Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2538 Cruel Rules

Chapter 2538 Cruel Rules

"Number sixty-five?"

Tang Yi looked towards the light screen.

It was then discovered that the clothes worn by the two warriors had a number on them.

The number on Tang Mingtian's clothes is No. 65.

Seeing that the number on Tang Mingtian's body was No. 65, Tang Yi immediately nodded and said to Manager Liu, "Yes, it's No. 65."

With that said, Tang Yi's mind sank and he once again purchased three pieces of high-grade Holy Heaven level equipment from the system.

Then he took it out with a flick of his right hand and handed it to Manager Liu.

Seeing Tang Yi hand over three pieces of high-grade Holy Heaven level equipment, Manager Liu reached out to take them with fear and respect.

If it were anyone else, Manager Liu would definitely not be like this.

No matter how high the status of the other party is or how strong the strength is.

After all, who is Manager Liu?
  He is one of the three managers of Moyun Tower, second only to the owner of the building, and has an extraordinary status.

And who is the backer behind Moyun Tower?
  Of course it’s the Moyun Royal Family!
  It can be said that Manager Liu is a member of the Moyun Royal Family, or even a senior member of the Moyun Royal Family.

With such an identity, how could he react with fear and respect to ordinary people?

But now facing Tang Yi.

He showed such a look!

Because he thinks Tang Yi is worth it!

After all, can a person who can take out four pieces of high-grade Holy Heaven level equipment at once be an ordinary person?
  Even the Moyun royal family may not be able to do it.

What about ordinary people?

Therefore, Manager Liu felt that Tang Yi had a good background!
  If it weren't for its good origins, it would definitely not be able to produce four pieces of high-grade holy-level equipment.

After receiving the three high-grade holy-grade equipment from Tang Yi with great fear, Manager Liu turned to Tang Yi and said, "Okay, guest. I'll do it for you right away!"

Tang Yi nodded and said: "Try to hurry up and don't let No. 65 die."

"no problem."

Manager Liu nodded and left with three pieces of high-grade Holy Heaven level equipment.

However, what Tang Yi didn't expect was that Manager Liu only left for a moment and then returned to the scene.

I saw that Manager Liu came back soon, but the fighting on the light screen was still continuing, and Tang Mingtian was still fighting with another warrior.

Tang Yi asked doubtfully: "What's going on? Manager Liu, didn't I redeem No. 65? Why did you come back so soon? And why is No. 65 still in the Death Arena?"

"Guests, don't worry. I've already ordered someone to take care of it. Don't worry, there will be no problem." Manager Liu said.

Hearing what Manager Liu said, Tang Yi frowned and thought to himself that he wouldn't be tricked by Manager Liu, right?
  Could this guy have just accepted my things and not done anything for me?
  Thinking of this, Tang Yi's face darkened and he wanted to question Manager Liu.

However, at the moment when Tang Yi was about to publish and question Manager Liu.

I saw a change occur on the light screen.

I saw a red beam of light shooting directly into the Death Arena.

This red beam of light came from nowhere. After it entered the Death Arena, it immediately shot towards the warrior who was fighting Tang Mingtian.

"call out!"

There was a soft sound from the light curtain, and the red beam of light directly penetrated the warrior who was fighting Tang Mingtian.   It penetrated his head at once!

Killed on the spot!

In the light curtain, Tang Mingtian was stunned and had no idea what was going on.

He had no idea why his opponent was shot and killed inexplicably.

But Tang Yi, who saw this scene on the roof of Moyun Tower, knew exactly what was going on.

He didn't expect that in order to redeem Tang Mingtian's life, he would actually kill another warrior in the Death Arena!
  After killing another warrior, Tang Mingtian can legitimately survive!

"I thought I was going to redeem myself, but I didn't expect it to be like this."

After seeing this scene, Tang Yi said clearly.

Seeing Tang Yi's understanding look, Manager Liu on the side smiled and said: "After all, that is the Death Arena. If you want to get out of the Death Arena, you must leave one of them there. And since the guests You redeemed yourself for Sixty-Five, then Number Seventy-six will naturally stay there."

There was nothing wrong with what Manager Liu said. After all, these were the rules of the Death Arena, and Tang Yi was not a saint, but he still felt uncomfortable.

After all, the people in the light curtain are all people, not cats and dogs. It is too arbitrary and cruel to decide the life and death of others like this.


Tang Yi didn't want to say more and said directly: "When will No. 65 be brought to me?"

"Guest, please wait a moment. Someone from us will bring him to you soon." Manager Liu said.


After hearing this, Tang Yi said nothing more and started eating alone with the five girls.

The conversation between Tang Yi and Manager Liu just now was not small. The guests on the top floor of Moyun Tower also vaguely heard the conversation between Tang Yi and Manager Liu.

Upon hearing the conversation between the two, the guests on the top floor were suddenly surprised.

"I asked why Death Arena took the initiative to kill No. 76. It turns out that the guest at Table 5 redeemed himself for No. 65."

"Combined with the fact that we just heard Manager Liu exclaim...did you guess what it was?"

"what do you mean……"

"That's right, what I mean is, didn't Manager Liu just exclaimed three pieces of high-grade Holy Heaven-level equipment? Is it possible that... the guest at table No. 5 used three pieces of high-grade Holy Heaven-level equipment? Come to redeem the body of that 65-year-old?"

"No way? It's impossible, right? For a mere gladiator warrior, how could anyone be willing to take out three pieces of high-grade Holy Heaven level equipment to redeem himself? This is too exaggerated."

"It is indeed an exaggeration, but if not, how can we explain Manager Liu's exclamation? Moreover, I was also observing the guests at table 5 just now. The guests at table 5 did take out three pieces of equipment. Although I can't tell what level of equipment it is, I think it is definitely high-grade equipment, because the aura flowing on it is very unusual. In other words, the guest at table 5 really took out three high-grade pieces of holy heaven level equipment. Level equipment. Combined with the fact that the guests at table five are redeeming themselves for number sixty-five, then...right?"

"What is the origin of this guest No. 5! He can actually bring out three pieces of high-grade holy-grade equipment to redeem a gladiatorial warrior."

"Seeing that he is so young and has five female dependents with him, I think he must have a lot of background. Maybe he is really the son of a big force."

"Which prince of a powerful force can be so rich?"

"Who knows."

"Although that young man looks ordinary,...if he doesn't mind, I can do it, even if he has five female dependents."

"It's just you? Forget it! Look at your figure, and then look at the figures of other women's families. Can you compare?"



(End of this chapter)

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