Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2533 That’s it?

Chapter 2533 That’s it?

Of course, Tang Yi was actually not too surprised when he saw Moyun Tower.

After all, compared to the buildings Tang Yi had seen, compared to the Heavenly Palace in the Realm of Gods, this Demon Cloud Tower was nothing.

But Mu Xianling, Yuwen Jinyu, and Shangguan Siyu had never seen such a tall building.

When they saw Moyun Tower, they were immediately surprised.

Mu Xianling said in surprise: "Is this the Moyun Tower? It's too grand. I've never seen such a restaurant before."

Yuwen Jinyu also asked: "Is this a restaurant? Is it the same as a palace? Mo Yun actually turned the restaurant into a palace."

"Although the style of Moyun Tower is also cold toned, its cold tones are more advanced and more textured. At first glance, it feels very high-end." Shangguan Siyu also said.

On the side, Bing Lian secretly laughed and said nothing.

Mu Xianling keenly caught the snickering Binglian, and immediately pretended to be dissatisfied and said: "Lian'er, are you laughing at us? Humph, I know that sister Lian'er is a person who has seen the big world. We country people really don't I’ve seen the world!”

Bing Lian hurriedly came to Mu Xianling's side, shook Mu Xianling's arm, and explained: "No way. I didn't laugh at Sister Ling'er. This Moyun has indeed built a very unique and magnificent restaurant. Such a restaurant, It’s also very rare over there. I laughed because I thought the reactions of the sisters were so funny and so cute.”


Mu Xianling was startled for a moment, then put her hand into the bamboo hat, scratched Bing Lian's nose, and said: "We don't have Lian'er, you are so cute! I still remember that I just met Lian'er at Tang's house. At that time, I thought, Lian'er, you were very aloof, very sensible, and seemed very calm. But now I know..."

After a pause, Mu Xianling took a deep look at Binglian. This glance seemed to see through the bamboo hat and the veil, directly seeing Binglian's essence hidden behind the bamboo hat and veil.

After taking this look, Mu Xianling smiled and said, "But now I know that Lian'er has such a personality. She is actually so lively and cute."

As if being seen through, Bing Lian's face turned red.

Fortunately, with the hat and veil covering her face, outsiders couldn't see her blushing at all.

At this time, Tang Yi stepped forward to save the situation and said: "Okay, stop making trouble, let's go there quickly. When we enter the restaurant, everyone will have a good meal and drink, and then we can chat slowly."

Hearing this, the girls nodded.

In this way, the group of people quickly headed towards Moyun Tower.

Not long after, they arrived at Moyun Tower.

The gate of Moyun Tower is also very grand and magnificent, just like the two gates of a palace, very resplendent and very heavy.

At the same time, two monsters were engraved on the left and right gates.

These two monsters are very fierce.

The monster on the left has eight pairs of wings, a beak like an eagle, and a body like an elephant.

It is said that this monster is called the Eight-Winged Eagle Emperor Beast, and it is the most ferocious flying monster in the Moyun Empire.

The monster carved on the door on the right is also very strange. It has nine horns, a mouth like an ox, a body like a tiger, and four of them are extremely strong.

It is said that this monster is called the Nine-Horned Sky Tiger Beast.

Likewise, this monster is one of the most ferocious monsters in the Moyun Empire.

I have to say that Moyun Tower is still very grand and well-established.

If it were anyone else, who would dare to engrave the most ferocious monster in Moyun Empire on the gate?
  No one dares.

However, Moyun Tower dared.

And, not just one, but two.

The two gates on the left and right of Moyun Tower are engraved with the two most ferocious beasts of the Moyun Empire.

It shows how confident Moyun Tower is?
  As soon as Tang Yi led the five girls to the Moyun Tower, the guests in front of the Moyun Tower greeted them.

"Guests, do you have any reservations?" asked the welcome guest.

In other restaurants, the guests are usually beautiful ladies, either with long legs or a devilish figure.

But Moyun Tower is different.

The receptionist at Moyun Tower is a man, tall and thick, and extremely strong.

These welcoming martial arts auras are very powerful, at least they are at the Saint King level?

Is the Holy King a welcome guest?
  Of course, the Holy King was a welcome guest, which was not very good to Tang Yi, and Tang Yi didn't like it either.

But it's different for others.

Compared to others, take Mu Xianling and others, when had they ever seen the Holy King as a welcome guest?

For them, having the Holy King as a welcome guest was already a huge spectacle, enough to shock and surprise them.

"There is no appointment." Tang Yi said.

"There is no reservation, so where do you want to sit?" the greeter asked again.

Tang Yi asked: "Is there any choice?"

"It seems that this is the first time for the guest to come to our Moyun Building. Since it is the first time to come to our Moyun Building, I can introduce it to you here. There are five positions in our Moyun Building, namely Spiritual Crystal position, the Heavenly Crystal position, the Black Crystal position, the Saint Crystal position, and the Tianzun position.”

"Among them, the Ling Jing Station, Tian Jing Station and Mo Jing Station all require reservations. If you don't make a reservation, there will basically be no seats. Today, our Ling Jing Station, Tian Jing Station and Mo Jing Station indeed have no seats."

"There is no need to make a reservation for the Holy Crystal and Tianzun seats, and there are still seats today. However, if you want to enter the Holy Crystal and Tianzun seats, you have to pay a certain entrance fee."

The welcome introduced.

"There's an entrance fee, right?"

Tang Yi was not too surprised when he heard the welcoming words. After all, he had to pay an entrance fee to enter the restaurant, which Tang Yi had also experienced.

Immediately asked: "How much is the admission fee?"

"To enter the Saint Crystal position, each guest needs to pay an entrance fee of 10 million Saint Crystals, which is equivalent to the price of a piece of low-grade Holy Heaven level equipment."

"To enter the Tianzun position, each guest needs to pay an admission fee of 100 million Saint Crystals, which is equivalent to the price of a piece of Saint Heaven-level mid-grade equipment." Yingbin introduced.

It has to be said that the admission fee is extremely high.

The price of a low-grade Shengtian-level weapon and equipment is just for admission, and this price is too expensive.

If ordinary people heard this, they would probably be scared away.

Or come back next time you make an appointment.

But after hearing this, Tang Yi smiled disdainfully and said, "That's it?"

After saying that, Tang Yi's consciousness suddenly sank and sank into his mind.

Searched in the system store.

Then, with a flick of his right hand, he took out a weapon.

This is a long sword weapon called 'Heavenly Punishment', and its level is the upper level of the Holy Heaven level.

Purchasing this weapon only cost Tang Yi one Supreme Coin.

After purchasing this weapon from the system store, Tang Yi took it out, handed it to the guest at Moyun Tower, and said, "Do you think this is enough?"

(End of this chapter)

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