Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2532 Arriving at Moyun Tower

Chapter 2532 Arriving at Moyun Tower

It is said that shortly after Tang Yi and others left, the head of the Wu family, Wu Linchuan, came to the scene.

Seeing Wu Xiaorong's embarrassment, which was swollen into a pig's head, Wu Linchuan's face dropped like water.

"Who did it?"

Wu Linchuan asked coldly.

However, Wu Xiaorong remained silent and did not respond.

At this time, one of the powerful Saint Emperors who had been knocked to the ground by Tang Yi came to Wu Linchuan and reported: "Reporting to the head of the family, he is a young man who looks about twenty years old."

This powerful Saint Emperor told Wu Linchuan exactly what happened in the arena before.

After hearing this, Wu Linchuan frowned.

"In other words, the one who is causing trouble is a young man of about twenty years old? When he came to power, he made it clear that he would not marry Ronger? Since the competition started, he has been humiliating Ronger. Even if you try to stop him, you are still no match for him. ?" Wu Linchuan confirmed.

"Yes, Master." The Holy Emperor nodded.

Hearing this, Wu Linchuan thought for a moment, and then said: "Go, look for it, find this person for me! How can you leave so casually after bullying my daughter!"


Hearing this, the Wu family members immediately moved quickly and began to search for Tang Yi's whereabouts.

After giving the instructions, Wu Linchuan came to the ring and said to Wu Xiaorong: "Rong'er, I have long said that your character must change. What are you doing now? Is it a bitter experience?"

Wu Xiaorong gritted her teeth but still said nothing.

Wu Linchuan said again: "I want to know your thoughts now, and what plans you want to make after being so humiliated. Don't worry, Ronger, just tell me your plans. No matter what you want to do, No matter what your plans are, Daddy will support you! Even if you want to kill that person, Daddy will support you."

Hearing this, Wu Xiaorong immediately shook his head and said: "I don't know, I don't know, I don't know what to do. Daddy, I'm scared."


Seeing Wu Xiaorong's reaction, Wu Linchuan was slightly stunned, looking very surprised.

His daughter has never behaved like this before.

He never said anything like fear.

However, now, he is acting very cowardly and helpless, and very fearful.

This really surprised Wu Linchuan.

At the same time, he couldn't help but secretly thought: "Maybe this blow can really open Ronger's heart, and maybe her personality will completely change."

After thinking for a moment, Wu Linchuan said to Wu Xiaorong: "Rong'er, don't worry, I will definitely find that boy. If he dares to bully my daughter, I will make him pay the price."


the other side.

Tang Yi, who bullied Wu Xiaorong, had already left with his five daughters.

They were now heading towards the Moyun Road in the capital of Moyun Kingdom.

Along the way, Binglian said to Tang Yi: "Husband, you hit that woman so hard just now. You won't hit us like this in the future, right?"

Hearing this, Tang Yi immediately knocked Binglian on the head and said, "Lian'er, what are you talking about? Can you and her be the same?"

Binglian said aggrievedly: "Look, look, you're just going to hit me."

"Do I call this a beating? It's too late for me to hurt you, so how could I hit you." Tang Yi glanced at Binglian speechlessly and said, "I just did that to her, just to teach her a lesson and let her I just know my mistake. Would I do this to you? Of course, if some naughty girl seeks a fight on her own, you can't blame me."

When Tang Yi was talking, his eyes were fixed on Binglian. It was obvious that this naughty girl was referring to her.

Feeling Tang Yi's gaze, Binglian immediately shrank her head and stopped talking.

At this time, Mu Xianling asked: "Husband, what if the lesson you give her this time not only fails to change her or make her good, but even makes her worse?"

Hearing this, Tang Yi thought for a moment, and then said: "If she really knows her mistakes, starts to change herself, and abandons her evil deeds to do good, then I will not be the same as her. But if she doesn't know how to commend her, and she knows her mistakes and doesn't change them, If she even gets worse or continues to cause trouble for me, then you can’t blame me! I will deal with her personally."

"Well! I hope she can remember the lesson this time." Mu Xianling said.

The group of people chatted and moved quickly. In this way, they quickly arrived at Moyun Road, the center of the Moyun Empire, and arrived at the most prosperous area of ​​Moyun Road.

"Husband, this most prosperous area of ​​the Moyun Empire is indeed different. It looks much brighter and not as depressing as the previous places."

After arriving at Moyun Road, Binglian looked at the surrounding scenery and said to Tang Yi.

Tang Yi also took a look and found that the buildings on Moyundao were indeed much brighter.

Moreover, bloody swords and various weapons are no longer used as decorations on buildings.

Overall, he looks a lot more normal, not so violent, and no longer gives people a depressing feeling.

After a slight glance, Tang Yi nodded and said, "It does feel much more comfortable here."

Mu Xianling also nodded and said: "Yes. I was so uncomfortable just now, but now that I'm here, I feel a lot better."

"I can finally go shopping. I didn't dare to look any further along the way, and I didn't even have any intention of going shopping. I was completely depressed. I'm feeling much better now," Yuwen Jinyu said.

Shangguan Siyu and An Huanlan didn't speak, but they nodded in agreement.

After arriving at Moyun Road, their moods improved a lot.

At this time, Binglian pointed in one direction and said, "Husband, look over there."

Tang Yi looked in the direction Binglian pointed.

Suddenly, he saw that at one end of the street, a tall building stood on top of all the buildings.

This tall building is at least a thousand meters high and is gray in color, with patterns and inscriptions carved on each floor.

The overall look is very textured and very beautiful at the same time.

Coupled with its towering height, it is very conspicuous and can be seen at a glance.

And on the top of this tall building, a huge plaque hangs.

The plaque itself is black and nothing special.

However, the words on the plaque.

But it is very special!
  Because the words on the plaque are golden and shiny, they can be clearly seen at a glance.

Even from far away, you can see the golden words on the plaque.

There are only three words on this huge black plaque.

They are three characters: Moyun Tower.

Seeing the large golden characters on the plaque, Tang Yi suddenly said: "Is this the Moyun Building? No wonder it has become the largest restaurant in the Moyun Empire. The scale is indeed good, and the overall decoration looks impressive. A feeling of superiority.”

(End of this chapter)

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