Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2524 Unequal competition to recruit a bride

Chapter 2524 Unequal competition to recruit a bride
  "Huo Wenmao! Come and challenge."

Just when Tang Yi was about to say something, he saw a figure jumping onto the ring.

This figure was six feet tall and very burly.

However, underneath such a burly body, there is an extremely handsome face.

In short, this figure possesses the most important things for a man, his physique and appearance!

Such a man is probably very popular.

After all, what woman doesn’t like a man with good looks and a strong physique?

However, seeing such a figure stepping onto the ring, the sassy woman on the other side didn't feel anything at all.

He just glanced at it indifferently, and then disappeared.

Seeing such a figure entering the ring, Tang Yi immediately stopped talking and quietly watched with the five girls.

I want to see what Mo Yun's competition to recruit a bride is like.

Just looking at the arena, they couldn't imagine how Mo Yun would compete in a martial arts competition to recruit a bride.

And this time.

On the ring, the man named Huo Wenmao slightly arched his hand towards the woman who was competing for marriage, and said: "Huo Wenmao, please give me some advice from Miss Wu!"

"Take action."

The sassy woman known as Miss Wu was very cold and didn't say much, just letting the other party take action.

Huo Wenmao didn't waste any words and took action directly towards Miss Wu.

Mo Yun's competition to recruit a bride started very directly.

In this way, the two sides collided directly without spending any more money.

  An unexpected scene appeared.

Miss Wu stretched out her right hand and punched out, directly hitting Huo Wenmao's heart.

Because Miss Wu was so fast, the man named Huo Wenmao had no time to react!
  In an instant, Miss Wu's punch hit Huo Wenmao's heart directly, and!
  The fist penetrated directly!

Punch through the heart!
  His heart was shot through. The man named Huo Wenmao's eyes widened, his head tilted, and then he became motionless.

His body hung directly on Miss Wu's fist.

And this Miss Wu was very cold and cruel.

Without looking, she waved her hand and threw Huo Wenmao's body out.

The moment Miss Wu threw it out, Huo Wenmao's body spilled a large amount of blood, and the blood was sprinkled on the ring again.

And Huo Wenmao's body was thrown aside like a sandbag.

at this time. Several warriors in black robes came to the ring and carried the body down. They moved very quickly, as if this was not the first time they had done this.

Just for a moment, the arena became quiet again.

If there wasn't a pool of fresh blood on the ring, it would have been as if nothing had happened.

Of course, even if there is a pool of fresh blood, it will not be visible if you don't look carefully.

It still looks like nothing happened.

After all, a mere pool of blood is inconspicuous on a blood-stained arena.

Seeing this scene, Mu Xianling and the other five women were all confused.

Even Tang Yi was confused.

They had no idea that the Moyun Empire's contest to recruit a bride would be like this! Is it so cruel?

So bloody?
  This is a competition to recruit a bride, not a competition to kill people. Why is it so cruel?
  "I finally know why the arena is covered with blood, and I finally know why this place is filled with the pungent smell of blood. It turns out..."

Yuwen Jinyu didn't say any more, but even if she didn't say anything, everyone present could understand what she meant.

"So... so cruel! Is this the way Moyun Empire uses martial arts competitions to recruit brides? This is too terrifying."

Mu Xianling was also dumbfounded. She did not expect that the Moyun Empire's martial arts contest to recruit a bride would be so bloody.

"This martial arts competition is completely different from the martial arts competitions we have there. When I competed for marriage, I never had the intention of killing anyone."

An Huanlan also said.

"Originally, I wanted my husband to participate in a competition to recruit a bride, but now that I see this, I think it would be better for my husband not to participate." Bing Lian also said.

Shangguan Siyu said nothing, but his expression was full of resistance. Obviously, he was also very unhappy with the competition in front of him to recruit a bride.

just now.

No matter how stupid Tang Yi and others are, they all understand why Zhou He said that Mo Yun's martial arts competition to recruit a bride was different from what they imagined.

Can this be the same?

In their impression of a martial arts contest to recruit a bride, the worst possible outcome would be to be kicked off the ring if they couldn't win.

It's just that he lost the competition.

And Mo Yun’s competition to recruit a bride...

This is too terrible.

If you can't win, you'll still die!
  It’s really fatal!

The kind that punches right through the heart.

It's too bloody.

Seeing this scene in front of them, apart from being dumbfounded, the faces of Mu Xianling and the other girls turned pale.

At the same time, my stomach churns and I feel nauseated.

Tang Yi was very confused at the moment. He didn't understand what the rules were for the competition in front of him.

The competition just now was too unfair, and the strength was completely unequal.

The man who just took the stage is at the level of a god of war.

But as the champion of the martial arts competition, that sassy woman is the Holy Spirit.

The two sides are directly separated by more than one major stage.

Just one big stage difference is already a huge difference!

Not to mention missing several stages!
  How can this be compared with such a huge gap?
  With such a huge gap, how could the man on stage have any chance of winning?
  Isn't this going to die?
  Since he knew he was going to die, why did that guy take the stage to challenge?

Mo Yun's martial arts competition was too unfair, and it was completely different from An Huanlan's martial arts competition.

After all, An Huanlan's original martial arts competition to recruit a bride, in order to show fairness, also required everyone to suppress their strength to the God of War level. Without the God of War level, they could not challenge at all.

And now.

In Mo Yun's competition to recruit a bride, the level gap between the two sides is so huge!
  Out of doubt, Tang Yi immediately asked a passerby on the side: "Brother, what are the rules of this competition to recruit a bride? Why did the brother just now dare to challenge on the stage with only the strength of the God of War? You must know that Wu on the stage Girl, you are at the Holy Spirit level, right? The God of War beats the Holy Spirit, isn’t that for nothing?”

The passerby who was questioned first looked at Tang Yi with a look like a fool. When he saw Tang Yi's appearance and knew that Tang Yi was an outsider, he immediately said: "No wonder you don't know the rules. It turns out you Not a Moyun person! Not a Moyun person, so naturally you don’t know the rules of martial arts competitions here. Our rules here are that the strength of men who take part in martial arts competitions to recruit marriages cannot exceed that of women, and at the same time, they must be lower than women in three major stages. For example, in the ring Miss Wu is at the Holy Spirit level. So the person who takes the stage to challenge cannot be stronger than the Holy Master."

(End of this chapter)

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