Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2530 Would it be bad to treat a girl like this?

Chapter 2530 Would it be bad to treat a girl like this?


How could someone's body be so powerful? Wu Xiaorong still didn't believe it.

"If you don't believe it, I can demonstrate it to you."

Tang Yi said, and immediately sneered, then stretched out his right hand and suddenly waved it towards Wu Xiaorong.


He slapped Wu Xiaorong again and knocked him to the ground.

No power fluctuations were produced, and no power aura overflowed.

After being slapped by Tang Yi again, Wu Xiaorong's face became even more swollen, and it was no longer as cheerful as before.

"Did you believe it this time?"

Tang Yi asked with a sneer.

However, Wu Xiaorong had just gotten up from the ground, and before Wu Xiaorong could reply, Tang Yi slapped her over again.


The sound is crisp and loud.

Wu Xiaorong was knocked to the ground again.

"I, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you!"


Wu Xiaorong's small universe finally exploded. After she stood up from the ground, she rushed towards Tang Yi crazily, baring her teeth and claws, and was extremely ferocious.

However, before he came to Tang Yi, he was slapped twice by Tang Yi and knocked to the ground again.


"Don't insult my lady."

"Boy, if you want to compete, just compete. Why do you want to humiliate my young lady? I think you are looking for death!"

At this time, the powerful Saint Emperors of the Wu family finally came to their senses and understood that Tang Yi came on stage to humiliate Wu Xiaorong.

After reacting, they rushed out in a hurry, trying to stop Tang Yi.

However, just came on stage.

Tang Yi was seen waving his right hand gently.

"Clap clap clap clap!"

Several more crisp sounds sounded.

These Holy Emperors seemed to have been bombarded by a huge force. Each of their bodies rotated 720 degrees in mid-air, and then fell to the ground like sandbags.

And just now Tang Yi waved.

There is still no power fluctuation, and there is still no power aura leaking out.

Seeing this scene, everyone present was shocked.


"He didn't just beat Miss Wu. He also beat the strong men of the Wu family!"

"Hey, who is this person? He is so strong!"

"These powerful men from the Wu family are almost at the Holy Emperor level, and their strength is very good. However, now they are..."

"No wonder, after he took the stage, he made it clear that he would not marry Miss Wu. It turns out that he just wanted to go on stage to humiliate Miss Wu."

"I guess I can't stand what Miss Wu is doing."

"This person is so powerful, I don't know how the Wu family will respond?"


Everyone onlookers said.

Wu Xiaorong slowly got up from the ground, staring at Tang Yi for a moment.

Due to Tang Yi's restraint, her face was only swollen, but she was not actually seriously injured.

After Wu Xiaorong got up, she stared at Tang Yi with resentful eyes for a moment. She gritted her teeth and said word by word: "Did you really come on stage to humiliate me?" Tang Yi replied: "Speaking of humiliation, You think of me a little bit too viciously. I just came on stage to teach you a lesson."


Wu Xiaorong gritted his teeth and said.

Because her face was swollen, Wu Xiaorong's speech was a little leaky and unclear at the moment.

But you can still understand it.

"Don't you think your behavior is outrageous and shameful?"

Tang Yi said seriously: "Kill everyone on stage. Do you think you are right?"

"What's wrong? They overestimate their capabilities, don't they deserve to die? They covet my beauty, don't they deserve to die? They want to cling to my Wu family, don't they deserve to die?" Wu Xiaorong said.


Tang Yi sneered and said: "You are too self-righteous. Even if others covet your beauty, even if they want to cling to your Wu family, do they deserve to die? Do they overestimate their capabilities when they go on stage? Others just want to marry What's wrong with a beautiful wife? Is this called coveting your beauty? Isn't it normal for them to want to marry you, the daughter of the Wu family? Who doesn't want to marry a wife with a good family background? Do they deserve to die? "

Tang Yi's repeated questions immediately confused Wu Xiaorong, and he didn't know how to recover.

Wu Xiaorong's mouth was opened repeatedly, wanting to say something, but after opening for a long time, nothing came out.

After a moment, he said: "In short, they deserve to die! I just want to kill them!"

This is a scam!
  This is shameless!
  If there is no need for a reason to kill someone, how is that different from being a demon?

Although it is true that the strong are respected in this world, it is not to the point of killing people whenever they want or killing indiscriminately.

The world is still very orderly.

Therefore, what Wu Xiaorong said was a bit of a lie.

Hearing Wu Xiaorong's words, Tang Yi sneered again and said, "This is why I came to the stage to teach you a lesson. I can't stand your way of killing people whenever you want, and I can't stand your way of doing this." With a cold and arrogant attitude, I also want to teach you a lesson! Let you know that people who often walk by the river will always have wet shoes!"

After saying that, Tang Yi leaned towards Wu Xiaorong.

Seeing Tang Yi approaching, Wu Xiaorong suddenly panicked and said warily: "What are you doing? What do you want to do?"

If it were before, Wu Xiaorong would definitely not panic, nor would she be so afraid of Tang Yi.

However, after being slapped several times by Tang Yi, and after Tang Yi knocked down several powerful Saint Emperors from the Wu family, she became a little scared.

That aloof, cold and arrogant attitude no longer existed at all.

What was replaced at this moment was a pitiful, frightened... little woman.

Oh, the accurate description is, a woman with a swollen pig head.

"What do I want to do? Of course I want to do what I want to do."

Tang Yi sneered and approached Wu Xiaorong, then raised his palm and slapped her hard.

There was a crisp sound throughout the venue.

This was the first time that Tang Yi was so cruel to a woman.

This is the first time I have shown no mercy to a woman.

Before that, he was always polite and courteous to women.

There is no transgression or rudeness at all.

However, it was for Wu Xiaorong that Tang Yicai was so disrespectful.

Tang Yi didn't know why he did this to Wu Xiaorong.

Maybe Wu Xiaorong really went too far before.

Maybe Tang Yi was really unhappy after seeing Wu Xiaorong's behavior.

Seeing Tang Yi start to slap Wu Xiaorong repeatedly, beating her to death, she was stunned.

Even his face was swollen into a pig's head.

Mu Xianling and others under the ring suddenly couldn't bear it.

"Would it be bad to treat a girl like this?" Mu Xianling asked the other girls.

(End of this chapter)

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