Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2531 Leaving in a swaggering manner

Chapter 2531 Leaving in a swaggering manner
  "What's wrong? It's too gentle to treat her like this. Ling'er, didn't you see how she just killed people and regarded human life as careless? My husband just slapped her a few times and didn't kill her. , I’ve already given her a lot of face.”

Yuwen Jinyu said.

Binglian also agreed: "I think the husband handled it well. This girl Wu should be a very face-saving person. The husband did not directly kill her, but slapped her crazily, making her embarrassed. Man, this is the best lesson to teach her.”

An Huanlan said: "Yes, I feel the same way. I support my husband's actions and don't think he is cruel. Compared to that girl Wu, my husband is much gentler."

Shangguan Siyu also said: "Although it seems a bit unbearable for my husband to do this, it is indeed the best lesson to give him! I also fully support my husband."

"You are right to say that, then I won't help that girl Wu propose marriage. Originally I wanted my husband to forget about it. Now I think it's better to let my husband teach her a lesson."

Mu Xianling said.


In the arena.

Tang Yi slapped Wu Xiaorong continuously, making her dizzy and with stars on her head.

Even if Wu Xiaorong is a Holy Spirit level warrior, even if her physical fitness is good, she is still weak and very uncomfortable after being beaten at this moment.

Whether it was psychologically or physically, Wu Xiaorong suffered tremendous torture.

After being slapped countless times by Tang Yi, Wu Xiaorong finally couldn't hold on any longer.

The mouth that was swollen into a pig's mouth finally burst out with a "wow", and the tears were shed like money.


Yes, Wu Xiaorong cried, she was beaten to death by Tang Yi!
  Seeing Wu Xiaorong crying bitterly, Tang Yi stopped and stood beside him, watching quietly without saying anything.

And under the ring.

Seeing that Wu Xiaorong was beaten to tears by Tang Yi, everyone was dumbfounded.

"This... am I right? Miss Wu was beaten to tears!"

"That boy really came to humiliate Miss Wu. He could obviously hurt Miss Wu and knock Miss Wu out of the ring. But he didn't do that. Instead, he humiliated Miss Wu with one slap after another. Until now, he has knocked Miss Wu out of the ring. Beat and cry.”

"I have never seen Miss Wu show such a cowardly expression, but today, I didn't expect to see it."

"From the time Miss Wu set up the arena for contests to recruit brides, until now, the number of people who have died in Miss Wu's hands has been not only a hundred but also a thousand. Miss Wu gave me the impression of being ruthless, indifferent, and bloodthirsty. However, I didn't expect that, At this moment, she can look like such a little woman."

"I'm afraid I have never dreamed in my life. Miss Wu, who has always been cold and ruthless, can actually cry! Moreover, she was beaten to tears by a man she always hated. This really subverted my imagination."

"It seems that what happened here will spread throughout the entire Moyun. The dignified girl Wu was actually beaten to tears. If anyone knew about this, it would be hard to believe."

"That boy is dead. He actually dares to deal with Miss Wu like this. The Wu family will definitely not let him go. At the same time, Miss Wu's admirers will never let him go. From today on, he may have to Facing endless pursuit.”


The people watching were talking a lot.

Everyone was surprised when they saw Wu Xiaorong being beaten by Tang Yi and crying like a little woman.

Because in everyone's mind, Wu Xiaorong has always had a very strong image.

Cruel, cold, and heartless.

It was like a female general who had experienced the battlefield, very rational and indifferent.

These are the impressions Wu Xiaorong gave them.

In addition, when facing men, Wu Xiaorong is even more ruthless and completely merciless.

However, at this moment, Wu Xiaorong was not only beaten to tears by a man. Even, she showed the look and reaction of such a little woman.

This surprised everyone present.

In the arena.

Tang Yi just stood on the ring quietly, saying nothing or doing nothing, letting Wu Xiaorong cry.

When Wu Xiaorong was almost done crying, Tang Yicai said, "Have you cried enough?"

Wu Xiaorong didn't speak, but her crying gradually became smaller and stopped.

At this moment, Wu Xiaorong was in a very embarrassed state. Not only was she crying so hard, but her face was also swollen like a pig's head.

At this moment, not only did she lose her previous sassy image, but she also became very ugly. She turned into the kind of ugly creature who loses all hope at a glance.

Seeing that Wu Xiaorong stopped crying, Tang Yi said: "I have no other purpose in coming to power, and I don't want to marry you. I just want to tell you that life is precious, don't look down on any life, and don't use martial arts competitions to attract a bride. Insulting life and killing innocent people indiscriminately. Don't be a bloodthirsty person who kills just for the sake of killing. Such a person will not have a good outcome in the end."

"I will teach you a lesson today. I hope you will remember it. Otherwise!"

Tang Yi glanced at Wu Xiaorong coldly and said, "Even if others don't deal with you, I will come back to deal with you."

After saying that, Tang Yi jumped off the ring, greeted the five Mu Xianling girls, and then left in a swaggering manner.

Logically speaking, if Tang Yi humiliated Wu Xiaorong like this today, the Wu family would definitely not let Tang Yi go.

At this moment, Tang Yi will definitely not be allowed to leave.

But because all the strong men from the Wu family were defeated by Tang Yi, there was no strong man from the Wu family who could stop Tang Yi.

Therefore, at this moment, they couldn't even think of letting Tang Yi go.

Not to mention the warriors surrounding him who were watching.

What did they do to keep Tang Yi?

The surrounding warriors were numerous and powerful, but their strength was low.

Even the strong men of the Wu family couldn't keep Tang Yi, so what could they keep?

Can't keep it.

Therefore, Tang Yi left with the five girls so arrogantly at this moment.

Seeing Tang Yi leaving with the five girls, everyone at the scene was in an uproar again.

"He just left like that? Be good! That's so cool!"

"Are those women following him his wives? Judging from the figure, although they are relatively weak, they must be good-looking! With so many wives, no wonder he looks down on Miss Wu."

"I don't know who this person is, but he is so bold and dares to humiliate Miss Wu. After being humiliated, he left in such a arrogant manner."

"Miss Wu is so pitiful. She was beaten like this! Fortunately, the man just didn't hit her hard. Miss Wu only suffered external injuries. Otherwise, Miss Wu would have been miserable."

"He can't leave. There's no way the Wu family will let him go! It won't be long before he will be wanted by the whole city."

"It looks like there will be a good show soon!"


(End of this chapter)

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