to recruit a bride?"

Mu Xianling said dissatisfied.

On the side, An Huanlan also looked dark.

Seeing that his words had caused ambiguity and hurt An Huanlan, Tang Yi immediately apologized and said: "Lan'er, I don't think you are bad, I just feel that I already have a few of you. If there are a few more, Well, isn’t this unfair to you and failing you at the same time?”

An Huanlan nodded and said: "Husband, I know, you don't need to explain. In fact, my request is very simple, as long as you don't dislike me. If I didn't marry you, if I didn't meet you, maybe my future It will be even more miserable. Now that I can marry you, my husband, and have such a beautiful marriage, I am very satisfied and happy."

"Thank you Lan'er for understanding me." Tang Yi said.

"Then husband, do we still want to watch the fun? If it can attract so many people, this person who competes in martial arts to recruit a bride may be very beautiful." Bing Lian said with a bright expression.



Hearing this, Tang Yi hesitated.

Originally, he didn't want to join in the fun.

But none of the girls wanted to go.

This made it difficult for him to decide for a while.

However, at this moment, Zhou He, a passerby on the sidelines, said, "I think you should not join in the fun. Our Moyun's competition to recruit a bride may be different from the competition in your mind."

Hearing this, Binglian asked: "Oh, why is it different? Aren't you able to marry the champion if you win?"

"It's true that you can marry the champion if you win, but this process..."

Zhou He seemed a little hesitant, as if there were some things he couldn't explain clearly.

After hesitating for a moment, Zhou He said: "If you want to know what's different, then go and see it yourself. You will know what's different after you see it."

It's okay if Zhou He didn't say anything. If he didn't say it, Tang Yi and others wouldn't be so curious about Mo Yun's martial arts competition to recruit a bride.

After Zhou He talked about it, Tang Yi and others became more and more curious about Mo Yun's martial arts competition.

Even Tang Yi, who really didn't want to participate in the competition to recruit a bride, became interested at this moment.

"How about? Let's go take a look?" Tang Yi said tentatively.

"I think it's okay." Binglian smiled.

"I really want to see it." Mu Xianling said.

An Huanlan said: "Me too."

Yuwen Jinyu said: "It won't take much time to go and have a look."

Shangguan Siyu said nothing, but showed an expectant look.

Seeing the reaction of the five girls, Tang Yi immediately decided: "Then let's go and take a look."

After making the decision, Tang Yi immediately turned his head towards Zhou He and said, "Thank you, brother Zhou He, for explaining it to us. Thank you."

"It's a trivial matter." Zhou He waved his hand and said, "I think you and I get along quite well. This is to explain to you that if others hold me back like this, I might be rude. Okay, I'm just kidding. I am a member of the Shenya Mercenary Group. Our Shenya Mercenary Group is based in the north of Moyun City, on Lanyue Street. If you have a chance, Brother Tang can come over and have a drink with me."


Tang Yi arched his hands.

Zhou He also handed over to Tang Yi, and then his figure disappeared into the sea of ​​people.

"Let's go."

Seeing Zhou He disappear into the sea of ​​people, Tang Yi waved his hand and led the five girls towards the crowded crowd.

Suppressed by Tang Yi's powerful force, Tang Yi and the five women easily squeezed into the crowd and saw the so-called contest for marriage.

However, you won’t know it until you look at it, but you will be shocked when you look at it.

Seeing the contest for marriage in front of him, Tang Yi finally understood why Zhou He said that maybe Mo Yun's contest for marriage was different from the contest for marriage in their minds.

It’s indeed different!

I saw a heroic woman standing on the ring in front of me.

This woman is not bad looking, very beautiful.

Although she can't compare to the level of Mu Xianling and An Huanlan, she is already a very beautiful beauty compared to ordinary people.

the most important is.

This woman is extremely powerful, and she carries with her the aura of someone else in the world.

At the same time, the murderous aura in her body was still extremely strong, and wrapped in this murderous aura, this woman looked extremely fierce.

It seems that in her eyes, everyone is a target to be killed.

Of course.

This woman was not the focus, nor was it what surprised Tang Yi the most.

What surprised Tang Yi the most was.

At this moment, the ring was covered with blood, and a strong smell of blood continued to come from the ring, which was very pungent!

Tang Yi took a look and saw that a large part of the blood on the ring had already condensed, while only a small part had not yet condensed.

And the condensed part is at least one centimeter thick!
  It seems that many people died in this arena, and many people bled here, thus forming such a bloody floor.

Seeing such a scene and smelling the smell of blood, Mu Xianling, Yuwen Jinyu and Shangguan Siyu suddenly felt nauseated and uncomfortable.

Even An Huanlan, who has a stronger endurance, is pale at this moment, and her whole face looks extremely ugly.

That is to say, Binglian was a little better and did not have these reactions.

However, her expression at the moment was also very serious, completely gone from her previous cheerful and carefree look.

"Is this... is this the arena where Mo Yun competes to recruit a bride? It is indeed different from what I thought."

Looking at the arena, Yuwen Jinyu said with a surprised look on his face.

"I thought about many kinds of scenes, but I didn't expect that the scene of the Moyun Empire's martial arts competition to recruit a bride would look like this. It's too bloody."

An Huanlan also said.

Mu Xianling on the side endured the discomfort and asked Tang Yi: "Husband, why is this arena for martial arts contests so bloody? What happened here?"

Hearing this, Tang Yigang wanted to say something.

However, at this moment, a figure jumped onto the ring.

(End of this chapter)

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