Beyond Fury Upgrade

Chapter 2540 Surprised Tang Mingtian

Chapter 2540 Surprised Tang Mingtian
  "You are……"

Tang Mingtian's eyes widened and he looked at Tang Yi with a look of disbelief, saying: "You are Tang Yi!! You are not dead!"

"Why do you think I'm dead?"

Tang Yi asked with a smile.

"No one in our Tang family was alive that day. How could you not be dead?"

Tang Mingtian said.

"I wasn't home at that time. So I was lucky enough to save my life." Tang Yi said.

"That's impossible. She won't let you go, she will definitely hunt you down." Tang Mingtian said again.


Tang Yi wondered: "Who is she?"

"She... Anyway, why didn't you die!"

Tang Mingtian seemed unwilling to tell who she was.

Seeing Tang Mingtian like this, Tang Yi suddenly became more curious about this 'her'.

"Who is she? Why is she chasing me? Does she have a grudge against me?"

Tang Yi asked again.

"Yes, she has a grudge against you."

Tang Mingtian said: "I'm very curious as to why she didn't kill you. And..."

Tang Mingtian looked at Tang Yi and Mu Xianling and others around Tang Yi, and said, "Moreover, not only are you not dead, you even seem to be living a good life. What is going on?"

Tang Yi looked at Tang Mingtian slightly, as if he wanted to see through Tang Mingtian.

He did not answer Tang Mingtian's question directly, but asked: "Is she Tang Fanghua?"

Hearing the words Tang Fanghua, Tang Mingtian's body trembled slightly, and then he denied with a somewhat evasive expression: "No, it's not her."

He said no, but his body had already betrayed Tang Mingtian.

Seeing Tang Mingtian's reaction, Tang Yi was immediately convinced that this 'she' was Tang Fanghua!

"It seems that she is Tang Fanghua. I didn't expect that besides you, Tang Fanghua was not dead. And... I just heard what you said, she still wants to kill me? The Tang family suffered a great disaster. Not only did she not die, but she also Have the ability to hunt me down... Could it be that the tragedy of the Tang family is related to Tang Fanghua? My father is also related to her? "

Tang Yi looked at Tang Mingtian and said.

"No! Your father's matter has nothing to do with her, and the tragedy of the Tang family has nothing to do with her. The reason why she is not dead and the reason why she is able to hunt you down is just because she lost her head for a while. All of this It has nothing to do with her! Her nature is not bad, it's just because you killed her brother that she fell into the quagmire of revenge and couldn't extricate herself." As if he didn't want Tang Yi to misunderstand Tang Fanghua, Tang Mingtian explained quickly.

"Huh? What is all this going on? Brother Mingtian, can you tell me?" Tang Yi said.


Just as Tang Mingtian was about to speak, he suddenly thought of something and immediately closed his mouth again, shaking his head towards Tang Yi.

It seemed that he was unwilling to tell Tang Yi the truth.

Seeing Tang Mingtian's appearance, Tang Yi frowned and said, "Brother Mingtian, I don't care what happens to Tang Fanghua. I just want to know what is going on and who is doing anything to our Tang family. I want to know where my father is now, whether he is alive or dead. If Tang Fanghua has nothing to do with this matter, then I will not embarrass her. So please tell me the truth, this is very important to me. Moreover, because I called you Brother Mingtian, and because you are still a member of the Tang family, you should seek justice for your brothers, sisters, uncles, and aunts of the Tang family. For the sake of helping you redeem your life, I will let you tell these things. Tell me the truth, it’s not too much to think about, right?”

Hearing this, Tang Mingtian was slightly startled and said in surprise: "Did you help me redeem my body?"

"Of course, my husband redeemed your body for you, brother Mingtian, long time no see."

At this time, Tang Yi hadn't spoken yet, and Binglian on the side spoke.

While speaking, she gently lifted off the hat, then took off the veil, revealing her beautiful face. "Who are you……"

Tang Mingtian was slightly surprised when he saw Binglian showing his face.

Although Binglian has grown into a big girl in more than a year and has undergone tremendous changes and become more beautiful, her outline and facial features are still there, and Tang Mingtian naturally recognizes her.

Seeing Bing Lian, Tang Mingtian was immediately surprised and said: "You are Lian'er! Tang Lian! Weren't you taken back? Why are you with Tang Yi? And... what did you call Tang Yi just now? Husband? You are getting married. Already?"

Tang Mingtian was particularly surprised when he heard Binglian calling Tang Yi husband.

After all, he had heard a little bit about Binglian's origin.

He knew that Binglian's origins were extremely distinguished. Even the royal family of the empire was not as noble as Binglian.

Even the king of the empire cannot compare with Bing Lian's status.

In short, Tang Mingtian knew that Binglian's origin was very terrifying and not accessible to ordinary people at all.

Back then, Binglian's family also took Binglian back.

Tang Mingtian knew all this.

But at this moment.

This person with such a noble status got mixed up with Tang Yi.

Moreover, Tang Mingtian was not surprised when he called Tang Yi his husband.

Hearing Tang Mingtian's words, Binglian nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, I was taken back, but my husband found me, so we are together. In addition, we are indeed married. I have now She is your husband’s wife. And not only am I my husband’s wife, but these few here are also my husband’s wives.”

"These people here are all..."

Tang Mingtian was shocked again.

Tang Mingtian was not blind, although the women beside Binglian were all wearing hats and veils, and their faces were completely invisible.

But just by looking at their figures, Tang Mingtian could tell at a glance that these women were definitely top beauties with top-notch beauty.

Beauty of this level is rare to see even in the empire, let alone the Tianxing Domain.

However, at this moment, several people appeared all of a sudden, and these few were actually Tang Yi's wives?

Not only did a noble person like Bing Lian become Tang Yi's wife, there were even several top beauties who became Tang Yi's wives...

Tang Mingtian was really frightened.

He didn't understand what happened in the past year or so. He didn't understand how far Tang Yi had grown?
  How far must one grow to gain Binglian's favor?

To what extent do you have to grow up to be able to marry so many top-notch beautiful women?
  In addition...

At this moment, Tang Ming realized that this was the top floor of Moyun Tower!

On the top floor of Moyun Tower, only those with noble status, extraordinary status or a certain amount of wealth can enter.

However, Tang Yi appeared here...

Just now Tang Yi said that he redeemed his body for him...

Thinking of this, Tang Mingtian was even more surprised.

Secretly, over the past year or so, what happened to that good-for-nothing boy who never fought back or said anything when he was beaten?
  Why such a huge change?

Why has it grown to this point?
  (End of this chapter)

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