Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2529 Because I am better than you

Chapter 2529 Because I am better than you
  Seeing the other party showing such a bright smile towards him, Wu Xiaorong's head buzzed.

Confused again.

What's the matter?

Didn't you hit him?
  Didn't it hit the heart?
  Why is there nothing wrong with the other party?

Not only was it fine, it didn't even sway.

Are you even smiling at yourself at this moment?
  And in the smile...

Contempt? Disdain? Like looking at a fool?
  Think of her as a fool?
  Wu Xiaorong was stunned, and at the same time she was extremely angry and angry.

But at this time.

Tang Yi moved.

Tang Yi waved his right hand.


Once again, he slapped Wu Xiaorong on the face, knocking Wu Xiaorong to the ground.


The onlookers were all stunned.

For a moment, the scene was so quiet that you could hear a needle drop.

After a while, everyone came back to their senses.

"Miss Wu was... slapped in the face again."

"What exactly is going on? Why did Miss Wu's attack just now have no effect at all?"

"Miss Wu just hit the opponent, and even hit the opponent's vital part. Why didn't the opponent do anything?"

"He definitely cheated! He definitely cheated. If he didn't cheat, how could he have blocked Miss Wu's attack?"

"If he were only at the saint level, it would be impossible to block Miss Wu's attack. Miss Wu's attack just now was at least at the level of a holy king! Not to mention a saint, even the Holy Spirit might not be able to block it. Come on."

"It's so disgusting. This brat actually cheats. He cheats when he can't win! And he actually dares to slap Miss Wu. It's really disgusting!"

"Don't worry, everyone. Let's see what the Wu family has to say. After all, the Wu family still has several Saint Emperor-level experts here. If this person cheats, it's impossible for the Wu family to not notice it."

"Yes, don't jump to conclusions so early. Let's see how the Wu family reacts first."

"It's impossible without cheating. After all, he acted too strong. The attack Miss Wu just performed was so powerful. If he hadn't cheated, with his saint-level strength, it would be impossible to withstand it. Moreover, if he hadn't cheated, he How could he hit Miss Zhongwu with such a slap, and how could he hit Miss Wu like this?"


Everyone was talking about it.

Some people think that Tang Yi must have cheated and must have unlocked his strength, so he blocked Wu Xiaorong's attack.

But some people are very rational and want to wait for the powerful Saint Emperor of the Wu family to give the results before making any conclusions.

In short, two factions formed on the scene.

However, the majority of the group felt that Tang Yi was cheating.

Several Saint Emperor experts from the Wu family were also confused when they saw this scene.

Some people want to hear their conclusions, but where are they going to get them?
  They are also confused!

They didn’t understand what happened just now!

It was obvious that the young challenger's aura was only at the level of a saint, and Wu Xiaorong's attack was obviously at the level of a saint king.

But why it doesn't work, they have no idea!
  Obviously the young challenger just waved lightly.

Obviously Wu Xiaorong can resist. But Wu Xiaorong was knocked over by a slap.

They have no idea what's going on!

The scene before them was simply unbelievable to them.

Wu Xiaorong, who was knocked to the ground, looked confused.

After being dumbfounded for a few seconds, Wu Xiaorong endured the burning pain on her face and immediately said to the powerful Saint Emperors next to her: "Uncles, did he cheat?"

Wu Xiaorong's face was swollen after being slapped twice by Tang Yi.

The originally sassy appearance now became very strange, like a swollen fat man.

At the same time, Wu Xiaorong's murderous aura was already very strong.

At this moment, Wu Xiaorong seemed like a volcano about to erupt, on the verge of eruption.

Hearing Wu Xiaorong's words, several Saint Emperor experts from the Wu family shook their heads slightly.

"No? How could it not be! How could he not cheat?"

Wu Xiaorong didn't believe it.

A Saint Emperor expert from the Wu family said: "Miss, actually we can't tell if he cheated! The aura on his body is still that of a saint, but he can do things that the saint level cannot do. So, we don’t know if he cheated or not!”

"Since you can't tell, it's cheating! The strength is only that of a saint, but you did something that a saint can't do. That's cheating! How could this not be cheating?"

Wu Xiaorong said firmly.

No matter what, she didn't believe that the other party could resist her attack with saint-level strength.

She didn't even believe that the other party could defeat her with saint-level strength.

This is completely impossible!
  She had no way to hide from that slap just now.

Can't even react.

If it were used with saint-level strength, how could she not be able to react, and how could she not be able to dodge?

Seeing Wu Xiaorong being so decisive and concluding that others were cheating, several Holy Emperors of the Wu family were speechless for a moment and didn't know what to say.

Because they really can't draw a conclusion.

If they jump to random conclusions and end up with the wrong conclusion, that would be so embarrassing and shameless.

Wu Xiaorong could make such a decisive conclusion, but they could not.

As the Holy Emperor of the Wu family, they are also respectable people. If they do something so shameless and embarrassing today, how can they survive in the future?
  "He must be cheating! He must have unlocked his strength, you can't see it! Otherwise, he wouldn't have been so strong just now! He couldn't have blocked my attack!"

Wu Xiaorong said again.

Hearing Wu Xiaorong's words, Tang Yi smiled contemptuously and said, "It's really ridiculous to be a frog in the well. If you can't do something yourself, just say that others can't do it. After others can do it, they will say that others are cheating. Can’t you afford to lose?”

"Who do you think can't afford to lose?"

Wu Xiaorong retorted: "How can I lose? Aren't you cheating? If you weren't cheating, how could you have blocked my attack? How could you have slapped me?"


Tang Yi sneered: "It's really ridiculous."

"What's so funny? Isn't it?" Wu Xiaorong frowned.

Tang Yi said: "You are not only stupid, but also very ignorant. You actually asked me why. Why else? Of course it is because I am stronger than you. Why can I block your attack? Because I am stronger than you! I block Your attack does not require the use of martial arts power at all, it can be resisted with just the strength of the body. Why can I slap you? Because the speed and strength of my body have exceeded your knowledge, even without the use of martial arts power. I can slap you easily."

(End of this chapter)

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