Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2537 Redemption for Tang Mingtian

Chapter 2537 Redemption for Tang Mingtian
  Seeing Tang Mingtian, Tang Yi and his party were all very surprised.

However, it was at this time.

on the light curtain.

The death battle begins! !
  With a murderous look on his face, Tang Mingtian rushed towards the opponent and fought with him.

Yes, fight, not compete!
  Every move from both sides is a killing move.

Every move is intended to kill the opponent!
  The beating was very brutal.

And Tang Mingtian is more ruthless than his opponent! Hotter! The methods are even more cruel!
  Every attack is aimed at the opponent's fatal part!

Every attack, go all out.

Even if he doesn't hesitate to hurt himself, he will attack the opponent's fatal parts.

Use the method of exchanging injuries for injuries to achieve the purpose of killing the opponent.

In short, it was a very hard beating!

Because Tang Mingtian only has the strength of a one-star war king.

The opponent is a nine-star war king.

No matter how fierce Tang Mingtian fought, he was still slightly inferior to his opponent!

The two sides fought, with Tang Mingtian at a slight disadvantage.

There were also many injuries on his body.

Fresh blood continued to overflow from his new wounds.

If Tang Mingtian hadn't fought fiercely, he would have made up for some of his level disadvantages.

I'm afraid the situation will be even worse.

Seeing this scene, Tang Yi frowned slightly and asked Manager Liu on the side: "Manager Liu, in this death arena, does one party have to die to determine the winner?"

Manager Liu replied: "It stands to reason that this is the case. But there are exceptions."

"Oh? How to make an exception?"

Tang Yi asked.

"If someone is willing to redeem their lives, then the battle can be ended without having to fight." Manager Liu said.

"Can you still redeem yourself?" Tang Yi said slightly surprised.

"Of course. As long as you pay enough, nothing is impossible." Manager Liu said with a smile.


After hearing what Manager Liu said, Tang Yi thought for a moment and asked: "I wonder if a high-grade holy-grade weapon is a sufficient price? Can it redeem the lives of the warriors inside?"

"A high-grade holy-grade weapon?"

Hearing this, Manager Liu was immediately stunned.

In fact, the steward's status in Moyun Tower is very high.

Second only to the original poster.

There are three stewards in Moyun Tower, all of whom are high-ranking and have a good status.

Generally speaking, the steward does not need to personally take part in receiving guests of the highest status.

All you need is a gold medal waiter to receive you, and that's it.

The reason why Manager Liu personally came to receive Tang Yi and his party was because when he entered the venue, Tang Yi took out a piece of high-grade equipment of the Holy Heaven level!
  High-grade holy-grade equipment!
  This is not something that can be exchanged for ten pieces of middle-grade Holy Heaven grade items!

For Manager Liu, or for Moyun Tower, equipment of this level is priceless, very rare, and very precious.

Even in Moyun Tower, there aren’t many!

However, Tang Yi in front of him took out one as the admission fee.

How could this keep Manager Liu from being moved?
  That's because Tang Yi took out a piece of high-grade equipment of the Holy Heaven level as an entrance. Only then did Manager Liu personally come to receive Tang Yi and his party.

But what Guanshi Liu didn't expect was.

At this moment, the young man in front of me, who looked unattractive, actually took out another piece of high-grade equipment at the Holy Heaven level!
  And, he also said that he wanted to redeem a warrior who was fighting to the death?
  This surprised Manager Liu.

"What? Isn't one piece enough? Then I'll add one more!" Tang Yi said calmly.

It seems that what is added is not a piece of high-grade equipment of the Holy Heaven level.

But a Chinese cabbage.


Hearing Tang Yi's words, Manager Liu was stunned again.

Seeing that Manager Liu still didn't speak, Tang Yi thought that Manager Liu was still not satisfied, so he immediately said: "Can't two pieces work? Then three pieces! I am willing to take out three pieces of high-grade Holy Heaven-level equipment to provide A warrior redeems himself in the death arena."

"Three pieces of high-grade holy heaven-level equipment!"

Manager Liu screamed, his excitement no longer under control.

Because Manager Liu made so much noise, all the guests at the surrounding tables heard it.

Hearing Manager Liu's scream, the guests at the three tables next to him suddenly started talking.

"I was focused on the guests at table 5 just now, and I didn't pay attention to see who was attending table 5. Now I know that the guests at table 5 were hosted by Manager Liu himself!"

"What is the background of the person at table 5! How can he be received by Manager Liu personally? There are three managers in Moyun Tower. Generally speaking, the three managers do not receive guests. Unexpectedly, Manager Liu personally came to greet guests. To receive a foreigner? This is unbelievable."

"Did you hear that just now? Manager Liu called out three pieces of high-grade holy heaven-level equipment. What do you think this means?"

"Is it possible that the guests at table No. 5 want to bring out three pieces of high-grade holy-grade equipment? That's why Manager Liu couldn't help but scream?"

"Isn't it possible? What is the origin of the guest at table five, who can get three pieces of high-grade equipment of the Holy Heaven level? You must know that even the Moyun royal family may not be able to come up with so many pieces of equipment of this level!"

"Yes. Even one piece of equipment of this level can cause countless people to fight for it. It is very rare and very precious. Even if the guest at table 5 has his origin, it is impossible for him to come up with three pieces of holy heaven. High-grade equipment, right?"

"My focus is, even if the guest at table No. 5 can bring out three pieces of high-grade holy-grade equipment, what is he going to do with three pieces of high-grade holy-grade equipment? What needs to be done with three pieces of holy-grade high-grade equipment? Heavenly high-grade equipment?"



Tang Yi didn't pay attention to the discussions around him. Seeing that Manager Liu didn't reply directly to him, he immediately frowned and said: "What? Three pieces of high-grade equipment of the Holy Heaven level are not enough? Then..."

Before Tang Yi finished speaking, Manager Liu on the side said hurriedly: "That's enough, that's enough. That's it!"

Manager Liu was afraid that if he didn't speak, the other party would increase the price again.

And if the other party increases the price again, Manager Liu's little heart won't be able to bear it.

Sometimes, making more money is a good thing.

But if you earn too much, exceed the acceptable limit, and exceed the cognitive scope, then it is not a good thing.

That would scare you to death.

Of course, Manager Liu knew what was right, so he didn't open his mouth like a lion.

Of course.

Three pieces of high-grade holy-grade equipment came to redeem a warrior in a fight to the death. This was already considered a big deal.

Under normal circumstances, one low-grade Holy Heaven-level weapon would be enough to redeem the life of a warrior fighting to the death, and there would be no need for three high-grade Holy Heaven-level weapons.

"I wonder who the guest wants to redeem himself for?" Manager Liu asked.

Without thinking, Tang Yi pointed at Tang Mingtian and said, "He."

Following Tang Yi's finger, Manager Liu looked at the light screen and said uncertainly: "Number 65?"

(End of this chapter)

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